Friday, January 13, 2023

Chapel Chaos


Nina and Carly...the ONLY people I care about today LOL. Carly finally tells Nina that Nelle isn't her only child. Nina doesn't believe her. Carly tells her about Madeline giving a twin to Harmony. Nina thinks Harmony lied. Carly says she has proof. She tells her about the DNA test. Nina can't believe she did one without her consent. Carly says they are a match for mother and daughter. Nina flashes back to MANY conversations she had with Willow..mostly arguing. Then Carly tells her to GO GET TESTED for the bone marrow. Nina calls her a monster and runs out. 

Drew is telling Michael and all Michael can do is bitch about Nina. Drew finally says Nina should be a match for Willow. Michael is like WHAT!! He goes to tell Willow. 

Joss says she has to leave and SHE ASKS SONNY TO SIT WITH WILLOW!! AHAHA DUH. Sonny tells her what a fighter she is yada yada. Then Michael comes in, Sonny goes out. Michael talks for a bit and Willow wakes up. He tells her what happened. 

Sonny asks Drew what Carly is telling Nina. Drew says NOPE. Sonny tries to bully him. 

Dante and Jordan talk about The Hooker. Oh Joss is at the PCPD now...Dante wans to talk with her. ROBERT DOES too!! They show her video footage, ask if it's her and she's not saying. THEN Diane walks in. Joss tells them she was there but didn't see the Hooker. She's been so busy with a family emergency she couldn't come in. She tells them she doesn't know if the Hook was pregnant or not. 

Joss tells Dante Willow is in the hospital. 

Alexis is visiting Spencer at Sonny's apartment (he's living there now). Talking about stuff. She tells him Esme is no longer considered a suspect in the Hook thing. They talk about Esme's baby and that Nikolas wants sole custody. Then they try to figure out who is close to Esme. He remembers Esme writing to her nanny. I bet Alexis tries to find her. 

Portia/Curtis and Trina talk about the Esme situation. Trina thinks she's not faking her memory issues. Portia is concerned that Trina is hanging around "bad news" Spencer. 


Alexis is going to look for Esme's nanny Maggie

Nina goes into Willow's room and Willow screams at her to get out. 


  1. Quote of the day by Spencer....Hello. Pot Calling Kettle. lol

  2. As we have said before.. Harmony did so much worse to Willow but Nina could save her life. We hear her scream at her to get out. I would be so much more interested and understanding of Willow's POV if Nina was more than just being really annoying to Willow. It's Stupid. Hmm,mm she could save your life, your babies life, uh yeah no matter who offered it, you take it. Let's not forget that Nina is a victim of a horrible thing while in a coma. As bitter as they may taste for some. I think Cynthia will crush the scenes next week. Ha and Michael inpregnanted both of the twinsies! lol

  3. Hahahahaha. That's an appropriate picture! :)

    The hospital:

    Michael and Drew:

    Michael: Don't tell me that Nina is a distant relative!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Michael was so funny in scenes with Drew today. Michael would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Sonny and Drew: Oooooo! Sonny turned on his mob boss mode. Drew wasn't intimidated!!! Nice try Sonny! Hahahaha!

    Nina and Carly: TRUTH BOMB EXPLOSION! :) Love that Nina had flashbacks of her and Willows conversations. :) Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: I don't know why you do the things that you do. Maybe because you are a liar.


    Joss and Sonny: I thought Joss was going to see Dexy poo at first. :) Wow Joss is being so nice to Sonny! Very odd. :)

    Sonny and Willow: Awwww! Sonny! :( Great scene!

    Mildew: That baby bump still looks strange. The prop department didn't fix it yet! Hahaha.

    Mildew and Nina: Calm down Willow! Mama needs to talk to you!

    Sonny's home:

    Alexis and Spencer: It was really nice for Alexis to meet and visit with the green beans on the table. :) Oh yes MAGGIE! I hope Alexis does find Maggie!

    Purtis home:

    Purtis and Trina: Oooo playing cards! I wonder what card game they were playing. Oh of course Trina was distracted by Spencer!! :D

    Portia and Trina: Oh boy! Portia I know you are concerned and worried mama, but don't be crossing the line! Trina don't like that! I love your hair Portia! :D

    Purtis: Curtis knows from experience!!! Listen to him Portia!!!

    Police station/interrogation room:

    Dante, Joss, Jordan, and Robert: AMBUSH!!!!!!!!!!!! OH HELL NO!!!! This was not right, and I am not happy with Dante, Jordan, and Robert today..

    Dante, Joss, Jordan, Robert, and Diane: Diane calls it an ambush too! THANK YOU DIANE!!! And good thinking Joss for calling Diane! Jordan, Dante, and Robert shame on all three of you! What's the matter with you?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1991* Bobbie meets Bill Eckart!

    Sidenote: Did anybody hear that Robbie Knievel died!! At age 60 from pancreatic cancer!

  4. does anyone know why marcus coloma lost his job on GH. and why did kelly thiebald quit.

    1. I don't know about Marcus, but according to an interview/instagram video that Kelly did one reason she left is because she is in love and no longer wanted a long distance relationship from her honey.

    2. And to look for other job opportunities! :)

  5. Hm, Carly did exactly what she hates nina for doing. Sonny didn't wanna know abt his family or his past so nina didn't tell him. Willow said she didn't wanna know abt her birth parents so Carly didn't tell her. Now will millow hold Carly to the same standard they held nina to??

    1. Sadly we all know the answer to that one. If they do it won't be for long.

    2. agree to a point - Harmony made Carly swear she wouldn't tell and Willow did say she didn't wanna know her mom and she hates Nina---so at first Carly did the right thing and she didn't know WIllow was sick.....but lying to Drew was totally wrong and this is gonna be so good and soapy!

  6. They never found Nelle's body, right? That's all I'll say about that.
    That baby bump is hysterical.

    1. I keep waiting for Nelle to show up. Even though Chase identified the body.

    2. "zazu says, That baby bump is hysterical."

      Hahahaha. Yeah it is. :)

  7. still don't understand NO ONE asking for a paternity test for Esme.....only three options IF it is Nik's baby: she keeps the baby and Nik leaves the show last of January - the baby dies - Nik takes the baby somewhere ---- and in the midst is Ryan and Heather being grandparents of this kid?????I think Esme is faking but maybe the writers want her to stay and this changes her and a year from now she will remember....
    ------IF Willow is on Carly's side and isn't mad at her/still hates Nina and Michael IS mad at Carly - and Sonny is mad at Carly----- I am DOWN for that family drama----
    ----read that Laura W said they had great fun filming these scenes - very well done.....

  8. This was the only way to redeem Nina...what she did to Sonny and his family with Nixon Falls was so messed up that there was no other way to get the audience who hated her on her side.

  9. I am on her side. For some sick soapy reason. Didn't like what she did but lord help me I like them together.

    1. "Linda says, I am on her side. For some sick soapy reason."


  10. Loved Portia's outfit today and Diane's coat

  11. Joss is an entitled elitist just like her mother. She had very little remorse over Britt dying for her. Still don’t understand why all involved weren’t tested to be a donor. Also, why isn’t Esme being given hypnosis or something for amnesia? Willow is uncontrollably hateful-she and Michael make the perfect couple. We’ve seen that look on Carly’s face so often. No redeeming her.

    1. "LSV422 says, She had very little remorse over Britt dying for her."

      That's not true! She had a lot of remorse.. Didn't you see that scene with Dex when she had survivors guilt? :)

    2. Haters gotta hate, sonya. They see what they want. She definitely felt remorse and that scene with Dex was very moving.

    3. "Di says, Haters gotta hate, sonya. They see what they want."

      She must have not watched that scene.

      "She definitely felt remorse and that scene with Dex was very moving."

      Yeah he helped her out a lot. He has been there and didn't want her to go through what he went through.

    4. Please stop calling the posters here "haters". Expressing an opinion that is different than yours is not hating. Some of these characters actually deserve to be hated anyway. It's the way you say it. Thanks.

    5. I see I'm only allowed to say I agree even when someone is hating on a character when they haven't done what is stated. She did have remorse. Skip it if you want but don't say she didn't. I'm not an "I agree" person so I'll just leave you to spread "the love" of all our GH characters. Not allowed to disagree if you're me.

    6. zazu...
      hater -a person who greatly dislikes a specified person or thing.

      I have used the word correctly. Don't like the "way I say" my opinion. Skip it.

    7. A comment about Joss not showing remorse doesn't mean she's hated. No problem ever with your opinions or anyone's here. But if I did I would just not say anything at all. So skip it.

    8. About Joss...she is more concerned about covering for Dex than she is remorseful. IMO.

    9. The original post that I replied to called her an entitled elitist before adding that she showed no remorse. That shows what she thinks of the character. And you're right she wanted to cover for Dex and that's what led to her going and leaving Britt, and the reason for her remorse after wards. I don't care who hates who but I'm the one who seems to be getting jumped on every time I disagree.

    10. I was commenting on Joss’s attitude at the police station. She was very nonchalant about what happened, regardless of how she reacted with Dex. We don’t need our comments interpreted as far as being a hater or not. We are here as a friendly group to voice our opinions.

  12. this is the second child carly kept secret of nina's


    Diane Miller Karaoke. Miss the karaoke days

    1. Thanks for that Lindie. I miss all these fun scenes too. We definitely need more karaoke.



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