Tuesday, January 17, 2017

General Hospital REPEAT

GH WAS A REPEAT OF a Thanksgiving EPISODE TODAY!! Remember, no GH on Friday either! 


Nathan Varni ‏@nathanvarni  8m8 minutes ago
#GH sched update: looking like we'll be pre-empted tomorrow. It's a big episode so we're likely to push to Thurs, more info to follow ...


  1. Why??? Inauguration isn't until the 20th. Bummer...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was wondering that myself. Since it's on Friday, all 4 soaps aren't scheduled to air then. I have know idea why it would be pre-empted Wed. That's really odd.


  4. I think president Obama is having his last press conference. Sad.

  5. Yes, he is having his last press conference, they said around 2. I figured no GH, but I guess we have to wait and see. . .

  6. from his Facebook: "Good morning GH fans! Sorry that it's been a rough month for pre-empts. I just wanted to reach out to let you know today's episode will be interrupted by President Obama's final White House press conference in many of our markets. We don't want you guys to miss out on today's great episode, so we are officially moving today's episode to tomorrow and all subsequent episodes back by one day. Also just a reminder the show will also not air Jan 20th. Sincerely apologize for the interruption and hope next week we'll be able to air a full week's worth of episodes! Thank you for your loyalty to GH, have a great day! And remember to manually set your DVR for tomorrow if you record the show, sometimes the dvr's get thrown off by these pre-empts."

  7. iam sick and tired of gh being pre-empted.I live in the albany,ny market and we get the Chew at 1pm and its never been pre-empted.After gh at 3pm in the Albany market we get Judge Judy for a hour and that show has never been pre-empted. After 50 years on tv i believe the abc network would like to see gh go off the air.Also in the summer the station that carries gh always pre empts it when we get bad weather.Enough is Enough

    1. I agree! I'm sick of GH being preempted. I love our President and will be sad to see him go but good gravy didn't he just have a final farewell a wk or two ago???

  8. There are channels devoted to news, plus so many ways to watch stuff these days, WHY do they have to pre-empt our show? I feel lost when it's not on . . .

  9. AntJoan said...

    There are channels devoted to news, plus so many ways to watch stuff these days, WHY do they have to pre-empt our show? I feel lost when it's not on . . .

    ** I know what you mean. At lest if it gets pre-empted, and whatever is left of the show still airs, I can go to Hulu or ABC's page and still watch the day's episode. (In fact that's the main reason I still keep Hulu, after the PP debacle ended.) What's really weird though, here at least Days airs the exact same time as GH, and was shown in it's entirety, today. B&B wasn't shown either, it airs in the 30 mins before GH and Days does here, though. And today's was on CBS's site.


  10. It bugs me even more when it's pre-empted for weather news. They could give a bulletin and then run updates at the bottom of the screen like other channels. People who want to watch the weather all afternoon can watch the weather channel. It's not like people have a tv in their car or the people on the couch watching GH need to know what the drive home will be like.

  11. Our GH was pre-empted the other day due to a Buffalo Bills press conference. I guess the local ABC affiliate thinks there are more Bills fans in the market than GH fans. They are probably right, but wouldn't most of them have been at work and away from a TV at that time anyway? I did get to see it "On-Demand" the next morning, however.

  12. A new B & B was on yesterday. They were a bit premature pre-empting GH I think. Watched the press conference but it could have just as easily been on a news channel as mentioned above.


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