Tuesday, January 24, 2023

I needed NODOZ today

 Oscar NOMS! 
So happy for Jamie Lee Curtis and Everything Everywhere!! 


VAnna in Paris in a Monastery looking for Lucy. Renee comes in to lead them to the catacombs. She flirts with Valentin. They go into the Catacombs. Anna goes missing. Renee tries to kiss Valenin...then Anna comes walking up. 

Liz and Laura talking about Liz' mom. Liz wonders if she should forgive her. boring

Nikolas called Liz' mom Caroline to "help with her daughter" and Nik made her promise not to tell Liz he asked her to come. He goes in on her for Liz' childhood and says she'd better do exactly what he says. She asks what it is. He says she should use her talents she used on Liz to erase her memory now. WHY wouldn't he just tell Victor...who has been known to implant other people's memories into each other? I mean??

Maxie and Sam are at The Savoy. Maxie is sad about Britt. They talk about the Hook. boring

Dex tells Sonny he couldn't stay away from Joss. He tells Sonny about NYE. Sonny's like WHY am I just hearing about this now? Dex does tell him Joss went back to his apartment. He says she was only there for a couple of hours, then they went to Kelly's to meet Carly. Sonny: CARLY KNEW??  Dex doesn't tell him the whole truth for sure. 

Joss tells Cam not to tell anyone about her and Dex because of what Sonny might do. (but Dex already told him ahhahahaha) Joss says that Cam wouldn't hurt someone else on purpose. He says maybe you don't know me so well. OH! He reads her big time!! Says he's not going to 'save" her boyfriend AND he hopes Dex cheats on her someday. He also says that they are in NO WAY friends.  He finally says he won't tell anyone because he's a better person than she is..

They find Lucy in the Catacombs tied up


  1. I am glad Lucy was found on their first trip but ANYONE knows NOT to go inside a gate - they are WSB people.......cause LIPS is gonna close that door, right? (Wow, her lips are odd looking......)
    ----I think it's funny that people complain that Joss is a Carly mini-me.....she is supposed to be cause Carly is her mother! It would be odd if she wasn't?! and I still like Joss and Cam scenes - who among us hasn't heard or spoken, "I hope in time we can still be friends."......LOL
    -----so AGAIN Sonny is checking up on Dex? Brick found nothing??? I really wish Dex had told Sonny the whole truth......but Sonny saying 'That is what I used to say---you're doing great and will go far', I heard in my head that music - duh duh duh --------not gonna end well...
    -----Nik won't give up with Caroline - maybe blackmail is coming???? CLEARLY the writers are making Nik a horrible person so we will ALL be glad to see him go.

  2. I thought Marcus came through today as Nik. I liked what he said to her about him being there for Liz. (but left out that she thought Jake died and she wasn't there for that either. Ha or any of her weddings, divorces, etc).

    Sam's lips must have just been refilled. She looked like a Bratz doll. Please writers give Kristen Storms something to do. This girl can act.

    I would rather Cam turn dark than act like he did today, but that's just me. Love the actor and love Eden too. Like others have mentioned where is Trina in all this?

    1. "Linda says, I would rather Cam turn dark than act like he did today,"

      What do you mean? He acted like he was hurt. I thought the actor did a great job conveying that. :) I mean he just found out she cheated on him with Dex.

    2. I guess it would just be more interesting for him to turn dark. Nice guys finish last esp on soaps sadly.

    3. "Linda says I guess it would just be more interesting for him to turn dark."

      Ohhhhh. Yes it would. :)

      "Nice guys finish last esp on soaps sadly."

      Poor Cam. :(

  3. My gut tells me Carolyn will go to see Esme at Spring Ridge, Heather will see her and Carolyn will be the next "hook" victim, amping up the drama for Liz who will be distraught that she never mended fences with her mom.

  4. Paris/Monastery:

    Vanna: Anna is all jelly haha. :) Oh there is Renee!! Now let's get on with finding Lucy!

    Port Chuckles:

    Joss's dorm room: What happened to that name plaque on the door? Trina's name is butchered!

    Joss and Cam: Cam wins the line of the day.

    Cam: Excuse me? What?!

    ROFL! Oh Joss stop!!!! Enough! And Cam don't cry over her! Just leave! And go find Spencer and tell him he is right!!! I just want to hug Cam! Love the things he said to her! Love angry Cam! :)

    Joss calling Dex: Oh geez. Now she is whining about how Cam treated her!! You deserve it Joss! You didn't expect Cam to not be all angry? He has every right to be angry at you.

    Sonny's home:

    Dex and Sonny: The green beans on the table are bored and are asleep.


    Carolyn and Nik: Yeah this scene makes no sense.. Yeah why isn't Nik asking Victor for help? The green beans on Sonny's table are bored and fell asleep again.

    Nik: I am a better friend than you are a parent.

    She should have slapped Nik in the face for that comment.

    The Savoy:

    Sam and Maxie: Awww I like that Maxie realized that life is short and decided to call Sam to get together! Hmmm. Why aren't they at the ax throwing club? Did Sam invite the Tribbles or the green beans on Sonny's table to go out of town with her and Dante?


    Renee and V.C.: DAMN! This girl is thirsty! She wants V.C. badly! Get off of him bitch! He is taken! Oh hi Anna!!! :)

    Renee and Vanna: LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oops forgot one thing.


      Laura and Liz: Was Liz just about tell Laura about Vampira and keeping her at the tower at Wydnemere before Cam showed up? And yes Cam is trying too hard. Hopefully Spencer walks in and then Cam can tell him about what he saw!

    2. I was sooooo happy to see Lucy. She's been gone way too long. Enjoyed Cam reading Joss the riot act, and really he needs to go find Spence and spill all. I really don't care about Dex. The actor is fine, but the character, nah, move it along already.
      Anna needs to bonk that French lady in the nose, and Valentin too for that matter. He seemed to enjoy being all up close and personal with Frenchie.
      I'm ready for the Neener test results now. Why do they delay things so long on this show?
      And the green beans sleeping had me laughing, thanks for that!

  5. Boring today! I noticed Sam had fuller lips today, too. Nik is so evil-they have totally ruined his character so good riddance.

  6. I have a crazy theory. Could Dex be AJ's son and Michael's brother? AJ was away from Port Charles for a long time before he returned and then Sonny killed him. Maybe he had a son and Dex is trying to help Michael bring Sonny down.

    1. It would only worked if they rewrote the timeline. AJ's original death was back in 2005. Meaning, if AJ had knocked up some random woman, the child would only be a teenager (17 vs. The twenty something Dex)

    2. I'm in for this storyline 100%

  7. Ohhh I am TeamCam all the way! So glad they had him stand up to her. He owed HER nothing. She's as disgusting as her mother now. I hope this is setting her up to be more self-aware and not just a carbon copy of her selfish, vile mother. Frank missed out on YEARS of what could have been amazing drama with this fine actress acting out against her mother and the mob. I think we've all had more than enough of the constant Carly/Sonny/Mob worship writing all these years. We definitely DO NOT need to see this with Joss as well.

    1. I agree - she has some nerve making demands of Cam. She is mini-Carly and that is no compliment.

  8. GH, please bring Lulu back! I don't care who plays her, I just can NOT stand Sante anymore! They have zero chemistry and zero plot. Why are they still together? Does Frank Valentini's Mom ship them?!

    I can not wait for GH's 60th, because the show needs to be revved back up to action. The pacing has been in a rut. Nina's bone marrow results has taken days to complete. Lucy was missing for 3 MONTHS (until today). And Curtis and Portia's wedding is TBA.

    The Cameron & Joss split storyline would have been better, if Cameron was equally at fault over the split (I.e. Cameron being too busy with work, barhopping with Spencer, etc.) The writing has made Joss into a bit of a floozy, even if I am on Team Cam.

    And for the Nikolas VS Mrs. Webber spat. Dang. Say what you will about Nikolas being too dark (which I think is fitting for the Cassadine legacy), but Nikolas had a point on Mrs. Webber being a terrible parent (which is also ironic for Nikolas to say LOL!)

    1. I can live without Lulu, but I agreed with everything else you said. And calling Joss a floozy made me laugh, lol! Lucy has been missing too long, I too am Team Cam, and Nik was great yesterday. Nasty, but great!

  9. How could they make an adventure in the catacombs so boring? The old Anna would not stand for Ms. Velcro slime ball climbing all over Val. When the young French lad came to their hotel room Anna acted like she didn't speak French. I was confused about that because in the past she did. And now she does of course. My guess is two different writers for those scenes. Bad.
    Yes, Joss sounds bitchy but she is a typical self centered teen who has found forbidden lust.



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...