Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Scout Turns One

I did watch half today-- 

Julian sent a giant bear to Scout's birthday. Molly and Sam are pissed.  They think it's to butter up to Alexis. 

Mike to Michael "I won't be able to remember one day, you'll have to remember for me" SOBBING. I love Max Gail in this!! 

Julian's.. all this crud about Charles' Street. That I don't care about it anymore. He's done something and then calls for a hazmat team??  Oh the sewer is backing up--THANKS Harvey. No party for the kids

Ava dropped the charges.... she wrangled a bargain with Ava. Using a kid hostage. Kiki calls her out on it. Ava's like: Sorry, not Sorry. 

Carly's telling Mike's girlfriend that he has Alzehimer's. Rita's  not going to take care of him with the disease-- she's a bartender, they are not married and she can't handle it.  I don't blame her. She's leaves. 

Franco and Kevin. Kevin thinks Franco and Drew shouldn't search for the truth together. I can see it now: Ship name: FREW!! or DRANO if you don't like them :) 

END: Franco meets Drew IN THE GH STAIRWELL. I kid you not. LMAO Eesh!! 


  1. lol I think Drano are both going to have flashbacks in that staircase.

    And as wicked as Ava is I think it was good that Sonny hasn't be able to just talk his way out of everything the last few days with just one of his gangsta looks.The cop said no; Ava said no. Beg like Ava had to when you laughed your smarmy laugh and said no to her seeing her daughter.

    I was disappointed about the dance too.

  2. GH is extremely disappointing these days in so many ways. I can't understand why they start these relationships with people and then cut them off cold turkey (Anna and Andre, Anna and Finn, Finn and Hayden, Finn and Alexis, Jordan and Andre, Curtis and Jordan)..Hayden shouldn't have been let go from GH and that could've been a good storyline, with possibilities OR OK, so Hayden was gone. Why oh why did they entertain a relationship with Finn and Anna (who are so very good together) and then KAPUT. In only my opinion, Alexis and Finn do not fit. They had a real beginning and middle to a real possible romance- a wonderful progression- and then suddenly NOPE. Then the firing of Genie Francis. It shows immaturity and lack of vision. Darn it. Anyways, another thing I have been wondering, nobody tells Alexis to breathe anymore. Sonny always used to tell her to breathe (and go get her a paper bag). I miss that. Just reminiscing a bit.

  3. Looks like Genie and Tristan are headed back to GH for a story arc. YAY!!! Not sure if she'll be on contract or not. Anyone know any more info?

  4. Please just tell me SOMETHING STOPS the Liz and Franco wedding!!! Still hanging on for either Liason or the return of Jonathan Jackson as Lucky for L&L2. Not Franco with Elizabeth!!!!!

  5. On another note, I think it will be revealed that Franco was trying to protect Drew by locking him in the box, and making him go down the stairs. I am sure he was protecting him from the sleazy guy Now in Port Charles who was dating Betsy. I am sure that man was abusing/molesting the children. Just an idea. This would make Franco A hero and not a killer. I have no problem with redeeming Roger Haworth – I just don't want his character with Rebecca Harpst Elizabeth.

  6. AMC, I am SURE that will be the SL with Franco, he was protecting Drew from that guy.

    And did someone say Genie is coming back! Be still my heart, this would make me SO HAPPY!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "KT4GH said...nobody tells Alexis to breathe anymore. Sonny always used to tell her to breathe (and go get her a paper bag). I miss that. Just reminiscing a bit"

    Yeah I miss Sonny saying that to her too.

    "AMC GH said...On another note, I think it will be revealed that Franco was trying to protect Drew by locking him in the box, and making him go down the stairs. I am sure he was protecting him from the sleazy guy Now in Port Charles who was dating Betsy. I am sure that man was abusing/molesting the children. Just an idea."

    I am thinking that too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Paint and Wall's home: Awwww baby Trim is 1 years old! Damn a year already?!!?!?! Happy birthday baby Trim!

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Sonny: Good! Glad Sonny is going to let Ava see her daughter!!!

    Ava and Kiwi: Oh get off your damn high horse Kiwi and shut up! Like you are miss I have never done anything wrong.

    The hospital:

    Kiwi and BobTodd: Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Doc's office:

    Doc and BobTodd: BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Everytime I see Drew he's looking at me and he is all twitchy.

    ROFLMAOPMP! And then he twitches! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Man I love their scenes together!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    CarlyKim, Julian, with a side of Harvey: CarlyKim and Julian are just so cute!!!! Man that Harvey guy I don't trust him!

    Carson's home:

    Rita and Carly: SAD!!!! :( No Rita don't break up with him!!!! Heartbreaking!!! :( Wait does this mean we won't see Rita anymore? I like her!



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...