Friday, January 31, 2020

We're Back, Baby


So, hopefully you're catching up on the show. Two episodes have been released to, hulu and you can watch on Facebook. Your local channels may have aired them in the wee hours as well. 
Canada, I beleive we are caught up to where you aired last so you should be getting a new show today.
Those that are on the West Coast have gotten some shows in their regular times. THE PEACH is over Friday-- (then again?? who knows, right?) and we can get back to 'normal' on Monday. 

It's been a hella busy week for me and it's the end of the month today so I plan on catching up this Saturday and posting a "summary" report on Sunday

How did you do during the hiatus? I didn't watch a minute of the politics so I found other things to keep me occupied. I also admit it's hard to jump back in!! See you soon with the updates and such. 


  1. I was SHOCKED! NBC at 1 aired trial turned it to ABC.. REGULAR programming! Giddy! Same at 2. Granted I had to wk at 3 but so happy LOL!

  2. I can't wait to start watching again . . . Hopefully this is it . . .

  3. I hope so! AntJoan you're gonna love Hulu, for more than just GH. 😊

  4. Thanks so much, Michelle, can you tell me what is good about Hulu, I have to make the decision by tonight about whether to D/C or start paying.

    1. I think they have a free trial period so you could try it.

    2. AntJoan, I signed up with Hulu just to watch The Handmaid's Tale - so worth it! And they have other good shows, too.

  5. "THE PEACH is over Friday-- (then again?? who knows, right?) and we can get back to 'normal' on Monday."

    Well, if the witnesses are not blocked, then it won't be over!!!

    "How did you do during the hiatus? I didn't watch a minute of the politics so I found other things to keep me occupied."

    I watched a little, not much.

    "I also admit it's hard to jump back in!!"

    Yeah it's going to be strange watching GH on tv again. Well, we had a taste of what will happen when GH gets cancelled someday. Maybe that's why they did it. Hmmm.. Well as it turns out, I will be just fine.

    1. 😂😂😂I think I feel the same Sonya. I love it,I've missed it at times but I also found myself not really putting much thought into it. If this makes any sense! Lol! And, I've gotten into alot of great books! The only SL that I was hoping I wouldn't miss is the baby reveal. Looks like they finally figured out to put the trial on thier sister channel today so GH can air. Why haven't they done this all along? Here it's 5.1 is regular and 5.2 is sister. Check in later Wubbers! Enjoy the show wherever you are!

    2. "gracegirl says, 😂😂😂I think I feel the same Sonya. I love it,I've missed it at times but I also found myself not really putting much thought into it. If this makes any sense! Lol!"

      ROFL! It makes complete sense! I feel the same way! :)

      "And, I've gotten into alot of great books!"

      Awesome! What books?

      "The only SL that I was hoping I wouldn't miss is the baby reveal."

      I can't wait for it!!!!

  6. Yay! So glad it’s back; watched online.

  7. I watched the trial and drove my blood pressure up

    1. Oh dear! Well, that just tells you to stop watching it!!! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...