Thursday, January 5, 2023


 The show jumps a day, I swear. It's like a whole day after Britt died? 

Nikolas is all of a sudden at the PCPD with Dante. Dante wonders if he helped Esme with getting away and hiding. Maybe the killings? 

Esme wakes up..Liz is her nurse. She's handcuffed to the bed. She still doesn't remember. Kevin comes in. She says "I KNOW YOU"! She says he's familiar but can't place it. He mentions Spencer, Nikolas and his twin brother, Ryan. 

Curtis and Portia at the coffee corner. She's sad about Britt. Curtis bought her a plant for "new beginnings' LOL um, ok? 

Brad, Maxie and Nina are at Britt's room to pick out something for her to wear. Maxie and Brad promise to honor Britt's wish that they become friends.  Nina tells them she had Huntington's. 

Dr O is packing up Britt's office. Austin walks in. They talk about Britta. 

Felicia goes to the Q horse house and tells Cody.  He's sad. 

Heather and Ryan talk. Her wrist is bandaged. He says she has to confess to save their daughter. She says she has to kill again to let the PCPD know it's not Esme.  She says she's doing this to protect her daughter and to get the heat away from her. So maybe she's only done the last few? 

UGH my TV went on the fritz..well, my streaming company did, I only saw 1/2 of it


  1. bizarre editing - can't wait for you to watch it all because Perry S is so good/sad...
    ----Nina telling Maxie and Brad was too dramatic for me ------
    -----Kevin says Esme isn't faking - HOW can he say that with a straight face? at least Liz doesn't trust her.....but Dr O is gonna scare Esme!!
    ----Austin with Dr O was very sweet------ Kristina Wagner is so gorgeous and her interaction with Cody was very moving.....
    ----Heather knows now that Esme is pregnant but I don't think Ryan knows Esme is in the hospital????? and for sure she didn't hook all the victims - Ryan didn't even ask her....or angry that she first hooked Ava which is a huge clue...
    -----at least in the previews Joss tells Carly Britt is dead because of her....
    disappointing editing/writing ------
    STILL DON'T understand why Nik isn't asking for a DNA test.....

    1. You wrote everything I was going to say. For the first time I liked Cody due to Felicia. I can't say enough how much I've enjoyed Kristina Wagner these past few months, and she can cry at the drop of a hat. And gorgeous doesn't cover it, lol!
      I wondered too, why Ryan wasn't ripping up Heather about hooking Ava. I'm disappointed that she's the hook. Still hoping she's a copy cat.

  2. Police station:

    Nik and Dante: Gee I didn't know it was illegal to have an affair! I am so confused with this scene. Did we miss a scene or something? Why does Dante think Nik helped Spider Monkey kill people?

    Cowboy Cody's home:

    Felicia and Cowboy Cody: Cowboy Cody seems drunk. Does he know that Britch died? Oh wait no he doesn't and no he isn't drunk. Then what the hell was that about? Awww she wants to hug him awwww!

    Central Perk:

    Purtis: Yeah Karen good question. Did Curtis steal that plant on the wall? ROFL! Boy they better get married now before someone else gets hooked!

    Spa Jail:

    Heathan: I knew it!!!! Heather is a copy cat!!!! :D So who is the REAL hook killer? The DA? The nanny? Oh yes have a house with a family that consists of, Heathen, Spider Monkey, baby Ace, and Ava! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Heather wins the line of the day.

    Heather: I like wire hangers.


    Britch's hotel room:

    Maxie, Nina, Brad and the camera guy: Hey who is that guy? Where the hell is Poptart Smalls and slimy Jim Carey?! I miss them!

    Maxie, Nina, and Brad: Well, it's okay Nina tells them that Britch has huntingtons disease.. I mean why not? Britch is "dead" now. Brad is so upset he made me cry! :(

    Maxie and Brad: Brad is all yelly!! All he wants is just HER! GAH! Made me cry again! Maxie and Brad arguing over Britch's funeral outfit is funny! :D

    The hospital:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Dr. O: Hmmm. Has anybody noticed that Dr. O doesn't ever say her daughter is dead or passed away.. She keeps using the word gone.

    Dr. O alone with Britch's work coat: Hmmmmmmm?

    Doc and Spider Monkey: Hmmmm. Is Spider Monkey faking? Doc would know! :) Boy Jon Lindstrom is doing double duty today! :)

    Marty and Spider Monkey: Marty?!!?! What are you doing here? Ohhhh you are Spider Monkey's lawyer now?! Oh I like this! Who hired him I wonder. Oh wait! Judge Holloway did!!! :D

    Liz and Spider Monkey: Yes Spider Monkey if you are lying about having amnesia Liz will know! :D

    Marty and Nik: Ooooo. Nik got Judge Holloway to appoint Marty as Spider Monkey's lawyer.. Me likey!!! :)

    Dr. O and Spider monkey: Oh oh!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Wyndemere* The bacchanalia!!! When Katherine fell from the parapet! :)

    1. Line of the day was perfect, again! The younger generation (I'm sure) didn't get the Joan Crawford/hanger reference. I hooted!
      Love the idea of Marty being Esme's lawyer, most excellent choice!
      Maxie and Brad made me teary eyed and Nina didn't honk me off so that was good!
      And like I told Mufsa, Felicia made me like Cody for the first time. HELP ME! Lol!

  3. Whatever they have planned for Avery's Esme I'm in. The actress is so talented I want her to stick around as long as possible. One of the most fun villan's especially for someone so young.

    1. I totally agree with you. Avery is in the category of the young Genie Francis and the young Rebecca Herbst. I look forward to her scenes.

    2. 100 percent agree. She has made the character must-see. Every show needs a character that drives story and makes you wonder what he/she is going to do next. Avery Pohl has captured that perfectly. The last time the show had a character like this was Nikki Langton played by Camille Cooper who had that same sweet saccharine appearance and delivery while plotting behind everyone's backs. Even the second Heather, played by Mary O'Brien, had the same mannerisms. She wasn't out and out a psychotic maniac like Heather has been turned into over the years.

    3. I agree too! Avery is must see every day, and so much talent! Love her interactions with Liz.

  4. It's like they decided to not show an episode.
    If Esme is faking it why would she show any recognition when she saw Kevin. Even though she is a natural faker.
    I could see Heather hooking Ava out of jealousy. Especially the irony of the hook. But I don't think she was at Spring Ridge back then.

  5. I guess Heather is a shape shifter and can keep getting out of the facility that way



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