Monday, January 20, 2020


A blast from the past! Stay tuned...

Our wubqueen is a little busy today. This is the blog for Monday.
Post your little hearts out and discuss the show below.
She will be back tomorrow!


  1. Impeachment trial starts tomorrow @1pm Eastern time; here we go again.

  2. Well I guess that's it for the rest of the week.

    Anyone else think Gladys has a hand in this incident with Sonny's truck? Maybe "dead" Brando hit it thinking there was drugs in it . Now Gladys wants a look at the coffee warehouse...casing it for a heist perhaps? ( I don't understand why Sonny didn't just tell her to go home while he was away with Mike.

    Sorry I really sick of Nelle. And now she's at the Q's to keep her away from Wiley, but there's a whole house full of lost babies there. I guess they don't count. Their parents probably wouldn't know if they were missing anyway. lol

    I was hoping that Willow would see that heart today and some secrets would drop, But no. Tht's probably for next years November sweeps.

    And little psycho Charlotte is definitely a Cassadine.

    1. Yeh when Char cut up Sasha's
      Gladys and Nelle getting on my nerves, someone needs to let Ryan out of P-ville to off them both.

  3. Was it me or when Nina told Sasha to come into her office she called her Miss Tate? Gladys is up to no good.

    1. Ok, I thought she said come into my office Miss Tate. Thanks!

    2. Yes, she told Sasha to come into her office, and said "Miss Tate" to acknowledge Willow.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "COMING SOON A blast from the past! Stay tuned..."

    Huh?!?!! :) What, is the original person who owned this blog coming back for a visit? :) I never "met" that person!! :)

    Brucus home: Ohhhhhhh! Nelle holding Jonah!!!!!! I really don't like Nelle's dress.

    Nelle, Jonah, Brad, Michael, and Chase: Hahahahaha. Nelle is making everyone freak out hahahahahhahahaha!

    Michael, Brad, and Chase: HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Michael is freaking out all over Brad!


    Jax and Nina: I want Nax dammit!!!!!

    Charlie: Oh my my my!!! Her cutting up a picture of Sasha with a creepy evil smile!!!! :)

    London school:

    Spencer and Ava: Spencer is unrecognizable!!!!!!! :) He is growing up!!! Well Nicholas Bechtel is going to be 15 next month! :) I love that Ava asked Spencer for forgiveness!!!

    Spencer and Nik: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :( Great scene!!! Then when Spencer found out Nik stayed away for 3 years, oh boy! PISSED OFF CITY!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jax and Laura: Awww I'm glad Laura forgave Jax for not telling her about Nik being alive.

    Jax, Laura, and Gladys: Uhhh what in the hell?!!?! Gladys why are you sniffing around Jax and Laura?!!?! Man she has GOT to be FBI or some other alphabet soup!

    Chillow, Michael, and Sasha: HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA. Willow freaking out over Nelle! I love it!! :)

    Sasha, Willow, and Nelle: Nelle wins the line of the day.

    Nelle: Willow! To think I wouldn't run into a friendly face.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Then Sasha is rude to Nelle hahahahhaha! All Nelle wanted was to shake Sasha's hand! ROFL!

    Police station:

    Taggart and Jordan: WOW!!!! They have got a ton of chemistry!!!! And she was alive in her scenes with him!! He picked her up!!! :) Oh! She asked how his wife is!! HE USED TO BE MARRIED!!!?!?!?!! :0 He has been divorced for years.

    Sidenote: GH PROMO!!! Winter Super Tease

    HOLY COW! Now THAT is a promo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    1. "Di says, AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

      Hahaha. What?!!? :)

    2. Wow, quite a promo! Thanks for sharing! That all is supposed to be THIS week???? Well, even it was supposed to be, we will be lucky to have even one more GH this week. . .

    3. "AntJoan says, Wow, quite a promo! Thanks for sharing!"

      Haha yeah it is!!! :) You're welcome! :)

      "That all is supposed to be THIS week????"

      Yeah probably and we are going to miss it. :(

      "Well, even it was supposed to be, we will be lucky to have even one more GH this week. . ."

      Yeah. :(

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thanks again @sonya for the recaps. That promo was something! All of that is for happening this week!? I can't wait to watch.

  6. We already know that Charlotte is not a nice little girl. She could be very bad.
    Bet Gladys' son is alive and well, if she even has one. Totally out of character for Sonny to allow her to linger especially while he's away.
    That food does look yummy!

  7. Nina acknowledged Willow by saying her name.

    1. No Nina called Willow Ms Tate. She called Sasha by her name.

  8. Wow Spencer, looks like a totally different person, while still looking like Spencer! It was GREAT to see him. He was always a cute little boy actor, but he has matured into a very good teenage actor . . .

  9. I hope he comes back to Port Charles now, as there is no reason for him to stay away. I guess, if the actor is not coming back, they will keep him angry at Nik as the reason to stay away. I hope that the actor comes back soon!

    1. I read that he IS angry with Nik so yes because they didn't sign him long term he is there a short time. AT LEAST we got to see the encounter and it wasn't off screen!

    2. "mufasa says, yes because they didn't sign him long term he is there a short time."

      Really?!? Awwwww. :( What are they waiting for? Sign him up!!!!!

      "AT LEAST we got to see the encounter and it wasn't off screen!"

      YES!!! So glad about that!!!

  10. Great promo Sonya, thanks for the link!

    Guess everyone is going to line-up to tell Nik that he is dead to them, and give him a slap for measure. I'm a little tired of him being a punching bag. Seems to me there is a little hypocrisy going around, (didn't Laura pretend to be dead when she escaped Cassadine Isle and went back to PC?) but this is after all a soap, so I guess the evil prince and I have to roll with it. LOL! Ava was fantastic when she was talking with Spencer. She really does like that kid. And yes, it's great to have Spencer back, boy is he grown up!

    Charlotte scares me. Be very afraid of that disturbed little girl.
    Michael needs to shove Nell down the Q stairs, like now!

    1. Too bad Alice isn't still around. If she saw Nelle anywhere near the nursery at the Q's she'd take her out. lol

    2. "Julie H says, Great promo Sonya, thanks for the link!"

      You're welcome!!!! :)

      "(didn't Laura pretend to be dead when she escaped Cassadine Isle and went back to PC?)"

      No she didn't!!! She was kidnapped and held against her will. She was told that Luke died. She was able to finally escape when Helena helped her, when she left a newspaper for her, showing that Luke is alive and that he is mayor.

    3. Thanks Sonya! I don't think I explained myself properly. :) I thought when Laura escaped, that Nik and Stefan thought she had died. I could be wrong about that, too, lol!

  11. I can't believe that Nelle is back at the Qs! How stupid! She has outsmarted all of them, do they never learn? Michael could have offered to put her up at a nice hotel, he already is rewarding her bad behavior.

    As someone said, everyone's children are there, and they will give Nelle access to them? Makes NO sense!!

    Also makes no sense that she got out of jail, don't think they even bothered to explain it.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...