Monday, January 9, 2017

Empty Bottles

Roger and Kin are on. Good Day for Karen. I just love them. Franco says his alibi for the time that Tom died was being locked in a dog cage. Scotty was like WHOA!! Liz is kinky! ahhaha
Franco: "You're on Facebook"?
Scotty: Yes, Twitter too, it's how I get my clients!

Franco: And you didn't friend me? 
They search hashtags to see if there are photos up from Gene's Bar..find one and Alexis and Tom are in the background. 

Homeless Shelter...yada yada. Cut to pawn shop and lady nails/rings. Zzzzzzz They send Swayze to Baltimore. He told them they can get into the pawn shop through the catacombs 

Kiki and Dilly didn't even GO TO LA! AHAHAA they are back in Port Charles!! WELP. They turned around in Detroit and came home. zzzzzzzzzz
Ate Chinese food. Kissed.
Liz interrupts them looking for Franco. 

Laura is on Facebook-- she put up pictures of the kids ice skating...Kevin fell on the ice. He had to go to the ER. hee hee (nothing big) Laura says Everyone, even Franco deserves another chance.  

Julian gives Lexi a big crate of booze, all empty. HE tells her he'd never hurt her .well, ok She gets a car to leave again. He tells her if she goes he'll call Sam. She stays.. Oh wait, she remembers she got the knife away from Tom and pointed it at him. IN a flashback she says "You messed with the wrong woman'. NOW she needs to go have a drink.  No, wait..she remembers more and tells Julian she killed Tom Baker. 


  1. Today's episode sounds really fun. Can't wait to watch!

  2. BobTodd's home:

    "Karen says Kiki and Dilly didn't even GO TO LA! AHAHAA"

    They didn't? How do you know that? They didn't say they didn't go. When they showed them today I wondered how her interview went. Anyway YAY Killon make out session!!!! :)

    Alexis's home: I like that Julian had emptied all of Alexi's alcohol! Okay I will give that to him, but I still hate you Julian! Like she would really listen to you! Go away!

    Homeless shelter: Wow Patrick's brother looks so much like him! And he sounds like Patrick too!!!! Freaky! The catacombs?!!! YAY catacombs mention! Jason should have said, I remember the catacombs!!!! Too bad he didn't.

    Mystery office: Oh oh! The boss lady spilled tea on Rudge on purpose!!!! You don't wanna mess with her! Hmmm she reminds me of Helena.. :) Is it Helena? Boy those hands are so angry!!!!

    Gene's bar: YAY! Scotty and BobTodd!!! :) Oh nuts RoHo wasn't eating. :( Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Elizabeth Webber. Its the quiet ones.


    BobTodd: Ewww.

    HAHAHHAHA! And hey Scotty is on facebook?! I checked for fun, there IS a Scott Baldwin but I doubt that is him.

    The hospital:

    Liz and Laura: Oh no! Doc is hurt? Oh he is going to be okay whew. :) Great Liz and Laura scene. :)

  3. Sonya: Killon did say that they basically turned around and came home after Detroit, that they didn't make it to LA.

    I don't think the lady is Helena, the hands belong to a young, or youngish woman.

  4. "AntJoan said...Sonya: Killon did say that they basically turned around and came home after Detroit, that they didn't make it to LA."

    Oh. Then I missed that. I wonder what happened.. I hope Kiwi calls that interviewer and tells what happened.

  5. sonya said...Hmmm she reminds me of Helena.. :) Is it Helena?

    *** Her hands did look really young. One of the rumours out there is that helena, who was searching for a way to make herself live forever, might have found a way to rejuvenate herself. ( hence the clue on the name of the boat)

  6. ...and some news about Brandon Barash.

  7. Di said...

    sonya said...Hmmm she reminds me of Helena.. :) Is it Helena?

    *** Her hands did look really young. One of the rumours out there is that helena, who was searching for a way to make herself live forever, might have found a way to rejuvenate herself. ( hence the clue on the name of the boat)

    ** If that's the case, I'd bet that would be who Tonja will be playing, then. Which would also make a lot of sense as to why ABC has been very adamant and careful to not say exactly who she will be playing. Which would be interesting. Though, that would be no more Constance Towers as Helena at all anymore. :P


  8. Sonya, I also was thinking that I hoped that Killon called to cancel whatever appointments they had in LA.

    I hadn't thought that Helena might be rejuvenated, but that does make a lot of sense. The actress who used to play Olivia Jerome is blonde, and I guess could play a rejuvenated (or reincarnated?) Helena. Also, while Helena would not be residing in a grubby pawnshop, the catacombs might be a clue that she is hiding out at Wyndemere? When they mentioned the catacombs I did think of Wyndemere, but didn't think that the catacombs can connect the mainland to the island, I did not think they extended underwater . . . But, with the Cassadines, I guess anything is possible . . .

  9. sonya...Constance is 83. She may not want to work anymore. I still miss her evil old character. ( And if they're going that route I would rather she made a "little" mistake in her calculations and came back as Charlotte. hahaha )

    And, AntJoan, we should be used to things that don't make a lot of sense by now. lol

    1. LOL That would be hilarious if she came back as Charlotte!!

  10. Scotty makes any scene he is in a riot, even with his freaky son. That was so funny! I love seeing Laura every week now, too! That Swayze guy has some head of hair! Does the mystery lady wear the same thing every day?

    1. So awesome to see Patrick's brother. I loved Patrick. ❤

    2. So awesome to see Patrick's brother. I loved Patrick. ❤

  11. Di said...

    sonya...Constance is 83. She may not want to work anymore. I still miss her evil old character.

    ** Actually, it was me, not sonya. :) But yeah, she's still working, she did a hulu original series recently. So, that's not an issue. I suppose there's always "newly made" flashbacks, if they are going that route, at least.

    ( And if they're going that route I would rather she made a "little" mistake in her calculations and came back as Charlotte. hahaha )

    ** I would SO be down with that!! :)



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