Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Fun Day Today!!


Lucy's stuck in Corinth lol..so who's going to marry Naxie? Oh Spinelli. Although he's kinda sad because you know, he loved Maxie once. By the way, Bradford Anderson had a nice tweet to thank GH fans for forgiving him for being gone for these scenes. He was filming something else and they got this guy (is he from Days??) to fill in. 

OH NO...Dr. O objects. LOL "Zi Objects to Deese Vedding"@@!!  She feels badly she wasn't invited to the engagement party, or the shower and she was upset she got the invitation via Text. Awww, she's so sad. Maxie calls her Mother in Law and they seat her and now she's happy! LOL..she tells Felicia "We are Family Now"@@!!

There's a bunch of flashbacks.
Maxie doesn't look really happy tho? Am I crazy? during the whole thing?? 

Leo had aspirin in her hand...the babysitter doesn't know how. Total signal from the mobbies.  Leo is ok. Julian tells Ned that if anything happens to him to take care of Olivia and Leo. 
Jason is suspicious. 

AND........they ruined it by showing an Anna flashback to someone (Valentin?) attacking her in her bedroom.  COME ON why is every damn woman on this show attacked???????????? UGHHHHHHHHH



  1. I really enjoyed the wedding and flashback stuff, as a huge Naxie fan. Could have done without the Anna flashback thing as it had nothing to do with the wedding. Loved seeing Emma and the little girl playing Georgie is adorable. Too bad they didn't get Harper Rose to play Georgie again.

  2. SQEEEEEEE, tonya walker is BAAAACK

    Also, totally unrelated. Since sonny has been locked in his house, anyone else notice he's wearing jeans????. Sonny in jeans.
    When Luke & Laura came back with Lucky, sonny went fishing with them in a suit.

    1. Yes haha! It was nice to see him in jeans and unrelated it was nice the other day to see Finn dressed down. Michael Easton is a handsome guy but I like him better in jeans and tshirt (or no tshirt haha)

  3. Haven't commented for awhile. Yes, good show today!! Olivia Jerome!! Great nod to fans from the 80's. Loved Maxie & Nathan's wedding. Love the Replacement Spinelli. Just one quibble: why couldn't Griffin THE PRIEST marry them?!?

    1. I know right?! I'm talking to the TV like HELLO Griffin! LOL!

    2. I know right?! I'm talking to the TV like HELLO Griffin! LOL!

  4. Michelle Latta said...

    I really enjoyed the wedding and flashback stuff, as a huge Naxie fan. Could have done without the Anna flashback thing as it had nothing to do with the wedding. Loved seeing Emma and the little girl playing Georgie is adorable. Too bad they didn't get Harper Rose to play Georgie again.

    ** Like I said yesterday, the temp Spinelli replacement just didn't fit at all. Since it was a situation completely out of their control, they did what they could, though. When Robin said there was still someone there who could marry them, I thought she was going to say Griffin, and was really surprised when she didn't. It was a fun ep though, definitely one of the best ones in awhile. As much as I absolutely adore Anna, I agree that the stuff with her and VC should have happened at a different time/place. It made no sense at all as to why that came to her then, and there.

    ** Now hopefully we can find out exactly HOW Olivia is still alive, and why Julian is so afraid of/taking orders from her. Considering their history, the latter really doesn't make a bit of sense. Though, not making a bit of sense seems to be a recurring theme with Jelly's writing.


    1. If it makes sense, Jelly the exact opposite LOL!!

    2. If it makes sense, Jelly the exact opposite LOL!!

  5. I agree that Maxie didn't look the least bit happy during the wedding--what's up with that????

  6. There have been comments about Maxie not looking happy during the wedding. I was thinking last week that Maxie is just not herself lately. Wondering if the actress is going through something in her personal life that is effecting her on the show. She just is never the bubbly, goofy, Maxie that we are used to. Or maybe it is the director giving different guidelines for her. She seems sad all the time to me.

    And.. when they were looking for someone to perform the wedding, I kept saying "Spinelli!!" He married Sam and Jason, why not Maxie and Nathan? But then they gave a weak explanation. Was nice to see a real wedding though... lots of people, nice party, beautiful ceremony, but could have done without the Anna flashbacks. They seemed out of place.

    Loved seeing Olivia Jerome though. Wonder how they will differentiate between the two "Olivias" in conversation. One will end up with some sort of a nickname, I guess.

  7. Yes, 2 Olivias, they NEVER do that, so I wonder how they will handle it . . . I also loved the wedding but noted, as others did, that Maxie didn't look happy. I guess the actress is having challenges right now, I hope she knows that we all love her, and wish her all the best. I also thought that Griffin should have been the first one considered to marry them, why did they all stand around dumbfounded when Lucy couldn't show up?

    I wasn't watching during the days of Olivia Jerome, so I don't know how she "died," can anyone tell me how she died, and how she possibly could be back?

  8. Also, Sonya, are you OK, don't think you gave a recap . . .

  9. Also, I guess I'm in a minority, but I thought that the Spinelli replacement did a fine job. No one else can BE Spinelli, he is totally unique, so we needed an approximation, not an imitation, I thought the actor was really good.

  10. Where is our Sonya?? I loved yesterday's show simply because of all the actors I love being on. I have thought KS hasn't looked right for awhile and especially now after those flashbacks. Hope she is ok. Spinelli is unique and quite irreplaceable and I think they had the sub do the ceremony just to give him something to do. Great to have Dr. O bust in!

  11. I learned two things : #1 Bradford Anderson can never be replaced – he is Spinelli #2 I am so glad Bradford was not available for this show-horrible horrible idea to have him marry his Maximista to Nathan and if it had been Bradford playing the role I think I would've just cried my eyes out… Very much still a Maxie and Spinelli fan! Temporary Spinelli did not seem as sad because he wasn't REALLY Spinelli. Other than those two things – I loved seeing Emma and Robin!! Very sick of Charlotte… Not the best child actress I am sorry to say. When you compare her to Emma, former kids like Spencer, Jos, even baby Avery she falls short. She just STARES too much. Ok that's my humble opinion!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Naxie Wedding: Lucy is stuck! ROFL! Nathan's eyes had to be covered?! It didn't even look secured!! Come on! So dumb! Why couldn't he go in another room? Recast Spinny did the wedding. I don't care if Maxie didn't have a problem with recast Spinny doing the wedding. I thought it was odd. And he didn't even pronounce them husband and wife! And not being able to say Mr. and Mrs. West was so dumb! And the chant of wanting them to kiss, is annoying. I don't understand that custom. GEORGIE!!!! Awwwww! :)

    Jordan and Maddox: Oh Maddox come on! You are just jelly cus you know something is going on between her and Curtis! :)

    Mac and Nathan: Mac wins the line of the day!

    Mac: I have just one piece of advice. You hurt my little girl and I will hurt you muuuuch worse. Understood?


    Dr. O and Nathan: Awwww great scene between them! And he calls her mom awwww! :) Oh Nina shut up! Stay out of it! It's a big deal to her! Let it go!

    Anna's fake flashback: Oh Vampire Anna flashback again! Oh wait what just happened?! Sounds like V.C. with his accent again. Did he just call Anna wife? So they were married, and then he raped her?!!?!?!!

    The hospital:

    Baby uncle Leo's gang: NED!!!!! YAY! Hmmm bottle of pills?!!?! Oh oh! Now Julian can't tell everyone the truth!!!!!! Crap!!!

    Baby uncle Leo's room: Awwwww Olivia, Ned, and Julian in invisible baby uncle Leo's room!!

    Sonny's home: Oh geez! He can't even go outside his desk without the ankle bracelet going off!!!

    Sonny and Griffy: Gee Sonny if you want to tell Carly the truth, just do it. You don't need permission! :)

    The pawn shop: That voice!!!!! That voice sounds like Tanja Walker!!!! IT IS IT IS IT IS!!!! WOW!!!! Who is she playing? She called him her brother! Olivia?!!?!?! Or another sister? :)

  14. Oh, maybe it is another sister, that would make sense as Olivia is DEAD, and would solve the problem of having 2 Olivias on the show.

  15. "AntJoan said..Oh, maybe it is another sister, that would make sense as Olivia is DEAD, and would solve the problem of having 2 Olivias on the show."

    Yes! That would solve the problem! ROFL!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

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