Monday, January 6, 2020


Show Opens where we left off--Nik carrying Ava. Valentin makes Charlotte go upstairs and poor Maxie has to take her! LOL.. Maxie!! Who wants to know everything!!! PFft. Laura cries, Lulu cries... they think Valentin had him prisoner!! ahahhaahaha. Valentin says Ava fell because she was drunk. Nikolas is like NOPE you are NOT getting outta this!! Then he says the codicil didn't burn and HE IS THE SOLE HEIR OF WYNDEMERE!!!!! 
Mekkos dishenherited Valintin because because.........
HE'S NOT MEKKO'S KID! HE'S JUST HELENA'S!!!!!!! OH my GOD oh MY GOD!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA. Helena was afraid of Val because she hid it from Mekkos! ahaahahahaaa. AND he was a hunchback!!!
Valentin figures out Nina knew Nikolas was alive.  Nina tells him the whole story. She said he could have stopped it if he'd only told the truth. He said maybe he isn't capable of loving her the way someone should be loved. 
WATCH IT because I can't type up the entire dialog!!

Ava: "UM, hello...he tried TO KILL ME"! (to Jordan) aren't you going to arrest him??? Jordan just stands there. Tad says not to take the ramblings of a drunk woman. LOL GOD Jordan!! She needs a Red Bull or something!!  

Laura and Lulu go into another room to talk to Nikolas. He tells them the story of survival and not telling them he was alive. Laura slaps him. READS him about leaving Spencer and how Spencer tried to get revenge for his death for years and Val threatened him and she had to send him to France. Nikolas is like: Well, it was worth it, I won... 

Joss lights a 2020 candle. She and Dev got each other gifts? Oh in Turkey, it's tradition to give gifts. She got him a lotto ticket and red boxer shorts. Red underwear is also a tradition! He got her a fancy journal pen and a pomegranate, which you smash for good luck. Oh they kiss. Dev pulls Says it's because of Sonny and the family... hmmm, is he gay or is he Sonny's kid? NOT Sonny's kid I hope! 

Cam and Trina in the park ice skating. She's thinking Dev and Joss might be liking each other. The kids go to the park and Joss is mortified she tried to kiss Dev. 

Valentin wakes up Charlotte and tries to leave. Maxie says no!! 

OH MY GOD!! THE END!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHA Ok, so Ava is going to marry Nikolas TONIGHT!!!! YES!! That must be her deal with him for handing over the Codicil! she's going to be QUEEN OF WYNDEMERE!!!!!!
I don't even care if he is married to Hayden still and is double crossing her. I about fell off my damn chair. 


  1. I almost fell off the couch too. I was like WHAT? Ava marrying Nicolas. Must be the price for the cocidil is right.

    Genie was great. She has every right to be mad at Nicholas.

    Maxie sees Nicholas and knows in 30 seconds that he has changed because he is wearing a nice shirt. HUH?

    I thought Dev had feelings for Joss, I am confused.

    1. Maxie was saying she knew Nicholas must've been in town for a while because he didn't just blow into town wearing a shirt that nice.

  2. I am home sick today and get to watch live and it is a good show today, then my family is home too and interrupts every 5 minutes. Ahhhhhh

  3. OMG! What a great episode. The acting was out of this world. Thank you writers! That's what happens when you put the mobsters on ice for the day and let loose the other great actors on the show...with minimal interruptions.

    I think Dev has feelings for Joss but he doesn't want to get on Sonny's bad side. I'm happy about that.

    I actually envisioned Ava with Nicholas. They would make a great Cassadine couple. Ava would be the new Helena. lol

    Are you happy, Dave? lol He actually got off lightly with that one ladylike slap. lol

    And Ava and Nicholas must have been chilled to the bone. lol

    1. Yes,yes & yes!! Especially Ava & Nicholas! Did you see the look of horror on Laura & Lulus faces?

    2. Yes. The acting was impeccable.

    3. I wouldve punched him, not slapped him. just saying...

    4. And Laura would be just the character to pull off punching him instead of the slap!

  4. Bravo GH ,shocking loved it. Genie Francis number 1 actress in daytime Maura West number 2.And we get stuck with snarly and mumbles as lead actresses.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself, witch!

    2. Genie was magnificent - one of the best actresses ever! On the the other hand, the Jordan actress seems to be in a coma.

  5. I think Dev is gay. and Jordan is a dumbass. where is Robert or Mac?

  6. I think we need Robert around instead of this goofy Tad/ Martin Grey character. I liked Tad, but this guy nope.

  7. WHY do people think Dev might be gay? It's clear he is afraid of Sonny, which he should let's fast forward ----- Nina better not be pregnant with Valentin's child and then then claim it is Jax's baby - cause of a one night stand.........
    bet she stays at Jax's house tonight....cause you know, she is so poor and can't afford Metro Court!!!
    it also really bothered me Friday that NOT ONE PERSON said at the wedding 'where is Ava?' as it was beginning.

    1. Nina hasn't slept with Jax...yet (there is hope yet) and she's not poor. I don't think Dev is gay either just scared of Sonny. You're right, nobody asked, but just like Charlotte looked over the side a bit...I mean did she or hear anything???

  8. Someone should have been curious that Ava wasn't around anymore and was there drinking before the wedding. Did you see that look on Laura's face when Ava said she and Nic were getting married. She did make friends with Ava, but I am sure would NOT want Ava for her DIL. Lol

    1. LOL! I can't wait! Have to say I actually pictured Jax and Nina getting married when she made the comments about the dress LOL!!

    2. Me too! And I think Ava & Jax would be good together. He really cares for her and gave her really good advice before the wedding.

    3. I definitely saw the look of horror and disbelief on Laura & Lulus faces. Can't wait to hear their responses tomorrow. And I don't think Dev is gay,I also think he's backing off out of respect for Carly & Sonny too. Which is honorable.

    4. Ooops! I meant NINA & JAX! Not Ava! Even if I did mean Ava she's, apparently,spoken for!! Lol!

  9. Haven't watched it yet, but where is Alexis? She is a Cassadine and should be part of this story.

    1. Alexis wasn't invited to the wedding. But,when Laura was reading him the riot act she mentioned how much he hurt her too.She was so,so right and she said it all so well!

    2. Genie was good! She owned that room! I loved all her emotions upon seeing Nik alive. Then finding out why he stayed away....she was so dang good! Emmy!! Looking forward to tomorrow.

  10. And, she's Jax's ex-wife. Instead of the Kendra crap, Alexis should be central to the Nikolas story.

    1. I agree and think she will be when she finds out.

  11. It was Laura that mentioned Alexis when she berated Nikolas for keeping his survival a secret.

  12. Another shocking, edge of the couch episode! I'm right beside all of you Wubbers in glorious, soapy heaven! Just like Val to want to run instead of staying and taking the consequences like a man or a Cassadine which he claims to be! Also not a good example for your daughter. I wonder if he's going to out Peter if he defends Maxie trying to stop Val from taking off with Char? Misery loves company! It's so nice to be excited for the next episode again!

    1. Once again Valentin seemed to be blaming everyone else but himself even after Nina outted him, saying she knew it was him the whole time. 🙄

  13. HOLY COW!!!! What a show today!!!! So many shocking moments!!!! I love these new writers so far! :) And there are a lot of great acting today!!!!! I love that they re-showed the entrance!!!! :)

    Carson home:

    Turkey boy and Joss: Ummmmm... So he isn't interested in Trina, and he isn't interested in Joss... Awww the tribbles are sad for Joss!! I wonder if he is gay and interested in Cam! :) Will he ask Cam out? :)

    Skating rink:

    Cam and Trina: Yeah uh Trina, Cam don't want Turkey boy and Joss together, cus he likes Joss!!!!! :)

    Trina and Joss: The look on Trina's face when Joss told her about turkey boy! Hahahahaha.


    Nik and V.C.:

    Nik: You. Lose. Everything!

    Yeah Nik you tell him!!!! :) I was in shock when Nik said that Helena is really his mother and that he isn't a Cassadine!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?! :0 Who is the father?!?!!?!

    Ava and Marty: Oh dear!!! Come on Jordan!!!! Are you in shock?!!?! Arrest V.C.!!!!

    V.C. and Nina: Dr. O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: I regret nothing!


    V.C.: The truth is no matter what you do, no matter how bad you hurt me, you will never be the antagonist in my story. you will always be my love. But the truth might be, that no matter what I do, I may not have the skill to love you the way I want to. That may be the awful truth.

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! He spoke a lot of truths!!!!!!!! Great scene!!!!!! Well, until V.C. started whining.

    V.C.: I never manipulated you. Not one time. Are you telling me that Nikolas is more trustworthy than I am? Jax or Liesl? These people have been manipulating you since the beginning, and I'm the bad guy?

    Oh V.C. shut up! You were doing so well, then you had to ruin it. Go away!!!! I'm surprised you didn't stutter at all with Nik or Nina.

    Laura, Lulu, Nik, and Doc: Great scene!!!!! Love that Laura gave him a piece of her mind! She made me cry!!!! Love the slap! He deserved it! Someone needs to call Spencer and tell him his father is alive! Bring Spencer back!!! Hi Ava.. Wait WHAT?!!?!?! YOU TWO ARE GETTING MARRIED?!?!!?!? HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP!!!!! :0


    Charlie, Hiney, and Maxie: What?!?!! Charlie in her pj's and in bed?!?!!?! Yeah right after all that has happened, you expect her to go to sleep?! ROFL! Oh wait she did go to sleep. Well, Hiney look what you did. You bored her with your stupid chatter that she fell asleep. Oh hi V.C. Where are you taking Charlie? Where are you two going to stay!?!?

    Sidenote: Love that V.C. was trending today! WOOT WOOT!

  14. I would like Dev to be gay. I think it would be a great coming out storyline, he can talk about his feelings in Turkey and how they are with gays. It might even bring out some great acting scenes with him


    I doubt that Disney will put 2 gay storylines in the same show. I think they are still somewhat conservative and wouldnt do it. I think that Dev is a virgin and he is afraid of intimacy and that will come out and be the storyline.Boring as it might be.

    1. Turkey Boy doesn't want to offend Sonny, which would also cause him to have nowhere to live, Sonny and Carly couldn't keep him there if they are worried that he will have sex with Joss. It is clear that Turkey Boy has a thing for Joss, just look at how he looks at her.

    2. I agree, AntJoan and I also think everyone has forgotten that boys have the right to say no too. It doesn't make them gay. If Joss said no to him would you all say she's gay? He wasn't interested in Trina because he is attracted to Joss. He won't go near her while his life is in Sonny's hands or Jax'. One thing that boy is not, is stupid.

      I think if he's on the show for a few years this could be a great unrequited love story. And you could be right about his lack of experience too, Dave.

    3. If they were going to go with Dev being gay that would be great way to do it. Being gay is still difficult here in the states but Turkey is a whole other world! I'm pretty sure it could be fatal.

    4. "Di says, I think everyone has forgotten that boys have the right to say no too. It doesn't make them gay. If Joss said no to him would you all say she's gay?"

      ROFL! This is GH we are talking about. Anything can happen on there!!! :) He isn't interested in Trina, and he isn't interested in Joss. So I'm very suspicious! ROFL! Okay maybe he is interested in a girl at school that we haven't met yet. :)

  15. OMG fantastic episode!! Wasn't surprised that Ava said she and Nik were getting married, but I literally sat up on the couch when I found out Valentin wasn't a Cassadine. HOLY CRAP!! Excellent twist and I never, ever saw that coming! As others have said Jordan is an absolute idiot and useless to boot. I am Team Nik on this but Genie's Emmy winning performance was perfect, and I would have slapped him, too. Lol!

    And hey, it was great to see the Tribbles (or do we call him Moss Boss?) again!

    1. Julie! Moss Boss! Yesss! I likey! At least I know what everyone will be speaking of! LOL!

  16. I wonder how Sonny will feel about Avery having a new stepfather.

  17. So who will Val's father be? Faison was too young. Maybe he's a Quartermaine. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

    1. It was probably one of Helena's boy toys, a nobody. That would really rankle.

  18. Karen, if that is your picture with Roger, you look beautiful!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...