Thursday, January 5, 2017

$60 Bar Bill

Franco bribes the bartender at the bar...Alexis is standing RIGHT THERE but no one sees her LOL -- Alexis starts drinking. When Franco leaves, she tries to talk the bartender into saying Tom stayed and she left. Then, in a flashback we see her walk out and Tom follow. He grabs her and turns her around...
Then, Franco is behind Alexis (at the bar) and he's heard the whole exchange.  Alexis goes home.
Franco calls Scotty, tells him to go meet him at the roadhouse.

Ava and Julian talking about Alexis and why he tried to kill her. He doesn't tell her why he's back in the mob. Sam Calls.

Sam and Jason and Curtis are feeding the homeless today. Yes, that's right.  They meet a guy (Patrick Swayze's Brother) "BUZZ". Curtis is pretending he's a minister. They end up shoving the guy down and try to 'make him talk'.  He finally says that the REAL boss is a woman. 

Sam meets Julian at the Metro...Ava goes with him but she leaves. She wants to know about the guy from the pawn shop. Zzzzzz He says someone is STILL trying to kill him and she should be careful. 

Nell was on with Carly at the Metro-- she seemed all happy they were together on NYE.  Carly thinks that She and Michael should get together. Nellie says she's already seeing someone. 

Alexis goes home. Julian comes home with a crate of wine for her. Huh? Weird. 

Nice Church cafeteria set--liked the props/extras.


  1. I knew that homeless guy looked familiar!
    Ya know, Alexis could claim like self defense or some kind of ptsd thing (because of when Jules tried to kill her). But of course she mowed Jules down so it won't even matter. LOL!!
    I wonder how long til we see this lady boss.

  2. The case of bottles were empties. Julian dumped all the contents.

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  5. The homeless shelter: Hey great set!!! Jason wants to go back again after the case is over? Awwww. :) Jason has changed so much! :) Oh wow Sam! I am surprised you stood your ground and told Jason no that you want to go see Julian! :0 I am surprised she didn't give in to him! Curtis wins the line of the day.

    Curtis: Hi. I'm Father Curtis. This is my alter boy Jason.

    ROFL! Hey this Buzz guy, I couldn't quite put my finger on why the actor looked so familiar.

    "Karen says They meet a guy (Patrick Swayze's Brother) "BUZZ"."

    He is Patrick Swayze's brother?!!!?!!?! WOW! No wonder he looked so familiar! He looks just like Patrick!!!! :)

    Sonny's home:

    Carson: Oh Carly! Come on please stop! If you don't want to go back with Sonny, then don't! I don't want to hear the same damn conversation over and over again! Sonny Jr enjoys you being there of course!

    Michael and Sonny: MICHAEL!!!! Don't ask your dad if you and your mother had sex! EWWWWW!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nelle and Carly: Oh so Nelle has a boyfriend? :)

    Michael and Nelle: Gee Michael.. Are you trying to get into her pants?

    Julian and Sam: Geez Sam. Where you and your cupcakes so bored at the homeless shelter that you had to go see Julian?

    Alexis's home:

    Julian and Ava: Ava's snarky jokes about Alexis hahaha. But beside all that, Ava is right Julian!!!

    Gene's bar: Oh I really like this bartender!!!! :)

  6. Michelle Latta said...

    I knew that homeless guy looked familiar!

    ** Yeah, I read the other day in this week's SiD, that he was going to be on the show. No idea for how long, though. He really does look like his brother, doesn't he?

    I wonder how long til we see this lady boss.

    ** According to the preview for tomorrow's show, we at least see her hand. Since it's white, I am assuming it's Tonja. Whether she's playing Olivia or not, I dunno. As some stuff is kind of pointing to it being her. And some other stuff I've noticed, looks like it's really pointing to it having to do with someone involved with the `Asian Quarter' storyline, the reference to the underground tunnels under PC to be able to get into the pawn shop, pointed in that direction, today. This being Jelly though, I probably am WAY overthinking it, unfortunately.

    sonya said...

    The homeless shelter: Hey great set!!! Jason wants to go back again after the case is over? Awwww. :) Jason has changed so much! :)

    ** I know, despite his helping Sonny out, and being an asshole to Liz and Franco, I'm definitely liking Billy's take on the character MUCH better. When he went from Jason Q to Jason Morgan, especially after Sonny left PC and put him in charge of everything, that was it for me. Steve's performance just got so rigid and emotionless, that pretty much lost me liking him. Especially after time went on, and it got more and more so. A friend nicknamed him `Borg Boy' after the Star Trek aliens. Which I thought summed him up PERFECTLY. I kind of think after acting that way for so long, he kinda got stuck. Having watched his Y&R stint, one of the things I've taken from it, is his performance really has been VERY similar in actions, and well lack of emotions. He does have some, but he still did have some as Jason M, just not much. Billy's take on the character for the most part is just so much more alive, and and actually caring. Sure Steve did to, to a limited extent. But just no way near as much. Integrating him back into the Qs somewhat has been great. It's just too bad they didn't give him those memories back, too. I would have LOVED to have seen what Billy could of done with that.

    Oh wow Sam! I am surprised you stood your ground and told Jason no that you want to go see Julian! :0 I am surprised she didn't give in to him!

    ** Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Sam supposed to be due, pretty soon? With the passage of time as warped and screwed up as it is on GH these days, I can't remember when exactly they learned she was. I'm pretty certain though, she should look MUCH farther along than she did today, IIRC.

    Sonny's home:

    Michael and Sonny: MICHAEL!!!! Don't ask your dad if you and your mother had sex! EWWWWW!

    ** That was just...bizarre.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nelle and Carly: Oh so Nelle has a boyfriend? :)

    ** I read that more along the lines of, being so focused on her obsession with Carly, whatever it is, is taking that place. (Or, that could have been a sideways comment about the whole fake sex with Sonny thing.) But I'm more inclined towards the first option.

    Julian and Sam: Geez Sam. Where you and your cupcakes so bored at the homeless shelter that you had to go see Julian?

    ** She told Jason that she was going to go ask Julian about Rudge, when she first came in. So, that had been her intention all along.


    1. Normally Sam is wearing black, so it's hard to tell and that white shirt yesterday just swallowed her, much too big. Also some women (petite like KeMo) carry small, so.....
      I loved Jason yesterday, there was something he said and I actually LOL! I wish I could remember but it was so un-Jason like. Haha!

  7. OK, so I am addressing the GH writers because I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!! I mean Carly and Sonny, over and over and over again!! Everyone here knows I love Sonny, and although I hate the character of Carly, I met Laura Wright at a GH event and found her to be amazing and wonderful. BUT . . . C'mon, I want to know if there is a reason why about 1/2 of all GH screen time is taken up by Sonny and Carly going around and around. Yes, they are great actors, and even manage to make the material seem fresh, BUT IT IS NOT!! I WOULD PAY MONEY to see Oliva and Ned, to see Bobbie, Lucy, Scotty, etc. All of the wonderful actors and characters that are like gold to us fans, yet Sonny and Carly are being shoved down our throats until we all are sick of them. I am not being sarcastic here, I just REALLY want to know the reason for this . . .

    1. I'm with you on the Sonny/Carly time with the story.The story isn't interesting. More Franco/Liz and less Corinthos. BS.

    2. Yes I couldn't agree more! It's the same crap with Carson, day after day. I was a Sonny fan in the beginning and then it became Sonny Hospital. Same with Tony Geary, the hugest fan and then the Fluke storyline and Tony's attitude ruined him for me. Sometimes when you're "dead" you just gotta lie down.....It was Tony's time to go and now it's Maurice's.

  8. I can't watch Sonny and Carly at all. I've met Laura W. several times and she is just delightful. But enough is enough. I think it all goes back to the MB ass-kissing by TPTB. It never ends.

  9. I enjoyed yesterday's show. I wish GH could be this consistently good with its writing and directing. My favorite scenes were the ones at Gene's bar.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...