Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Peaches For Sale

Show is not on at 2:00 today--UPDATE: ABC has decided to air today's GH tomorrow. IF the trial isn't on that is???  So.. there it is. 

Where are my scissors!? 

How much did you love Charlotte yesterday? WOO HOO!! She's still Helena's grandbaby!! 


  1. The trial is listed on CNN as on every day this week, but who knows. I hope you get to see it tomorrow.

    I saw today's episode. It was good. It ended on quite a cliff hanger so I'll be more than miffed if I have to wait a week to see what happens.

  2. Anyone remember the film "The Bad Seed". Sweet little Charlotte.
    Hope it's on tomorrow.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Okay I watched it online. :)

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Shooting right from the start!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brooklyn New York restaurant - 2 hours earlier:

    Mike, Jason, and Sonny: Mike don't like this restaurant, until the young waitress shows up!!

    Mike and the waitress: Oh they are all flirty! Mike is a charmer!!! He forgot all about his "wife"

    Jason and Sonny: Jason talks about Alan!!!! He wishes he didn't push him away!!! :( He feels bad about it. Awwww writers thank you! :( They also talk about the 5 families. That they can't show up in Brooklyn without contacting the 5 families!! OH OH!!!! SHOOTING! EVERYONE DUCK!!!!!!!


    Charlie and Lulu: Oh oh Charlie lied to Lulu about who cut Sasha's picture!!!!! She said it was Nina who did it!!!!!

    Lulu and Nina: Nina is right Lulu! You can't keep Charlie away from her papa!!!! She loves him! She has already started to be a little crazy!!! I think she just needs a nice visit with the Tribbles!!!!

    Jax and Nina: Oh Jax is a charmer! Bringing in Champagne and cheese!!!!

    Nina: You are the most arrogant man that I have ever met. Good thing you're cute.

    Why yes he IS cute. :)

    Jax: So you think I'm cute?


    Nina: OH MY GOD!

    HAHAHAHAHA! Well, Nina you DID tell him he is cute. :) She brings up this boy when she was a kid and they danced, so now Jax wants to dance with her. OH OH OH OH OH A KISS!!!!! YAY!!!! My Nax heart. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Willow and Sasha: Willow still freaking out over Nelle!!! HAHAHAHHAHA! She is skeered that Brad is taking care of Jonah all alone.

    Carly and Nelle: Hahahhaha. Great scene. Since Michael told Nelle she could live at the Q's, Carly is all over that. Nelle brings up the past. Carly doesn't have to send her back to jail, cus she said Nelle will do something crazy and she will be in there because of her own doing.

    Willow and Nelle: Nelle taunting her. Nelle wins the line of the day.

    Willow: I am increasingly grateful that you are not a mother.

    *Willow in the elevator and it closes*

    Nelle: Biiiiiiiiiiiitch!


    Courthouse: OH MY!!!! Robert told Lulu, that the judge granted bail for V.C.! The attempted murder charge, is dropped!!!! Lack of evidence!! HAHAHHAHAHA. Oh come on Lulu! You can't be surprised or shocked!!!

    The plane:

    Nik and Ava: Nik is miserable. Ava trying to snap him out of it. Nik feels horrible for what he did to Spencer. He finally realized what he did. Nik apologies to Ava for tormenting her. She wants him to sign the papers. He doesn't want her to cheat cus it will make him look weak. She don't want him cheating either. She doesn't want to have sex with him, and he doesn't want to have sex with her. Hmmm I wonder how long that will last. Probably not long. ROFL!


    Michael and Joss: Michael tells Joss that Nelle is going to live with the Q's and Joss wouldn't let Michael get a word in edgewise!!! She is freaking out. She don't want Michael to die!!! She says take the baby from Brad. Oh Joss he can't do that!!!! I mean in the law you can't.

    Michael and Laura: Oh boy! Laura really really really REALLY wants to revitalize the pier. Michael wants her to do some of the pier and not all!! It's obvious why!!!! Cus of Sonny! :)

    Michael and Sasha: Oh great! Sasha changes her mind about living with him. UGH! She wants to help fight Nelle! UGH!


    Sonny's warehouse:

    Gladys and Carly: Gladys is nosy. The guy working there shows up. OH OH A SHOOTING!!!! Wait why did the guy who works there just grab Gladys and not Carly too? Hmmmm. Is that guy working for Gladys? I mean damn. He just left Carly to fend for herself!!!

    "Karen says How much did you love Charlotte yesterday? WOO HOO!!"

    I loved it so much!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    1. Sonya said "I think she just needs a nice visit with the Tribbles!!!!" Oh my god, I spewed my coffee, thanks for that. HAHAHAHHA!

      I didn't get to watch it, so thanks for the recap! I hope I get to see it today. However this morning on the news, ABC said they are starting coverage of you-know-what at 1 pm. GH comes on at 2 pm in my area. I am making a very, very sad face.

  5. Replies
    1. I watched it on this website.


      I told you about the site before. :) You press the watch it now button.

    2. Yeh I tried that. The daily motion thing? I researched on Google and found on my own. The end....wow! Why did Laura move???
      I like the website ok, and I've got a smart tv so I can "cast" it to that, but it doesn't let me enlarge the screen on ph or tv so that's a bummer but just glad I could watch.

    3. "Michelle P says, Yeh I tried that. The daily motion thing? I researched on Google and found on my own."

      Oh okay! :)

      "The end....wow! Why did Laura move???"

      That is what I want to know!!!! Maybe she was trying to get to Joss to protect her?

      "I like the website ok, and I've got a smart tv so I can "cast" it to that, but it doesn't let me enlarge the screen on ph or tv so that's a bummer but just glad I could watch."

      Oh that's too bad you can't enlarge it! Glad you are able to watch GH anyway.

  6. Awww look! Little Spencer with Nik!! :)


  7. Watched the entire show up here in the Great White North( the snow has melted and Harry and Meghan now live in our Province) on regular TV. Where did Jason hide his gun? Maybe Michael has a pea shooter in his jacket- who will rescue those guys? I guess sweet Charlotte does not like Sasha.

  8. Does anyone know whether GH will air today?

    1. It's supposed to air yesterday episode but we'll see. 🙄

    2. The trial was supposed to be 2 days but they changed their minds and made it 3 days. No announcement from GH or ABC yet.

  9. Sonya, thanks for the link to the website - I watched yesterday's show, too. It was a good one! One thing that is really starting to annoy me is Mike always acting like a panting dog around women.

    1. "Sonya, thanks for the link to the website - I watched yesterday's show, too. It was a good one!"

      You're welcome!!! Yeah it was!! :)

      "One thing that is really starting to annoy me is Mike always acting like a panting dog around women."

      Awwww! He means well. He doesn't even remember much of anything some days.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...