Monday, October 2, 2017

Take Care

I just can't do GH today-- it all feels so banal. Many people love the distraction. I love to sleep when I'm stressed. 
SO... here's my message to you: 

WUB ya. Sorry I failed today, but sometimes you just have to take care of yourself. It's going to be a long week. 


  1. Sad day, indeed. I need a nap, too.

  2. Take care of yourself, Karen. The show will be there when you are ready. And if it takes a while, or it doesn't happen, it is what it is. Be kind to you. Sending you Wub, too.

  3. I slept but unfortunately I'm not off today so have to go into work. Maybe that's a good thing.

  4. Thanks so much for checking in on me first thing this morning. I normally walk the strip 2x a week for exercise (it is a 5.2 mile round trip walk) and there is a lot to see. People watching can be interesting. I am probably going to walk it tonight. I am sure there will be a lot of talk and interesting stuff on the strip tonight. This is all that anyone was talking about today, as I am sure it was the same way throughout the country and the world.

    I was awaken around 3am with non-stop pings and dings on my phone from people who I havent spoken to in years saying "are you ok?". I had to go to FB to find out what is going on. I enjoy country music, but I got to Fremont St. for all the free bands and music.

    If you look at the overheard shots of the strip and the Mandalay Bay and the concert area, here is a little known fact for you. That concert area? That is where they hold the finals for American Ninja Warrior every June.

    Once again, thanks for thinking of me as part of your extended family and checking in on me this morning. I am fine.

  5. Yeah what happened in Las Vagas is so awful! I don't think I want to do my comments today. :(

  6. Yeah, I heard about it early this morning, shortly before going to bed. A couple hours before that though. I was talking with a friend up in Canada, and they told me, there was something of the sort that happened in Edmonton yesterday also. Even though there was no connection, it's still really disheartening.



Poke The Bear

  I hope some of you watch Neighbours: A New Chapter on Amazon FreeVee it's grand. I don't get mad at it like GH lol.  Sonny goes t...