Wednesday, January 29, 2020

ALERT- Jan 21st Episode Will Air Today!

So, ABC is finally doing it-- it will air the "new" episode that was to air Tuesday Jan 21st today in the markets that don't have trial coverage (check your local channel). It will be on overnight to record so make sure you have GH on to tape new episodes. OR Watch it after 8pm on or Hulu.

Hope this helps. My local station is showing the trial. I did recap this show on Sunday Surgery as the Canadians got it and I saw it on the French Streaming place. 

Hope you watch !! 


  1. Thanks, Karen, I eagerly turned on ABC, and the stupid impeachment is still on! I am sooo disappointed!! Guess I have to check to see that all new episodes will record. . .

  2. They showed the shooting episode on the west coast

  3. other news...

    1. I believe Days Of Our Lives will eventually be moved to the Peacock streaming service once the year renewal is up.

    2. I should clarify...the renewal goes thru Sept 2021 for Days.

  4. GH/ABC needs to have a better way of dealing with these type of situations especially in this day and age. Online live streaming with commercials or even posting later, which always have commercials, should be the automatic default. And that January 21st ep they think they're so graciously giving us, was posted the 22nd all over various platforms. Karen even shared it here and on FB. My disdain for TIIC at GH/ABC is showing, I know.

  5. OR you can watch it on dailymotion!!! It's on there right now!! I'm freaking out!!

  6. So I got a repeat of the Jan 20th episode, the shootout. So even though the trial is going on....will I be able to watch every day on Hulu? Cause I was under the impression that we were getting a new episode.

  7. My DVR is set to tape new shows of GH, but nothing taped last night :( What is the best way for me to watch it today?

  8. Maybe because it wasn't listed on the TV guide, that's why it didn't tape?

  9. I probably would need to know what time they are airing it, and then set DVR to record whatever show is listed at that time. This is HORRIBLE how ABC is doing this.

    1. I have Xfinity, and have GH set as a series. The next new episode is now On Demand.

    2. It says 8 eastern AntJoan so set you DVR for that time just in case. Not for new shows just for whatever is there. (like we do when we tape the news for showing running late after the sports shows.)

  10. It was on Comcast "On Demand" this morning at 3:30 am EST. (Yes, I get up early for work!!) So I'll be watching it tonight. Can't foward thru commercials either, so that's gonna be rough, lol! DVRing in the middle of the night won't work for me, because my local ABC affiliate will show it whenever they want, so I am in the same boat as AntJoan.

    Just glad I have a new episode to watch today, and it's a shoot-out to boot! Yeah!
    I too have huge disdain for TIIC at GH/ABC, just like MatchboxGinny. So damn stupid.

    1. Actually you can ff through commercials. The "up" on the remote advances 30 seconds, while the "down" goes back 15 seconds.

    2. ohhhh, I'll try that. Thank you! Sometimes before the show even starts they run a disclaimer that you can't ff. :)

  11. January 21st episode.

    Sonny's coffee warehouse: Great scene!!! :) I like how Carly was taking care of this guy. Oh he doesn't work for Sonny.

    Carly and guy: You are going to pass out any minute, then I will do whatever the hell I want.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Carly would have won the line of the day, but Detective Fiona won it instead. After everything has calmed down, where the hell is Gladys? Oh finally there she is.

    Gladys: Brando?


    Brooklyn pub:

    Detective Fiona and Sonny: Hmmm will she find Sonny charming? Will they sleep together? :) Detective Fiona wins the line of the day.

    Fiona: He has a list of priors so long, it almost crashed our system.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Can we keep her? She is great!

    Maggie the waitress and Mike: Maggie is so sweet to Mike!!!!! Can we keep her too?!

    Fiona and Jason: The look on Jason's face!!! Cracked me up!!! The whole time she was there, he had a constipated look on his face that he hadn't had in years!!! The diarrhea look!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! The face is back! Thank you new writer!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!


    Jax and Nina: THE KISS! :) Ohhh Nina doesn't think of him as a boss! :) Oh shoot Ava had to show up.

    Ava and Nina: Can they be friends? They talked about it. Nina brings up the olive branch. :)

    Ava, Nina, and V.C.: Oh V.C. go away!!! Nobody wants to see you!!

    The pier: LAURA HAS BEEN SHOT!!!! SHE IS DOWN!!! Someone call the police!!! CALL 911!!!! Call Doc!!! CALL LUKE! CALL LUCKY!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh hi Dusty!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Dusty, Joss, and Jax: Joss introduces Dusty to Jax! HAHAHAHA! Joss still has that crush on Dusty. :)

    Nik and Doc: Uh Doc? Stop being all judgy and hypocritical!!!! Did you forget that you lied to people including your wife about your brother being alive? Just hush and go sit in the corner until you stop being on your high horsy.

    Finchy and Nik: Finchy is calling Nik out on what he did RayRay! HA! :) Finchy should tell Liz!

    Nik, Liz, Finchy, and Piffy: Uh Piffy comes and says that Laura has been shot and Liz has no panic on her face. No urgency! She had a look of like she is thinking of what to eat for dinner. Doc had more of a reaction!!!!

    Laura's room:

    Laura and Doc:

    Doc: I love you Laura.

    Awwwwwwwwwwww! Okay you can come out of the corner..

    1. Keep Fiona? NO NO NO That would mean that someone from our cast would have to go.

      They could keep Maggie though and she could replace an extra somewhere at a coffeehouse or bar or Mike's care center.

      And what's with Pfiffy? Did she tell Liz before Nic or Doc?

      And I'm beginning to think Dusty may have a military (or police) background. He always runs towards danger like a first responder. Maybe they's why we often get the sense that he's hiding something.

    2. "Keep Fiona? NO NO NO"


      "That would mean that someone from our cast would have to go."

      No not necessarily.. If that's true, then bye bye Sam!

      "They could keep Maggie though and she could replace an extra somewhere at a coffeehouse or bar or Mike's care center."

      Love that idea!!! :) Maybe bring back Colman and they can be a couple! :)

      "And what's with Pfiffy? Did she tell Liz before Nic or Doc?"

      I have no idea!! Liz had the meh look!

      "And I'm beginning to think Dusty may have a military (or police) background. He always runs towards danger like a first responder. Maybe they's why we often get the sense that he's hiding something."

      Oh maybe!!!! I would like that idea!

    3. Thanks for the recap and dating the episode, lol! We are all out of sinc here!
      Yup, I wanna keep Maggie, she was great. And line of the day was perfect, I loved it!

      And bless you Sonya for saying "Nik and Doc: Uh Doc? Stop being all judgy and hypocritical!!!! Did you forget that you lied to people including your wife about your brother being alive?" I'm getting tired of the Nik bashing parade, because I kind of have a crush on him, lol! I'm thinking Liz is going to be the next one cracking him across the face when she finds out about Hayden. Pooh!

    4. "Julie H says, Thanks for the recap and dating the episode, lol!"

      Hahaha you're welcome! :)

      "We are all out of sinc here!"

      Yeah we are!!!! GAH!

      "Yup, I wanna keep Maggie, she was great."

      Yeah she was!!!! :)

      "And bless you Sonya for saying "Nik and Doc: Uh Doc? Stop being all judgy and hypocritical!!!! Did you forget that you lied to people including your wife about your brother being alive?" I'm getting tired of the Nik bashing parade, because I kind of have a crush on him, lol!"

      ROFL! I don't blame you for having a crush on him! :)

      "I'm thinking Liz is going to be the next one cracking him across the face when she finds out about Hayden. Pooh!"

      Awwwww! But he does deserve it! :) He faked his death. People are rightfully upset. :(

  12. So I signed up for Hulu last month for a free trial, so I could watch a particular series, and was going to D/C by the end of the month. Then I found the GH Jan. 20 eppie on there. So, if the hearings continue, I might stay with Hulu another month, it was great to watch GH on my TV instead of my computer. However, the last eppie that I found was Jan. 20 and I know that another one was released--does anyone know how/when Hulu releases the eppies? Also, it looks like it might all end today anyway, so, if that's the case, then I'm back to ABC!

  13. AntJoan the days GH eppies air at 7pm that night. Hope that helps.

  14. Michelle, thanks, but I checked Hulu last night, and the latest eppie wasn't there. Maybe it is there today . . .


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...