Thursday, January 19, 2017

Queen of the Jeromes

RECEPTION: Nina tells Griff that Claudette is dead. He looks upset.  Maxie and Nathan Dance. She looks a TINY bit happier than she did yesterday but not much.  Mac Daddy and Maxie dance. Nate Dances with Dr. O.
Griffin chugs his drink, guess he's upset about Claudette.  He goes out to the balcony where stupid Val is standing in the zero degrees and grabs him. "you killed Charlotte's mother"!!! And of course, Charlotte overhears it. 
Griffin his Val..Val HITS HIM A the stomach! Anna runs out and clocks Valentin. Valentin looks hurt..his face is all twisted up-- he looks like a boy and says "That's how you've always felt about me" AND he stutters a bit.  (great face acting) 
He wanted to wish Anna a happy birthday so long ago but I think she didn't like him because maybe? he was weird and nerdy? Anyway, JPS is AMAZING in his acting. 
Anna remembers him now..he's very deformed... and she rebuffed him. Anna cries when she remembers. 

Ava goes to see Alexis and asks where the hell Julian is. Alexis is like..huh? Ava taunts her about booze. It's kinda boring given it's NLG and MW. 

Jules is with Olivia (his sister, not the other Olivia)-- and she tells him they have to talk about his future with Alexis ..and Jason Morgan.  "I am now Queen of the Jerome Family and I call the shots" . 
When he leaves she opens up the china cabinet an talks to Duke (her old beau on GH) and she's cut pictures together of them as a couple. She vows to get Anna for tampering with her and Duke. "Anna will suffer and suffer and suffer"!! 

Liz and Sam together.WOW, people are going INSANE on twitter over this LOL. I like Becky and Kelly together.  Liz is trying to convince Sam to help her find Franco and also tells her she thinks Alexis killed Tom. Sam isn't having any of it! 

END OF SHOW: Stupid LULU tells Charlotte she's her real Mommy. Poor kid GEESH

Dang it, the show is getting good! 


  1. Blast it. I forgot to watch today. I'll have to watch it on Comcast onDemand now. Should be awesome if Wubs is approving.

  2. The wedding:

    Griffy and Nina: Great scene!

    Naxie dancing: Awwww so sweet. And then Mac and Felicia kiss! :)

    Mac and Fake Spinny: Fatherish! ROFL!

    Mac and Maxie:

    Maxie: You know I never cared what I call you. Uncle Mac, dad, Mac. I always knew you would be there for me. Always.

    Oh damn that made me cry! :'(

    Robin, Mac, and Emma: Ah ha! Robin is uneasy about Emma talking about boys!!!! Well now you finally know how Mac felt when you were with boys Robin!!!! :)

    Dr. O and Nathan: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    V.C. and Griffy: V.C. all alone and has an accent! :)Oh oh is Griffy drunk?!!?! WOAH BEAT UP SESSION!

    V.C. and Anna: WOW WOW WOW! Great scene! So V.C. has a stuttering problem!!!! And the vampire flashback, V.C. has a British accent! :)

    "Karen says he looks like a boy and says "That's how you've always felt about me" AND he stutters a bit. (great face acting)"

    He has always been a great actor!!!! :) And there is a rumor out there that V.C. is Robin's bio father!!!! I sure hope not, or I will NOT be happy!!!!!


    Charlie and Lulu: OH LULU!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That was so dumb telling her your her mother!!!!

    Lulu and Dante: It's funny. As they were talking you can see Maddox and Felicia fake talking in the background! ROFL!

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Liz and Sam: Great scene!!!! Yeah uh Sam, you don't know your mother as much as you think you do!

    The pawn shop: OH! it IS OLIVIA!!!!!! :) YAY! Julian calls her Liv! Oh she is still obsessed with Duke! Damn too bad he is dead. :( Oh a flashback of Olivia and Anna from the past! LOVE IT! :)

    Alexis's home:

    Ava and Alexis: Oh sounds like Maura West has a cold.

    Ava and Julian: Ava wins the line of the day!

    Ava: Swallowing hand sanitizer.


    "Karen says Dang it, the show is getting good!"

    IT IS IT IS! :)

  3. Shocking but really good today! VC actor was outstanding as was Finola. Heartwarming to see Mac dancing with Maxie. I like having Olivia J. back but she seems insane. Good job for a change.

  4. My dvr thought it was a rerun, will watch tomorrow on ondemand. Actually, a good thing. Everything else will be about drumpf.

  5. My theory about Anna and Valentin - he is her son given up at birth because she was raped by his dad

  6. "LSV422 said.. I like having Olivia J. back but she seems insane. Good job for a change."

    She has always been like that! ROFL!

  7. So, I didn't watch Olivia back in the day, you say she always was this crazy? I'm surprised Karen didn't say that Maura had a cold (but Sonya did)--it sounds like she has some laryngitis. It always amazes me when actors are sick, and yet they still are able to look so good, and to do such a good job! I guess, as actors, the show must go on . . .

  8. I don't dvr anymore and just watch when off and catch good shows on Hulu. So guess I'll watch later. Sounds good.

  9. "AntJoan said...I'm surprised Karen didn't say that Maura had a cold (but Sonya did)--it sounds like she has some laryngitis."

    Yeah she did sound like she has laryngitis!!! Poor Maura.

  10. sonya said...

    Dr. O and Nathan: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    ** I really wish we'd see more of her. Especially this side of her, KG is such a great actress.

    V.C. and Anna: WOW WOW WOW! Great scene! So V.C. has a stuttering problem!!!! And the vampire flashback, V.C. has a British accent! :)

    ** I'll admit I didn't think they were gonna go in that direction. Though, the accent wasn't British, I can't quite place it, but it wasn't that.

    He has always been a great actor!!!! :) And there is a rumor out there that V.C. is Robin's bio father!!!! I sure hope not, or I will NOT be happy!!!!!

    ** He has! Which is why I haven't complained heavily about another `newbie' since he was brought on. I'll be VERY pissed off if they go in that direction.

    Charlie and Lulu: OH LULU!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That was so dumb telling her your her mother!!!!

    ** At least according to the preview of Monday's show, that didn't go over quite the way Lulu expected it to!

    The pawn shop: OH! it IS OLIVIA!!!!!! :) YAY! Julian calls her Liv! Oh she is still obsessed with Duke! Damn too bad he is dead. :( Oh a flashback of Olivia and Anna from the past! LOVE IT! :)

    ** I made a comment last night on Tue's post where everyone was debating whether or not she really IS Olivia, or another sister, that somehow was not posted, even though I saw it posted when I closed the browser, oddly. Anyways, whenever Sam is on, I have to turn on closed captions, as no matter how loud it is, I still can't understand KM most of the time she speaks. Right at the end when Julian and she were talking, the CC had listed her as Olivia, so at that point it was confirmed for me. After watching today's ep, she's still as batshit crazy as ever! I still want to know though, HOW she survived, and why the Chinese connection with her now. I just hope they do explain things a bit, but doubt they will. I have to wonder though if they might be thinking of bringing Duke back again. I know IB has said he would love to come back if possible. And like a friend of mine says "Mortality on GH is...fluid"

    Alexis's home:

    Ava and Alexis: Oh sounds like Maura West has a cold.

    ** That's what I thought. Her voice was VERY hoarse.

    LSV422 said...

    I like having Olivia J. back but she seems insane.

    AntJoan said...

    So, I didn't watch Olivia back in the day, you say she always was this crazy?

    ** Yep, she's always been batshit crazy. I'd recommend hitting YT if you do want to have a better grasp of her and relationship with Julian. Surprisingly enough, you can find a massive amount of late 70s (around 78) and onwards stuff. If one hasn't seen some stuff, it's pretty likely you should be able to find what you want to see. And if one already has, it's a great refresher to be able to rewatch something one hasn't seen in nearly 30 years. :)

    gap723 21 said...

    My theory about Anna and Valentin - he is her son given up at birth because she was raped by his dad

    ** Nah, he's much too old for that. Plus Anna never had any any contact at all with Mikkos Cassadine. That would just be Luke, Laura, Robert, and Tiffany.


  11. I don't dvr anymore and just watch when off and catch good shows on Hulu. So guess I'll watch later. Sounds good.

  12. Loved the flashback of Anna and Olivia! That is the the little treasure you get when original cast members come back.

  13. LSV422 said...

    Loved the flashback of Anna and Olivia! That is the the little treasure you get when original cast members come back.

    ** Same here! It'd be nice if they'd do more ACTUAL older flashbacks, instead of newly made older ones, and just stuff from the previous few episodes, that seems to be all the rage anymore on all of the soaps. So those who weren't watching back then (or haven't gone to YT and watched now) can have a better understanding of stuff. And I just love seeing them. :)



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