Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Cold Storage


It's 8pm on Saturday Night. I usually get the Surgery done by afternoon at the latest. Maybe it's because I have Monday off or maybe it's because I half-watched the show this week that I just don't care. 
I don't even know if anyone is reading anymore! I hardly have time to check the comments.So--I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this. 

I'm on a good "January Detox" (we do it every year) so lets have some oranges and a little veggie juice. Sad. 

Jordan: Um...Liz, you recognize this guy?
Liz: Could be anyone, anyone ...I think he was watching Bloodline, kinda looks like Danny...

Dante: Do you think we're stupid? 
Liz: Is that rhetorical? 

Well, yes, mysterious phone caller...yes I understand. Yes... it should be exciting once we let people in on this. Yes...yes. Is it exciting now? Well..only when I drink that stash of Alexis' booze I hid. 

Boy meets Girl. Girl meets boy. Chemistry.
He leaves the mob...he's in the mob...he leaves the mob...he's in the mob...
He loves her.
He tries to murder her...
She drinks.
He's suddenly the hero. 
Welcome to Julexis 2.0. 

I'm dead. I'm just a ghost. 
Ask Carlos.
And Silas.
And AJ.
And Connie...

So you see...I got to look at her boobies last night and...POOF! We are married! 

OMG, Laura, I know we just talked about this when you were telling me Kevin fell on the ice but someone might have missed my angst about forgiving Franco, so let me explain it all again, ok? 

SO, we can use hashtags to locate photos online? 
YEP, do it all the time...
Like, what...
You know, #betterhairproducts #dogcages that sort of stuff. 

See, I'm a really well known lawyer in town and I don't want anyone to know I ran over my ex-husband and put my grandson in danger...
Why would you go to General Hospial for a meeting then? Why not Mercy or ...Beecher's Corners?
Oh, they have more than one meeting in the county?  Huh. 

Finn, what are you doing? 
Oh! Nothing...nothing...I um, was straightening the linens, yeah, that's it. Just tiding up. Nothing to see here. Nope.

Nate: Maybe if we got married in a surprise ceremony you'd cheer up? 
Maxie: Doubtful

No, that's not a's a tick! 

HEY! I heard Claudette is dead!! Guess what? That means I can have my child back. Yes, my child. My daughter. Fruit of my egg. I am going to get full custody. Hear that? FULL. Yep. Ha ha. FULL. Custody of my daughter. 

Let's toast to the best part of today's show! 

So I'm stuck in this storage container and all I get is a lamp? It's not even from IKEA! 

This week was good in the following ways:

^Bobbie read Nell for the bitch that she is. Good old fashioned soapnation right there. 

^Nancy Lee Grahn kicked it with her desperation, anxiety, withdrawl, shame..
^There was an actual moose head 
^Kin and Roger really are great together bullshitting at lunch about facebook and life in general. 

This week was not so good in the following ways:

*It seems the Hammy Finn story is just snailing along. Geeze. The guy was a supposed addict when he came on. Then we take 5 months to find out he's dying. Then we take the time to 'find a cure' then Greenlee gets it. Then they take lizard cells and everyone is saved--only, nope--Hammy's addicted.

*Naxie make me cry with boredom. Ditto Kiki and Dilly They've done nothing but eat, sit on a a shower, kiss and eat. 
BIG NOTE:  Although NLG is doing wonderfully I can't let this chance pass to voice my displeasure on the story.  Instead of having Alexis go though this with her family and friends....she's isolated in a house with the guy that tried to MURDER HER. And not half-assed fake type murder, nope-- we saw the savage way it was written. Great she went to AA this week but you know we'll get 1 or 2 scenes with "the girls" and then that will be done. 

So that's the week. I mean GH certainly isn't bad right now and many people are enjoying the show. I'm just not really into any couple at the moment.  I am continuing to be frustrated by the 2:2 and 2:3 people in a scene every damn day. I long for the time when characters flowed through the canvas and the town/hospital was alive with possibility. 

OH: Prop of the week? Has to go to the Bubble Wrap...keeping my Franco warm in his storage unit of death. 


  1. Oh yea!! People are reading.... I check your blog every single day and enjoy it whether I agree with you or not. Good job today.

  2. I'm still reading your comments, you are the only person that's makes sense to me. My frustration with the show is beyond anything I ever felt with GH.. I even backed off twitter because I can't stand the back and forth anymore. I used to really enjoy twitter and engaging with the GH peeps but even that is getting to me ..
    Keep doing what you're doing, there's someone here who gets it..
    Btw.. I won't reveal my age but I'm watching GH since the sixties.. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  3. Great Sunday Surgery!!!! :) I used to accidentally call it Sunday Sugary.. I miss calling it that. :)

    "I don't even know if anyone is reading anymore!"

    You're kidding right? Of course they are silly!!!!! :) I love the picture of V.C with his eyes popping out hahaha. I guess that is face of the week? :)

    "OH: Prop of the week? Has to go to the Bubble Wrap...keeping my Franco warm in his storage unit of death."

    Store unit of death! ROFL! Our poor BobTodd. :(

  4. While I don't always agree with your surgery I have to admit you are cut up. Fun to read your take. Loved Diane and Sonny and well Scotty and Franco to me are gold and I have to go and listen 2/3 times on YouTube so I can make the smile on my face last longer. Bubble wrap, well it's handy keeps him warm but if he gets bored he can pop one every now and then. Keep them coming may not always comment but always read!

  5. I feel like I miss the "flow" of story. One minute Killon is on a train, worried how they're going to hold their pee for 5 hours, NEXT their eating Chinese at her apartment and back to being boring pals. ALONE IN AN APARTMENT TALKING ABOUT HOW THEY BOTH NEED A SHOWER and they're happy eating take out! Franco the P.I., figuring out the murderer's name (we will see🙄) in one trip to a nearby bar, but the police STILL can't find out where Valentin was as a kid, even though he's ALWAYS talking about it! Maxie is the least "Maxie" she's ever been, used to be entertaining, even in dull story she'd "bubble it up." Now she's with dull old Nate and cant even make an exciting international mystery fun (hey, even "international" got boring, it's just Canada now!). Maxie needs a 20 hour nap, then a trip to Paris for some cute clothes and some French fun to get her spark back! Nate and Maxie are just slightly more entertaining than ANY scene involving dull dud Michael! And c'mon, lets fast-forward to the part where Nelle comes out so she and Krissy can start some REAL story!

  6. Really enjoyed Sunday Surgery especially the bubble wrap reference with Franco. Maybe there is hope for Friz?

  7. Still reading. Hoping for a reason to tune back in. It's looking doubtful.

  8. It's the same story as last week. The cast is great but too large; each storyline goes on too long; and the writers are lazy and should be replaced.

  9. I am still reading SS and enjoy your "take". I catch the show every now and again. And I'm just one of those "GH" fans that remains extremely frustrated. I have never warmed up to any of these "new" characters written ie Nina, Finn, Nathan, Dr. O, Nelle, etc. Whether character, actor or both. They just don't do it. And I will never accept RoHo's "Franco" or anything associated to this "rewrite". As a matter of fact - I have become to "despise" Elizabeth as a result. And I just can't watch Rylan's take on Lulu. The character I used to love. How I adored Dante and Lulu back in the day. But writing, actress - Lulu is just miserable to watch and she becomes worse. Not what I was hoping for when Julie left in 2013. Miserable. So as a "Spencer" fan, makes the show difficult to watch. Dante has become a total bore, relegated to "purse holder". Another "fail". The couples remain duds. Billy Miller is a bore as Jason and Sam has become so "Zen".. #FAIL. I watch the show and it lacks the chemistry and energy it once had. That "magic" is gone for me. SAd.

  10. Karen, thanks for all that you do, I still watch GH every day, and I read your blog every day, so don't stop, ever!!

  11. still reading.the alexis, julian story has been done before, maybe ur too young to remember. alan tried to kill monica by having aj's nursery fall on her.

  12. Excellent SS! Still reading and still watching with much fast forwarding. I agree with your comments and CapeMcMoose, yours echo mine, too. I liked Killon initially but even Dillon is more energetic than Kiki. The actress has no pizazz and the character has no purpose. I've been enjoying Franco with Scotty, but when he is with Liz I can't watch. I totally understand Alexis' anger towards Julian but I am getting tired of watching it. Lulu is just plain annoying.Can't think of anything else worth mentioning.

  13. "witch said.. maybe ur too young to remember. alan tried to kill monica by having aj's nursery fall on her."

    Alan always tried to kill Monica! ROFL! There were a lot of threats too.. And they both cheated on each other! :) Damn I miss Monica and Alan! :(

  14. Another great read. I loved Sunday Surgery. That pic of valentine and the boobie comment had me laughing out loud. lol

  15. I enjoy Scott & Franco and Franco & Liz scenes. Starting to enjoy Dillon and Kiki.
    I wish they didn't waste Valentin on Nina. In fact, the show could get rid of Nina, Nelle and Michael.

  16. Alexis & Julian as the new Monica & Alan would be EPIC.

  17. jacklyn zeman looks absolutely AMAZING in that photo!

  18. sonya said...

    "I don't even know if anyone is reading anymore!"

    You're kidding right? Of course they are silly!!!!! :) I love the picture of V.C with his eyes popping out hahaha. I guess that is face of the week? :)

    ** I'm in agreement with you sonya. There are 18 comments ahead of me tonight (I know I'm generally the last person to actually comment on each day's column/article, before everyone replies to what's been commented on) So there are DEFINITELY people reading everyday! The picture of VC and the caption below it made me spray what I was drinking on my laptop's screen, I laughed so hard! :)

    witch said...

    still reading.the alexis, julian story has been done before, maybe ur too young to remember. alan tried to kill monica by having aj's nursery fall on her.

    ** Most of us that have been commenting and complaining about the Julexis story have been watching since the 70s at least. So by no means are we too young, to remember that. There's a big difference in both of those stories, though. Even though Alan tried to kill Monica multiple times, and were at each other's throats over the years, not ONCE while watching did I EVER think that he actually would succeed. The way theDi said...
    Another great read. I loved Sunday Surgery. That pic of valentine and the boobie comment had me laughing out loud. loly were always written and played, never suddenly came out of nowhere, and was as brutal and dark as what happened with Julexis. Not to mention, even at their worst with each other (and there was some ugly stuff back and forth) it wasn't as cold and and vicious as what we saw several months ago. Yes Alan and Monica had their differences, and went at it with each other. But, as bad as some of it was, you always kinda knew, it wouldn't succeed, for one reason or another.

    Di said...

    Another great read. I loved Sunday Surgery. That pic of valentine and the boobie comment had me laughing out loud. lol

    ** So did I! It really was a great column this week! The pic and comment made me do more than that, though! (see upwards) Hands down the best part of the column this week!


  19. I love your blog. I read it daily. Keep it coming. I do know what you mean about it being all over the place. Most days I delete the DVR and read recaps then watch clips on YouTube for the ones I want to see.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...