Friday, January 13, 2017

To Roxy!

Alexis is unloading at AA. Geesh, they had a nice little group, prolly gonna eat some snacks and she walks in lol. She needs to see Kevin or Maddox!! 

Nina and Nate yappin' about Claudette. I guess Nate is planning the surprise wedding. He goes to the Metro and it's all set up

Lante and Valentin yappin' about Claudette. I think it's time for Claudette to go to boarding school.

Hammy is addicted to the lizard pee looking stuff. Shocker.  Isolating these 2 are so boring. 

Franco is in a storage container with....a lamp so far (he's opening boxes) 

END; Maxie is MIA while her wedding should start...Liz sees Alexis leaving AA, puts 2 and 2 together and thinks Alexis may have killed Tom. 


  1. Having an AA meeting on the main floor of a busy hospital is beyond ridiculous. Anonymity is the most important aspect of these meetings. It would be in the basement or an annex, not a conference room on a busy floor.

  2. And Alexis would NOT go to a meeting somewhere where she knows EVERYONE!!

  3. How about some spoilers? Maybe a hint of something to look forward to? Please...

  4. The hospital:

    Liz and Kiwi: Glad they were in a scene together! Love that they were talking about BobTodd!

    AA Meeting: BRAVO Nancy Lee Grahn!!!! :) She needs to win an emmy!!!! :)

    Outside AA meeting: Oh Liz you are so smart!!!!! :)

    Kidnapped room: Ohhhh motion censors.. I thought whoever kidnapped him, was turning the lights on and off. He covered himself with bubble wrap! It must be very cold in the room!!! :(

    Crimson: Oh Maxie!!! :( Snap out of it! You are acting like you are never going to get married! Love that Nathan is going to surprise her! :) Nina has her brother's back always awwww! :) Love Dillon's thumbs up hahahahaha! Oh oh Maxie is gone!!!! :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Lulu, Dante, and V.C.: Lulu!! GAH! Stop pushing!!! Give Charlie time!!!!!!

    Central Perk: Hey! They haven't shown Central Perk in awhile! Well that's because it's winter!!!! :) Brrrr!

    RayFin: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    V.C. and Charlie:

    Charlie: Nina can be my new mommy.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So sweet!!! :(

    Metrocourt hotel:

    RayFinn: Oh oh Finny is addicted!!! RayRay can help him detox! OH BOY! HERE WE GO!!! Rough hot sex time!!!! Awwww we don't get to see it? What a jip!!! Finny wins the line of the day.

    RayRay: We should make a toast. To Roxy. Where is she?

    Finny: It's nap time.


    1. They had the sex?
      Speaking of Finn errr Michael Easton, I had a dream about him. (Swoon) He looked like he did as Caleb, sans the fangs. The hair was what I noticed most. ❤

  5. "AntJoan said...And Alexis would NOT go to a meeting somewhere where she knows EVERYONE!!"

    She doesn't know anybody in the AA meeting.

  6. "Michelle Latta said...They had the sex?"


    "Speaking of Finn errr Michael Easton, I had a dream about him. (Swoon) He looked like he did as Caleb, sans the fangs. The hair was what I noticed most. ❤"

    Hehehehe. And what was he doing in your dream to you?! :)

    "I think she meant at the hospital."

    Oh! Oops! :)

    1. Haha dirty girl. He wasn't doing anything, I just remember his hair, it was beautiful long, not like RoHo's now.

    2. Haha dirty girl. He wasn't doing anything, I just remember his hair, it was beautiful long, not like RoHo's now.

  7. Sonya, yes, what Michelle said, I meant she knows everyone at the hospital. And ITA, she needs to win an Emmy, I was thinking the same thing!!

  8. Nancy needs "another" Emmy. I believe she has won one in the past. Great performance! And I have to admit that Franco and Scotty have been pure gold-well written and well acted. I thought it was so funny yesterday when Franco moved the coffee cup around to show it was now empty. So ridiculous how they all pretend to drink from empty cups but he was actually drinking something. I think the little girl playing Charlotte is just adorable and talented.

  9. Di said...

    Having an AA meeting on the main floor of a busy hospital is beyond ridiculous. Anonymity is the most important aspect of these meetings. It would be in the basement or an annex, not a conference room on a busy floor.

    ** It wasn't on the main floor, but it was on one with significant amounts of traffic, so still ridiculous, though.

    AntJoan said...

    And Alexis would NOT go to a meeting somewhere where she knows EVERYONE!!

    ** Yeah, and just as I mentioned yesterday, calling herself "Alexis" for that very reason, annoyed me. I thought she would have at least use "Natasha" or make something else entirely out of the blue, up, since she's such a well known public figure.

    sonya said...

    The hospital:

    Outside AA meeting: Oh Liz you are so smart!!!!! :)

    ** Of course she is, she doesn't work for the PCPD!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Lulu, Dante, and V.C.: Lulu!! GAH! Stop pushing!!! Give Charlie time!!!!!!

    ** Lulu is REALLY annoying me with this crap. ER is a decent actress, she was quite fun during her Y&R stint. But damn, the way Lulu is being written anymore, is just such a HUGE turnaround from the way she was when JMB was in the role. Especially even moreso since Jelly has taken over. She's just acting like a whiny selfish little brat, that only thinks about ONE thing. Really, even when RC was writing her after the switch, she wasn't this whiny and needy.



A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...