Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Finding Franco

What a week. It's been hard to keep focus on GH that's for sure. The show also decided to completely drop 2 of the most interesting stories this week; Val/Anna and also Olivia Jerome. This is GH's MO. Because they have so many cast members and stories going on, they just skip over things left and right.
I personally didn't care much about the stories that were happening this week -- and found a lot of the stuff boring. 

Just a warning. 

Cold Pizza for me! 

Stupid Lulu tells Charlotte she's her "real mother" after the kid found out the only mother she knew is dead.  Then, Lulu whined about it for the rest of the week. 

Lulu was so annoying, Kevin told her to go get counseling-..with Valentine! LOL.. oh wow. 

Yes, they have chem. Yes, they are good together but their story? UGH.. first the whole dying thing, now Hammy is addicted to pain killers. Snoozah. 

Jason goes down after Jules poisons his coffee. Why did he do it? Just so he could get Jason in the hospital and to make him listen. Um..??? Whatever-- Jason is now working with Julian to help him with his sister. No, I don't think Jason knows it's Olivia Jerome yet--but not sure because they talked OFF CAMERA.

So, after a week of "Where is Franco" stuff, Elizabeth decides to go to the PCPD with her Alexis information. While there she sees Tom's brother, Seth an questions him. Then, she figures out he knows things only the cops know so what does she do? FOLLOWS HIM HOME. Yep, she followed the rapey rapists bro home by herself. DUH. We see at the end of the show Friday that Franco figures out it's Seth that put him in the storage locker.  They focus on his trophies that are in the storage boxes and we see more in the house. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN....
PS. That house is so the Spencer house. LOL 

We followed a yellow sheet of paper that Franco had written up and shoved under the door for someone to find. Kiki found it but wrote some other stuff on it, put it in her purse and took it to the bar. It ends up falling out and after sitting on the floor for ages, Sam finally found it. She put 2 and 2 together and went to get Franco. The yellow paper took up a LOT of time this week that's for sure.

Oh how can I not mention this little "treat"?? SO, on Friday for some reason Amy was on again and wanted to be Hayden's BFF. What does Hayden do? Blow her off? Nope, spills to her about Hammy.  Um....why? No freaking idea. In the next scene blabber mouth tells Griffin.  :eyeroll: 

The ray of hope was Alexis who was on her way to her licensing hearing when she realized she had to go back to the PCPD and talk to Dante. In the middle of all this, she poured a glass of wine but didn't drink it. She also told Sam ALL of her secrets-- that was a relief. 

Carly and Sonny opened Morgan's mail that has been piling up. Ergo, they found out just how manic Morgan really was.  He got the charges up and was gambling again. Carly feels guilty. Then she sees Kiki and Dilly snogging in the Metro. She finally tells Kiki she's ok with stuff, it just hurts to see her. Says Morgan would want Kiki happy. 

So, between the press interruptions and my general boredom this week was just not doing it for me. I was so excited last week and yet again. I'm  let down.   Here's hoping this week is a good one. It's a very busy week for me, so not sure how much I'll get blogged. 


  1. Yay, I am first again!! Thanks so much for the SS!!

    Karen, I know that WE figured out that it was Seth who abducted Franco, but did HE figure it out? I didn't see that . . .

    I guess the prop of the week is the note on yellow paper? . . .

  2. Not sure Franco did-- no.

    Yes, the yellow paper. LOL. I forgot it. Lazy SS

  3. "Stupid Lulu tells Charlotte she's her "real mother" after the kid found out the only mother she knew is dead. Then, Lulu whined about it for the rest of the week."

    Thank you! Glad I am not the only one who felt that way! :)

    "Lulu was so annoying, Kevin told her to go get counseling-..with Valentine! LOL.. oh wow."

    Hahaha I think it's a great idea! :) Or just go herself for counseling!

    "Yes, they have chem. Yes, they are good together but their story? UGH.. first the whole dying thing, now Hammy is addicted to pain killers. Snoozah."

    Oh but look at that picture! Her face! She is in heaven! ROFL!

    "We followed a yellow sheet of paper that Franco had written up and shoved under the door for someone to find."

    And when BobTodd put the yellow paper under the door, it wasn't folded!!!!!! What the hell?!!?!

    "kdmask said... Not sure Franco did-- no."

    No he didn't find out.. Just us.

  4. Was the paper folded when Kiki found it, or just upside down and she folded it? I don't remember. . . Also, Kevin telling Lulu to go to counseling with VC: I get his point that she needs to do what is best for the child, that makes sense, but just telling someone to go to counseling with the person who murdered their brother?? As a psychotherapist, I can say that this makes no sense. Even if that might be some ultimate goal, Lulu would have PTSD by having to interact with her brother's murderer who happens also to be her child's father--she would need counseling for THAT first.

  5. AND, not only did VC murder her brother (the worst of his crimes), but he held them all hostage, shot Kevin, etc. They ALL would have severe PTSD--but, of course, almost NO ONE in PC has it, because then EVERYONE would have to have it, as they all have been through a million traumas, not to mention most of them having died and come back to life . . .

  6. As soon as I saw that house I knew it was the Spencer house, but How? Didn't it blow up and burn down? Oh wait, this is GH and if dead people can come back so can a house...LOL. As for Alexis killing Tom, I think she will get off after all she is a main character. I think it will be a while until she get's her Law license back. Did Tom's brother kill him? It's going to be a ride.
    I am also sick of the Lulu story line. She needs to concentrate on Dante and Roco and get over it and leave that poor little girl alone. That child has been through enough in a short time. She's a great little actress.
    And have a great day yall'.

    1. It doesn't have to be the Spencer house. IRL there are houses out there in say a subdivision that all look alike.

  7. The yellow paper was not folded but upside down when Kiki picked it up. She wrote on it and folded it. So disgusted with Lulu! It would be a little different if she had actually given birth to Charlotte and then the baby was stolen from her. Is she supposed to now tell her she was from a stolen egg? No regard for the kid's feelings at all. VC may be a killer but he is a decent father. Kevin's advice was unrealistic. Alexis and Diane are always great together!

  8. Really good Sunday Surgery. Funny I noticed the basement door at Seth's I and thought of Fluke.

  9. Franco's bubble wrap scarf was the MVP of the week.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. LSV422 said...

    The yellow paper was not folded but upside down when Kiki picked it up. She wrote on it and folded it. So disgusted with Lulu! It would be a little different if she had actually given birth to Charlotte and then the baby was stolen from her. Is she supposed to now tell her she was from a stolen egg? No regard for the kid's feelings at all. VC may be a killer but he is a decent father. Kevin's advice was unrealistic. Alexis and Diane are always great together!

    ** I have to agree, yes VC "killed" Nik (I am by NO means convinced he is dead), but he and Nina actually are putting Charlotte's care and needs first and foremost. At this point Lulu just reminds me of a little kid that lost something and will do nothing but whine to get what she wants. And yes, Kevin's advice was unrealistic. But, I'd still LOVE to watch that happen! :)


  12. "AbsoluteLunatic said...Franco's bubble wrap scarf was the MVP of the week."

    What is MVP? :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...