Thursday, January 12, 2017

AA meeting

Naxie gets home. Tells Lulu Claudette is dead.  All of them think she got murdered. 

OMG Laura and Liz have the same convo in the same hallway--exactly!! IT's so redux. 

"Are you live tweeting about my mannequin"? Says Franco to Jordan. AHAHHAA.
They search and she likes Elizabeth's painting. Then Dante finds Tom's scary painting. Ut Oh. Elizabeth walks in and defends Franco. 

Julian is yelling at Alexis now about trying not to drink. She's detoxing. She says she's going to an AA meeting.
This is so bad given what Julian did to her!! 
Ok, so Alexis says she's going to AA at GH (would she go where people know her?) Um...
and when she leaves he calls someone and says "Do It Now".  He got Gene the bartender from the bar (force-ably) and took him to the Lake House. Told him he "never saw Alexis and should forget who she is".  She was NEVER THERE on the 21st. Yada Yada. 

At GH, Alexis of course runs into Laura. They talk about Nikolas --for the FIRST TIME since (or even before) he died!!! That's this show. Infuriating. 
Alexis finally goes into the room where AA is and sits down.  She finally says she's an alcoholic. 

Valentin admits he was in Anna's room on the night of her birthday at the academy.  But won't say what they did. I think we know what they did? She says "what did you do to me" ...he says what if it's something YOU DID TO ME???/ leaves. 

Scotty and Franco!! Back at Gene's!! They are trying to figure out what's happening. Franco says the cops are tossing his studio.  They have best, most natural dialog banter going! 

Ok, So end of show: Franco is hit with the brick, goes down in the snow. 


  1. BobTodd's art studio:

    BobTodd, Dante, and Jordan: Geez Jordan! You are there to look around! You got a search warrent! Search! Don't ask BobTodd questions!

    Liz and Jordan: Wow Jordan! You are so rude telling her she is a liar! Love that Liz is sticking up for BobTodd! :)

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Julian: What?!!?!? Alexis slept on Julian's leg?!!?! WHAT THE HELL?!!?! And wow really Julian? You are going to believe Alexis when she says she is going to AA? Come on!

    Gene and Julian: Okay I like that Julian wants Gene to pretend that he never saw Alexis, but I don't like Gene being roughed up! I still don't forgive you Julian for killing Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos!!!! GRRRRR!

    Naxie's home: What kind of blush is Maxie wearing? It's so dark. It don't look good on her.

    Maxie and Lulu: Wow Maxie has changed so much!!! :) It probably is a good idea to wait until you get married.

    The hospital: Wow!!!! Alexis is really going to AA?!!?!!? :)

    Laura and Alexis: Great scene!

    Laura and Liz: Awww Liz congratulating Laura about her new job awwwww! :)


    Alexis: Hi my name is Alexis, and I am an alcoholic.

    YAY! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Anna: Hahahahahahaha! They are both playing games! :) I love it! Hmmm so he didn't do anything to Anna, but she did something to him? Very mysterious! :)

    Gene's bar:

    Papa Scotty and son BobTodd: YAY! More goodness!!!! BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Oh sketches! Great! I'm finally going to see where my artistic side came from. Oh no! Nope. Still a mystery.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That made me laugh hard! :) BobTodd it's not a mystery! You got your artistic side from your mother! You forgot!!!! :)

    BobTodd: Come on! Come on! Say it. Just say it. I'm going to miss you Franco. Go ahead say it.

    Scotty: Of course I will miss you dummy!

    ROFL! Awwwww. :)

    Gene: That was funny when Gene came in and then once he saw BobTodd, he went back into the kitchen! ROFL

    Outside Gene's bar: HEY! WHO HIT MY BOBTODD?!!?!? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. It wasn't Alexis. She was at AA. Hmmm Julian's man? Tom's brother?!

  2. sonya said...

    Alexis's home:

    And wow really Julian? You are going to believe Alexis when she says she is going to AA? Come on!

    ** I'd be VERY surprised if he didn't have someone following her, keeping an eye out for what she does.

    Alexis: Hi my name is Alexis, and I am an alcoholic.

    YAY! :)

    ** I still say she is NOT a full-blown alcoholic, at least YET. While she has been doing a VERY large amount of "problem drinking", it really hasn't been long enough yet, to consider her one. (Like I've said many times before, this is one thing that often frustrates me with soaps. People become full blown addicts so quickly, for dramatic reasons). I was also surprised she didn't say her name was Natasha, due to her public personae being so well known. It would have been more `low key' so to speak.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Anna: Hahahahahahaha! They are both playing games! :) I love it! Hmmm so he didn't do anything to Anna, but she did something to him? Very mysterious! :)

    ** I still have no idea where the hell they're going with this, but I'll admit I am curious. Now to hope something worthwhile actually comes of it. Though, I'm definitely NOT counting on that happening.

    Outside Gene's bar: HEY! WHO HIT MY BOBTODD?!!?!? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. It wasn't Alexis. She was at AA. Hmmm Julian's man? Tom's brother?!

    ** If I was forced to lay money down on a bet, I'd have to go with the latter 2 options, myself. They're the most likely.

    ** I'm guessing the new set for the bar must have been pretty damn expensive, since we're seeing so much of it in EVERY episode, now. I was also pondering the idea of a drinking game, anytime someone says "Gene's Brandford Road House Bar", but decided against it, because "acute liver failure" doesn't sound like it would be very fun.


  3. Maxie looks so unhappy and somewhat ill. I wonder if Kirsten is having a health problem. She just seem barely there in the scenes and she looks angry or edgy or something. Everyone with her seems OK and working well, so why does she seem to scarcely respond? Can't be easy for her co-stars.

    Wish Roger would get a haircut. I don't mind it being a little long, but now it looks messy and unattractive. It is easier to believe he is a changed man if he doesn't look so bedraggled and kinda grubby.

    Wish we could see Laura and Kevin scenes--like they had a story. Two of my favorites. Laura and Anna working together would be interesting...

    1. If Kirsten is sick we can carry for her, but until we hear different maybe we shouldn't talk about how "bad" she looks or how she's acting. She's playing a character who's wedding didn't happen and who's had a lot of crappy happen, I'd be playing my character this way too! LOL!!

  4. soaplover said...Wish Roger would get a haircut. I don't mind it being a little long, but now it looks messy and unattractive. It is easier to believe he is a changed man if he doesn't look so bedraggled and kinda grubby.

    I agree. A short haircut would definitely make him look like a new man.

  5. did the Floating Rib burn down and they just didn't show us???

    1. I was wondering the same about Kelly's, they always show Gene's now....

  6. Michelle Latta said...

    If Kirsten is sick we can carry for her, but until we hear different maybe we shouldn't talk about how "bad" she looks or how she's acting. She's playing a character who's wedding didn't happen and who's had a lot of crappy happen, I'd be playing my character this way too! LOL!!

    ** Not to mention Maxie is also supposed to be JUST starting to get over having the flu. Between that and the wedding falling through at the last minute, she's playing it pretty much the way I would think she'd be feeling/acting, after all that.


  7. "K says I'd be VERY surprised if he didn't have someone following her, keeping an eye out for what she does."

    Oh I didn't even think about that!

    "I still say she is NOT a full-blown alcoholic, at least YET. While she has been doing a VERY large amount of "problem drinking", it really hasn't been long enough yet, to consider her one. (Like I've said many times before, this is one thing that often frustrates me with soaps. People become full blown addicts so quickly, for dramatic reasons)."

    It's been months hasn't it? I lost track of when she first started drinking.

    "I still have no idea where the hell they're going with this, but I'll admit I am curious."

    Yeah I have no idea either! But that is what GH used to do.. Gave us mysteries.

    "Now to hope something worthwhile actually comes of it. Though, I'm definitely NOT counting on that happening."

    Yeah.. It could suck!!! :(

    "I'm guessing the new set for the bar must have been pretty damn expensive, since we're seeing so much of it in EVERY episode, now."

    Well they haven't shown Central Perk. I mean it's cold! They can't have people sit around drinking coffee. BRRRRR! :) They only time they show it, is when people skate.. Which is good, but it's funny that Central Perk has a skating rink ROFL!

  8. sonya said...

    "K says I'd be VERY surprised if he didn't have someone following her, keeping an eye out for what she does."

    Oh I didn't even think about that!

    ** It's something I could easily see him doing. Despite all the bullshit and mess between them over the last year (And I have been VERY pissed off about it) I definitely think he does love her, though. I dunno exactly how Jelly is planning to explain/attempt to reasonably repair the massive amount of damage they've inflicted on Julexis in the past year. I will try to keep an open mind, but not to keep my expectations very high.

    It's been months hasn't it? I lost track of when she first started drinking.

    ** It's been several months, yeah. Since Julian's trial this summer. She has been doing heavy problem drinking, and has made a mess of her life from doing so. But, I don't think she's crossed the line into `addiction', yet. A couple years ago B&B did something very similar with Brooke, and this last year with Katie. Both were drinking heavily for just a few months, and then suddenly were both called addicts. Days did something VERY similar this last year with Jennifer, but in her case it was pain medication due to a serious back injury from a car accident. After just a few short months, she was suddenly being called an addict. (This one is probably the one that I have the most problem with. Since I have been on them for quite a few years due to my neuro-muscular condition, and always will be on them. ) I get that soaps speed things up for dramatic reasons. It just annoys me, is all. I do apologize again for the rant, though.

    Yeah I have no idea either! But that is what GH used to do.. Gave us mysteries.

    ** Unfortunately, it's been a REALLY long time, since they've done a really fantastic one.

    Well they haven't shown Central Perk. I mean it's cold! They can't have people sit around drinking coffee. BRRRRR! :) They only time they show it, is when people skate.. Which is good, but it's funny that Central Perk has a skating rink ROFL!

    ** The set reminds me a LOT of the old docks/pier set that had the horizontal wooden rows on the back wall/building, then small stairways going up and down from both directions IIRC. It was the one that was used for quite awhile, before they switched to the the more elaborate one(s) they're using now for each individual "piers". As far as the skating rink, I was first thinking it's down by the docks/water, but then realized it wouldn't work.



Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...