Wednesday, January 22, 2020

AGAIN TODAY--which is why ABC needs to have an upload every day to keep it in order. 
You can watch it on this site Daily Motion US. It's a French sharing site but it has tons of TV shows up same day!! 

SPOILERS AHEAD if you don't want to know, don't hit the break: 

What happened on yesterday's show? I know because the Canadians tweeted it live for us!! 

Shooting at the docks--Laura is down, so is Carly--not sure if they are both shot or just fell down? LOL 

Nelle is going to move into the Q mansion where Michael can keep and eyeball on her

Sasha is moving in the Q mansion too. 

Lulu's going to file a restrainting order against Val..who had his charges dropped. 

Yesterday was also when Nikolas saw Spencer.  Spencer told him off. 

That's it so far!! Have a good one and we'll see ya when we see ya! 


  1. I pondered this - and to SUDDENLY have a mob storyline HAS to mean this is about Gladys and her being paid to infiltrate Sonny's business. It came out of nowhere and she is STILL in the house and asking about the coffee business.....SO I will give this a pass IF this is tying in Gladys but if not, then this is STUPID to suddenly have a mob storyline with no reason after MONTHS of Sonny's storyline about Mike, which we all love.....
    and Taggart DID know that Sonny never ever dealt drugs....
    I know I am in the minority, but I am fast-forwarding everytime Nelle is on screen. It is ridiculous that this 20 year old psycho has the power she has with Sonny's connections and QUartermaine's connection. I never like an actress who LEAVES and then wants to come back, when the other actors on the show are there day after day getting it done.....
    is Ryan Carnes on another show - I know he's in a coma, but just never show him.

    1. i agree with everything you said.

    2. I need the Gladys thing to play out. I personally found it exciting for once (the mob thing) its' better than Sonny cutting up cheese cubes in front of that moss. You KNOW I LOVE Nelle!! OMG She's so soapy!! They also don't know about Wiley yet. I also think Chloe was asked back --not the other way around.

    3. Could be, but she's said that she lives just down the street and would love to come back anytime. I mean, why leave in the first place then? Did she realize that the grass wasn't greener?

  2. "mufasa says, I pondered this - and to SUDDENLY have a mob storyline HAS to mean this is about Gladys and her being paid to infiltrate Sonny's business. It came out of nowhere and she is STILL in the house and asking about the coffee business.....SO I will give this a pass IF this is tying in Gladys but if not, then this is STUPID to suddenly have a mob storyline with no reason after MONTHS of Sonny's storyline about Mike, which we all love...."

    Yeah I agree 100% This has to tie in with Gladys or this makes no sense!!

    1. Has too, cause she's annoying as Hell. Why else would she be there? LOL

  3. "You can watch it on this site Daily Motion US."

    YAY!!!! :)

    "It's a French sharing site but it has tons of TV shows up same day!!"

    It is?!!? I didn't know that. Cool!

  4. I think the Disney channel should make some provisions for airing GH late at night for recording when these live political broadcasts take over for an extended period of time. Or stream it for the fans because they are killing the show.

    1. They should cause this is ridiculous, this makes day 3!

  5. Little Emma Drake will be back in February. Maybe not so little like Spencer

    1. Yeh she's not little anymore. She's 13 now.

    2. Yeah she is going to be 14 in April. :)

  6. Well, I don't know what to do now that the impeachment seems to be dragging on. Are they just holding all of the shows? Will they air them? Should I try to watch them elsewhere, or wait for them to air? What are others doing?

    1. Hi AntJoan! I'm just waiting for them to air, or show up on Comcast On Demand. I do read Karen's spoilers and Sonya's recaps.

      Peaches is on again in my area at 1 pm today, GH is on at 2. GH delayed another day, I guess.

    2. ABC is being stupid. Other channels air them late at night and drop them on the streaming services. They are catering to the 2% of viewers who don't have the ability to watch online OR RECORD late at night. Makes NO sense. At least they stopped airing them in Canada after Tuesday or everyone would have been messed up

    3. I think, THINK DAYS is airing theirs...but I could have read that wrong. I read the article on Google.

    4. I totally agree! There are so many outlets available, why hold back the episodes. Most people already don't watch the TV airing anyway. There must be one reason...$$$. Just like everything else these days. Kudos to NBC and CBS.

    5. What makes it even more stupid, kd, is that the ep from Tuesday has aired in Canada so it's obviously out there and people will find it. If they played it later at night and people recorded it at least it would count as viewers for the ratings.

  7. I was wrong. After the afternoon news they went straight into the trial instead of DAYS. 🙄



I need another break- sorry!!!