Tuesday, January 3, 2023

 Britt is on the docks waiting for her Uber...

Carly gets to the Haunted Star late. Only Dr O and Maxie are there.  And Drew is late too. 

Dr O and Maxie talk about Britt and past life....Peter and Nathan. Yada yada

Carly and Drew kiss on pier 27. Then the talk 

Sam and Dante are back in Kelly's, drinking hot cocoa...Dex comes in. Dante mentions him working for Sonny and he leaves. Dante goes back to talking about Sonny, the mob...justice ugh. whatever.

Trina and Spencer are on the boat deck..cuddling. They think GH gossip will happen fast and people will think they are together. 

Nikolas shows Liz the aftermath of the fire... says he doesn't know where Esme is. Liz says she probably couldn't survive that jump in January and pregnant lol. Nik says they'll never see her again. 

Joss fights off the hooker with in her heels. She does pretty well geesh.. then the hooker gets her a bit in the stomach. Britt comes up behind the Hooker and hits the Hooker with her purse on the head. THEN the Hook gets Britt against the wall and she looks like a gonner and DEX shoots the hooker in the hand !! HOOK runs away!!!!!! 

LATER ON THE BOAT:  Sprina almost kiss and hear someone shivering OMG IT'S ESME!! She's on the HAUNTED STAR!! I jumped a mile!!!!!!!!! WOW!! Spencer and Tri take her to GH and Call LIZ. 

Nik, Liz, Spencer and Trina along with Dante are waiting for the doctor

Britt tells the detective that she was the one that fought off the hook. Dex takes Joss to his place because the cops can't know he shot at the hook with "the gun Sonny gave him" 

Joss and Dex are gonna make love. 

Britta tells her mama she's staying in Port Charles. AND OMG THE HOOK GOT HER with a tiny scratch and IT'S POISON! SHE'S DOWN!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Poison!! Alert!!!!!! 

the HOOKER IS HEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. Very, very disappointed heather is the hook. Shocked when esme showed up!

  2. There has to be two hook(ers). Heather didn't seem to know Esme was even in town when this all started.

    1. Yeah I was thinking that maybe Heather is a copy cat..

    2. That is one of the only theories that works IMO. No need to worry about Britt, if she is ever available, they will find a way to bring her back dead or not.

      Looks like Dex is the new Jason, always there to save the day.

  3. Also it looked like Joss got hooked. Guess not.

  4. At this point does anyone really care who the hookster is? Heather makes sense, almost too much. She and Ryan are quite a team.
    I still do not want Britt to die.
    So glad that Esme surprisingly appeared. So soapy.

  5. Loved the "Back off Bitch" from Britta when she smacked the Hook. I forgot about the poison. Was wondering how she didn't even feel a little scratch like that and it put her out.

    And I thought Joss was punched in the stomach when she was fighting back. She did a great job too. (her ankle healed mighty fast though. lol)

    The filler drove me crazy but at least we have movement and we know who the Hook is. Now how is she going to get bakck to the hospital and explain that bullet wound? Or is she forced to go on the run again now?

    1. and Joss just has one kidney - I thought she was going to be hurt and have to go to the hospital cause of being hit in the stomach....and for what it's worth ---- Jex is so much sexier than Joss and Cam ----just sayin LOL

    2. I forgot about the poison, too. I was yelling "tis but a scratch"! Lol!
      I'm gonna be wildly PO'd if our Britta dies. BAH!

  6. What is Heather's motive? What does she have to do with Trina?

  7. Okay. Why is Heather the hook. Did she know she was Esme's mom all along. Britt needs to live just because I want her back on my screen. Will Esme lose the baby?


    Pier 27:

    Britch waiting for her Uber: I'm thinking oh oh is Britch going to get hooked here?!?!!

    Crew: Geez how many piers are there? Uh I thought you weren't going to kiss out in public.. Someone could see you!!!


    Joss and Hooker: Oh oh Joss falls down. Of course she falls down! It's the old 80's movie trope! :)

    Joss, Hooker, and Britch: Yeah Britch uh calling her a bitch is not going to help the situation! Oh oh! I thought the hooker was going to kill Britch! Thank you Dex, but uh you suck at shooting! ROFL! Did you learn from Sonny's school of shooting? :)

    Joss, Britch, and Dex: I'm so glad Joss and Britch are okay! Dex you are a hero! :)

    Britch, and the cops: What the?! Where is Joss??!!?! Where is Dex? They should be staying there.


    Nik and Liz: Liz wins the line of the day.

    Liz: She did this to herself?!


    Haunted star:

    Maxie and Dr. O: Awww they are having a nice family bonding moment. :)

    Sprina: Man Spencer is so tall that Trina has to look up at him! ROFL! Oh they are gonna kiss! THEY ARE GONNA KISS YAY! Oh oh someone interrupted before they kissed. I thought it was Joss! What the?! Spider monkey?! How did she get there?!

    Sprina and Spider Monkey: Wow Spencer sprung into action! He should be a doctor. :)

    Trina: She's pregnant.

    Well, it's not a watermelon. :)

    The hospital:


    Spencer: The baby is not mine.

    I'm sorry did I miss a scene? Did Trina ask him if the baby is his?

    Trina: I wonder who the father could be.

    Spencer's brain should be turned on like a light bulb and should be thinking hmm well she slept with my dad, so... :)

    Sprina, Nik, Liz, Dante, and Doctor: Man I hope baby Ace is okay!!!!

    Dante and Spider Monkey: She has got a lot of nicknames.. Vampira, Repunzel, Spider Monkey, and many more! ROFL! Hmmm why is Dante so rude?


    Sante: Isn't Sam cold? Brrrrrrr! Geez Dante quit your whining!

    Maxie and Sam: Yes you two care share the same Uber car! :)

    Dex's apartment:

    Jex: Oh of course she is going to be there!!! Whiskey? Don't get drunk Joss and then sleep with Dex! You need to break up with Cam first.. Oooo kissy kissy!

    Dex: Do you?

    Joss: Yes.

    WAIT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! No Zex! You have to break up with Cam first!!! Now that they are having all the zex, Joss REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY needs to break up with Cam! ASAP!

    Haunted star part 2:

    Britch and Mudder: Awww Britch is staying. :) OH NO!! Britch was poisoned by the hook! CRAP CRAP! I DON'T WANT HER TO DIE!!!!!!!!!! SON OF A COW DUNG!

    The pier:

    Hooker: DAMMIT ALL THE HELL! I didn't want Heather to be the hook!!!!! Why couldn't it have been the DA!?!?!?!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I've read all the comments and Heather has GOT to be a copy cat.
      Could have done without Hallmark Hank and the long tall blond. They really slowed down the momentum of the show. Which was great by the way!
      Joss needs to fess up to Cam. This is so wrong on sooooo many levels.
      I liked Dante's scenes. Lots of self awareness (that we all complain is occasionally lacking in many characters!) and I liked what he had to say.

      I said it above, but Britta best not die. If she does, we need to take to the streets!

    3. Hallmark Hank!!!! Brilliant. Spit out my coffee

    4. "Julie H says, I've read all the comments and Heather has GOT to be a copy cat."

      She has to be!!!!!!!!!!!!

      "Could have done without Hallmark Hank and the long tall blond."

      Okay I give up. Who are Hallmark Hank and the long tall blond? Oh wait are you talking about Crew? ROFL!

      "Joss needs to fess up to Cam. This is so wrong on sooooo many levels."

      Yeah we need a scene with them and her breaking up with him finally!

      "I liked Dante's scenes. Lots of self awareness (that we all complain is occasionally lacking in many characters!) and I liked what he had to say."

      Yeah, but he is self aware over and over and over again. ROFL!

      "I said it above, but Britta best not die. If she does, we need to take to the streets!"

      There is no reason for her to die! GAH!

  9. UGH! We had/have tornado weather today - I saw NOTHING!!!!
    question-----WHERE is ANY bodyguard for Joss?????
    ----the fact that the writers are about to kill Britt shows they don't care ---- UNLESS Dr O flies her somewhere to get the antidote - I don't see any spoilers about a funeral - just Dr O decides to take matters in her own hands..
    -----Esme ain't gonna say anything but I don't know why-----Nik needs to be screaming I WANT A PATERNITY TEST NOW!
    -----so Dex shot and left with Joss???? That is stupid too ----- at least Joss coulda stayed but then I guess Jex wouldn't have sex............
    ----I too believe there are/were two hooks - but July 4 Ava was attacked and here we are January and most of us are tired and don't care anymore!!
    ---wish Maxie had mentioned or called Spinelli to say Happy New Year---
    I GOTTA find the episode on YOUTUBE

    1. "Mufasa says, I GOTTA find the episode on YOUTUBE"

      NO! The person makes the screen all screwy. Go here.


    2. This is why I'm glad I can record it every day, mufasa. Things can be checked immediately. If they mumble a word you can rewind and put the closed captioning on. etc,

    3. Daily Motion is great. It's a good copy too

    4. mufasaJanuary 3, 2023 at 4:33 PM


      YOU'RE WELCOME! :)

      "Di says, Daily Motion is great. It's a good copy too"

      Yes it is!!!!

    5. OH MY GOSH _ THANK BOTH OF YOU - just watched it - WHOA what a great episode

    6. mufasa says, OH MY GOSH _ THANK BOTH OF YOU - just watched it"


      "WHOA what a great episode"

      YES! It is!!!! :)

  10. hmmmm Just thinking. When they check Britt's blood for poison will they find something else too? Something that might mimic Parkinson's? (Just hoping)

    1. me too - that they will fly her somewhere for more tests and find out the truth....

  11. Question. If Heather is the hookster then why hasn't she gone after Liz? Remember when she showed up at GH and ranted to Finn about what a whore Liz was because she wasn't mired in grief about Franco. I would have thought Liz would be up at the top of Heather's kill list. Or is Ryan choosing the victims?

    1. For the same reason she didn't go after Cameron. They were Franco's family and he loved them.

  12. Has anyone thought that (by accident) Britt will be the one to save Willow? She is her cousin, yes?

  13. Nice surprise with Esme. Dex has gotten more attractive and sexy but Joss still looks like a young teen. Maxie had some garish makeup on again and her hair was a mess, but her outfit was nice. Who wears heels and sandals in the snow? Californians, of course.

    1. Everytime I see Maxie I say out loud, "brush your hair" and cover the roots

    2. Garish is an understatement. Once upon a time I did make up makeovers and hers is really bad. It was hard to look at her.

    3. And everytime there is always some sort of body shaming. Yeah...I know...it's hair or makeup, or clothes or shoes or the general cut of her jib. Please leave the poor actress alone. We love her just the way she is.

    4. This is not body shaming. It is not about the actress. So stop. It is the job of the make up and wardrobe departments to make these actors look their best.

    5. Tell that to the actress. https://original.newsbreak.com/@cheryl-e-preston-1594046/2795703128691-general-hospital-actress-kirsten-storms-continues-to-move-forward-in-spite-of-adversities-just-like-her-character-maxie

    6. Again, her make up is not her. It is something applied to the face to enhance someone's looks, especially on camera. You are misinterpreting our comments.

    7. look how great oprah has always looked. again its wardrobe and makeup artist

    8. We can always hope that she becomes the fashionista again. This isn't body shaming - we want Maxie to look great! Some of the choices for her hair and makeup are just so bad and certainly not her fault.

    9. Exactly. I really like when the businesses on GH are tied in to the stories. The magazine, the makeup, Ava's gallery etc. We seemed to have left that for the time being. And it's time for Lucy to come home.

  14. I rewatched parts of the show and when I got to the end with Heather holding her bloodied hand I was thinking..."Oh no. I hope they haven't let the immature middle schoolers loose in the writing room again." I had visions of them saying..."hey..Why don't we take Heathe'rs hand too and then she and Ryan can sit side by side with their hooks..OMG OMG...That would be sooo funny. " ... That would be beyond jumping the shark. That would be surfing the shiver..... I need chocolate ....and coffee....and a long nap now.

  15. My local ABC is carrying our Gov. being sworn in and the blahblahblah that follows it all. Darn.



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...