Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Giant kudos to @SoapJenn on Twitter!! These are amazing. I am loving the Dolly Parton Challege GH Style!

Another day and NO GH. Like I keep saying, ABC should buy a clue from NBC and get it up online!! There's no reason not to--it's just dumb. In the meantime, I started watching the British soap Hollyoaks which is on Britbox and Hulu. OMG so good!!! It's very fast paced and just soapy fun. I started with this January and dove right in. 

Kimberly and me
Kim and Finola at the DGA awards 

It seems Finola has her first directing debut out! It's "Good Trouble" on Freeform. You can catch her episode Wed at 10pm/est. 


  1. There's also no reason why they can't let us know in advance that it won't be on. They not just plain lazy, it shows how little they care about the GH fans.

  2. Dr.O is the best. She adds such humor to the show.

  3. In NY today the 3pm slot was free. Why show a repeat when they could have shown a new show ?

  4. I started watching Good Trouble yesterday, it's pretty good. GH was on today and yesterday here in San Antonio but BOO...repeats. 🙄🙄

  5. Pure laziness. At one they had the hearings instead of DAYS but by 230 when I turned it to ABC it was regular programming. So they could have aired a new episode.

  6. In the Detroit area, the trial was on until 2:20, George S. and the talking heads went on and on for 35 minutes, then 5 minutes of commercials, and lo-and-behold the Kelly Clarkston show came on right at 3 pm like it usually does. Not enough eye roll and angry face emojis to express my opinion!

  7. YES they are holding up the shows for ONE TINY demo on the east coast in the 2 pm slot who CAN'T WATCH ONLINE OR DVR it.
    I mean, even my mother who's in her 80s watches shows on line.

    1. Is't it the eastern timezone that's affected? That would include the state of Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, part of Indiana, part of Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, part of Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia.

  8. They are not going to show GH until this is done. It's not like they haven't made bad decisions in the past. OLTL.
    On the GH FB thread someone said that they decided to stop watching GH and do something better with that time. I couldn't help but laugh thinking how that 37 minutes could be beneficial.
    In the Dr. O thing above, who is wearing the Beetlejuice costume?

  9. UPDATE: GH just announced that they will air a new show today in areas not affected by the trial. It will be available online for everyone after 8:00pm tonight. YAY!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...