Thursday, January 23, 2020


Thought you'd like to see my new outfit for dealing with the preschool germs I face on the daily!! 

So, looks like the Peach will go on today and probably for awhile. Until ABC decides to put it on at night and let people record it and then drop it on a streaming service, we are treading water. 
This is so terrible for the show. People get out of the habit of it. Do other things, watch something else. 

David and I are working on content to share with you all that might keep us at least having FUN during this. I'm in the middle of report month so I'll do as much as I can. 

I have a question: Who is your all time fave "also ran" background character on GH? Was it Reggie? Or Alfred? Epiphany? Alice?? I really miss Felix-- he was a great addition to the flavor and fun of the show 


  1. So I'm watching nbc as I do until 2pm when Michael Keke and Sara come on (normally)....THEY have regular programming on, abc and cbs? The hearings. 🙄 Ridiculous. ABC sucks. Disney sucks....

  2. I loved Felix and Alice.

    Yes the Peach. ABC has to record it live so everyone can tape it for when they get home.....DUH....

  3. Reggie❤ I miss him....2nd runner up, Alice. Also, Coleman.

  4. I am sad, sad, sad. . . So, they had one show on Tues., in Canada, and then, nothing? So, we can watch that show, and none of the others? I guess they will show that one when they start again, right? So, we won't miss anything? WHY CAN'T THEY SHOW IT AT NIGHT SO WE CAN RECORD IT?

  5. The characters you mention above added humor to GH. The one element in this show that has consistently been missing for a while. The Q's give us some but IMO we need more.
    ABC has made a crappy decision about not giving us access to the show. Boo.

  6. Coleman, Epiphany and Alice! Since Peach is running at night, too, they wouldn’t think of dropping any of those shows. Really not fair and since most people work, who is really sitting and watching so much during the day that they can’t just have it on the news channels? Bummer.

  7. Someone on Soap central board, named Mr. Axe, did a live thread on yesterday's GH today!!! He got it from DEMAND! I left him a private message, asking if I can use it and put it on twitter for the GH fans there. Haven't heard from him yet. I can put it on here too.

    "Thought you'd like to see my new outfit for dealing with the preschool germs I face on the daily!!"


  8. This isn't great quality

    This is better for sound but smaller screen.


    1. I KNEW IT!!! 😂😂👏👏 I’ve watched soaps way too long!!! 😂

    2. I said this days ago. The phone call clinched it. I really don't want another long mob storyline before some of the other ones are cleared up though. i.e. Michael's son

  10. In canada. Watched on demand. Random shooter got shot protecting carly & turned out to be Brando.
    Also very weird dusty/Joss vibes. Again...

    1. Thanks for letting us know. It was broadcast so I assumed they didn't have it on demand. It's available on City tv if you're in Canada or have access to their site. Beautiful copy too.

    2. Feel free to delete the links if you don't want them up, kd.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...