Friday, January 10, 2020

Who will watch Wiley?

General Hospital:
Nikolas finds Elizabeth. She's like YOU'RE DEAD! "Things didn't go as planned" he says. She hugs him. He's zexy I think. She's mad to find out he's been in town since Sept. HE tells her that he's married to Ava-- She's like AVA? He's like FRANCO? LOL  She tells him that Hayden has a daughter but she's gone. He doesn't tell her Hayden knew he was alive!! 

Michael/Sasha and Brad and Willow. Brad can't find anything. Willow brings him coffee. Michael comes up later and tells him he thinks he should watch Wiley to help Brad out. That way, no nanny and he'll take some time off ELQ. LOL Brad freaks, says no. Says Willow should do it, it's perfect. Willow is like: I teach. Brad pleads. Julian walks up says NOT a good idea. Brad still pleads. Finally Willow says she'll help. 

Crimson: Lucy pitches the new Deception campaign to her, thinking Crimson can partner. BUT! Sasha's face is on the front lol. She offers Nina 5% stake in the company to put Deception at the center of Crimson. Nina is like, ok, but Sasha can't be the face. Then Lucy tells her Sasha is a shareholder LOL Nina @@ . Nina says nope and send Lucy out. Maxie says she will take over the entire Deception part of the magazine. Lucy calls Sasha to come over. Sasha tells Nina she's being stupid about all this. Maxie comes up with a plan..and Nina says she'll consider it. 
Lucy likes the way Maxie handled things. Tells her to maybe give her a call if she wants different work .

Juilan and Sonny talk about the docks meeting. Sonny says he heard that he and Brad were talking about Wiley and Michael. Sonny sayss he'll find out what's up and protect his family. Yada yada. Nothing big happened. 

PCPD: Jordan asks Jason about a truck that went missing. It was found burned out and abandoned. She tells him to take a seat.  She wants to interview the driver.  Jason says to call Diane. She said Diane is going to require a warrant. She thinks someone is trying to take over Sonny's territory.
Curtis comes in, Jason leaves. Curtis was asking about her old friend that died in DC since it upset her so much. He died of a drug overdose. Opiods. His name was BOB. Not sure why this is coming up but there it is.  Jordan calls someone to come to Port Charles ASAP.

Sonny cuts up cheese LOL. 

Tracy is on Monday


  1. definitely chemistry with nik and liz. and nu-nik is hot.

    1. Agreed. But I have to add...or ask, does it feel like Franco is being pushed aside? We haven't seen too much of him since he became Franco and now with albeit hot Nik back I'm nervous that my Friz might be on the on the Fritz??? Thoughts?

    2. I love roger howarth but can't get passed him being Franco. I always preferred franco with nina.and I always loved the fab 4.liz,emily, lucky and nik.

  2. maybe Jordan's friend died of opiods and she is blaming Sonny ALTHOUGH sonny never has done drugs.....this whole storyline is out of the blue and bizarre - Jordan hasn't solved ONE crime in PC but her friend dies and she is going to take down Sonny? I KNEW the truck being hijacked was gonna mean something.

  3. OH, no, she is "going to take down Sonny Corinthos?" Haven't heard that one in a while, forgot that it was the theme of the show for like 20 years. (I haven't watched today yet, but it sounds like that's what people are saying.)

  4. What does a "Mob Boss" do in Port Chuckles if he doesn't do drugs,prostitution,sex trafficking,gun smuggling etc. Does he launder money - is protection still a Mob thing? There are Casinos everywhere so is illegal gambling still going on? Maybe he is into counterfeit money and goods?

    1. Good question! I was wondering the same thing about that. It better not be sleazy but all the above is all that I could come up with.

    2. Sonny is a mob boss who kills people.. He is also a coffee importer.

    3. Oooh! Thank you Sonya! You're always on top of things!

    4. "gracegirl says Oooh! Thank you Sonya! You're always on top of things!"

      You're welcome!! :) Actually I should say he tries to kill people. He can't shoot people from far away. He can shoot and kill them up close. Like for example, AJ!

    5. A few years ago, I joked to my wife that Sonny deals with counterfeit Vermont teddy bears. Now its an ongoing gag with us.

    6. "Brian says, A few years ago, I joked to my wife that Sonny deals with counterfeit Vermont teddy bears. Now its an ongoing gag with us."

      Hahahahaha. Well that's what he deals with then!!!! :) Do you live in Vermont?

  5. I thought Sonny was like into protection or something. Also like illegal goods. Did they ever fully say? I know he had a strip club back in the day

  6. The hospital: Oh boy!!!! Liz you should have answered your phone!! Then Laura could have told you about Nik!!!!

    Liz and Nik: Liz wins the line of the day.

    Liz: You are supposed to be dead.

    ROFL! He is? :) Man that hug between them, was hot!!!! They got chemistry out of the wazoo!!!

    Michael, Willow, Julian, and Brad: Willow don't give Brad coffee when his nerves are shot!!!! Michael wants to be Jonah's nanny? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Geez Brad stop it! Can the truth come out please?!?! I beg of you writers please!!! Are you waiting for February sweeps!?!?!? I don't want Willow to be the nanny I want Michael to be!!!

    Julian and Brad: Don't come around here and second guess me.

    RUDE BRAD!!!


    Lucy, Sasha, Nina, and Maxie: Maxie doesn't know Abbot and Costello? You never heard of them? Yeah right I don't buy that. Love love love Lucy's dress! Before her time? Nina it's before my time and I have heard of them and seen them.

    Nina: Honestly Nina, what I call moving forward, I just call just plain stupid.


    Carson kitchen:

    Sason and Tribbles: Oh look!!! Sonny is cutting up some cheese and salami! !!! He is feeding the tribbles cheese and salami cus they like cheese an salami! :) Who is messing with Sonny's men and truck? Gladys?

    Police station/Jordan's office:

    Jurtis: Bob?!?!!?! Now we got a name!!! Bob. What about Bob? :) LOVE THAT MOVIE! Who is Bob connected to? Gladys maybe?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Sonny and Julian: Awwww bonding over protecting their families. :)

    1. Omgosh! One of my all time Faves! You're a hoot Sonya!

    2. "gracegirl says, Omgosh! One of my all time Faves!"

      What about Bob? Yeah one of my faves too! :)

      "You're a hoot Sonya!"

      Haha thanks. :)

  7. I don't know about the clubs. I can't remember either.

  8. I just want the baby reveal to come soon. Don't really care about crazy a** Nelle being inserted into the story either. Even if Shiloh left her the money & stuff Oscar donated I would think the Qs would have it tied up in probate for as long as possible. Just dying for the fall out from this to be revealed ASAP! I don't know if I would consider Nunik hot. Maybe attractive or handsome but everyone has their own taste. There was a really, really smoldering sexy scene with him & Liz in front of a fireplace at Windermere when she was cheating on Lucky with him that I've never forgotten. So yeah,Ive always thought there's been mad chemistry between them. But,I don't want her to leave Franco or cheat on him with Nicholas. Kind of a boring Friday show but that's ok! Always looking forward to Sunday surgery!

  9. Oops!!! I noticed I made a mistake!!!

    "Nina: Honestly Nina, what I call moving forward, I just call just plain stupid."

    HAHAHAHAHA. I meant Sasha said that. Not Nina! :) Nina saying that to herself. ROFL! Hysterical! :) Shut up Sasha!!!

  10. Sonny has always been opposed to drugs. Prior show Gladys asks what he does. End of this show Sonny says somebody that doesn’t know how I do business. just thinking this all goes together somehow.

    1. Sonny always has been opposed to drugs, other than that, what he does as a mob boss is vague. Because he ended up being the star of the show, they had to make him some sort of a hero, so he is the mob boss who keeps out other mob bosses who would bring drugs, guns, prostitution, etc. As there is not much left, I guess they can't specify what he actually does, other than something vague about "shipping" (which he did before he had the coffee warehouse).

    2. Um, didn’t Sonny give Karen, Scott’s daughter’ drugs and she eventually od’d?

  11. This thing with Anna and Peter bugs me. Anna would not tell Peter what she knows. AND, she should be working with Robert even if he does say "I told you so". Now Peter has the upper hand. I am sure he will do anything to cover his tracks so he can look like the HERO to Maxie

  12. Where is Willow teaching? The hospital? I saw her in their computer system. Why would she leave that to be Wiley's Nanny? I missed all that

  13. Sonya you are a hoot. lol

    Willow being the nanny is a terrible storyline.

    And I'm hoping there's a rift between Maxie and Nina because Nina has always been an entitled so and so but the way she's treating Maxie now is terrible. I hope Maxie leaves and goes with Lucy. Let Nina finally figure out how to run that company herself or go crawling back to Maxie with a better offer and some respect!

    And we've all wondered what Sonny imports besides coffee. The writers have always up-played the "I don't deal in drugs" aspect of Sonny's character as if that makes everything he does all right. They no doubt expect us to believe that he imports fluffy teddy bears that he gives away to orphan children.

    I also noticed that Nina had that half heart out again. I hope they're going to finish that dangling storyline soon too.

    1. "Di says, Sonya you are a hoot. lol"

      Hehehe thanks! :)

      "I also noticed that Nina had that half heart out again. I hope they're going to finish that dangling storyline soon too. "

      Yeah I saw that too!!! Not really sure where the writers are going with this anymore.

  14. I just saw the scene where Valentin is arrested. I actually felt a little bad for him. Anna was great at talking him down. He really does love Charlotte. Also, this is the first time for me seeing Felicia's haircut. Don't like it. Great to see Mac and Flea; it was too brief. The other day I was thinking that if they never put Anna and Robert together (like my fondest wish), they should pair him with Diane maybe. Could be fun.

  15. off topic....



  WELP.. I'm here! Tomorrow I'm off subbing from 8:30-2:30 so soak me up while you can lol  Chase is at the gym, hitting the bag. Fl...