AMC...ok, this is the way I think. To give the David H murder a REAL twist? Angie would be faking her blindness and would have killed him and drugged Ryan. YEP! Plus, come on, if I were there I'd go INTO the autopsy-- watch them cut him open, get a DNA test and then stand there while they put him in the crematory. THEN we'd know he was DOA. Really DEAD.
Best part of the Lisa story? Mac Daddy's on!!
Today I sent my one and only off to school as a senior...and he got his driver's license yesterday. Dear Lord. Enough stress for one month? YEP! I can't have a senior in HS. Not possible! LOL. It's back to school here in WNY, ergo, those kids better buckle up on GH!
GENERAL HOSPITAL: Thank you for all your HUNK suggestions!! I think we covered them all. LOL. I told people on Twitter that you can usually tell someone's age by their answers!!! Heh. No one said Steve Hardy, so we're ok.
Lisa..ahahaha. Getting Robin suspended. Nikolas uses his feta-sense to know she's a faker though. Just like his own Granny. Love that Robin is living with Mac!! That's the ol' Webber house. Laura used to run around there. Coffee in the kitchen. *sigh* I guess I'm happy Pat and Robin are working together to get Lisa.
Ok, Brenda's laugh is really getting on my nerves. GEESH!!! ugh....annoying. And a little scary. It was always loud but NOT THIS WACKY!!
She and Sonny talk about Port Charles. She knows about Josslyn..and Jax donates to her charity. Blah, blah..blah. I hope they don't spend days on end in that damn room. Reminds me of Sonny and Kate at Wyndemere during the B&W ball..being stuck in there the whole time. (Except for the stupid blood transfusion heh)
Sonny talks about Karen and Brenda being so young when he was all over them. Nice touch. Caus we DO remember that. Interesting that he tells her he shot Johnny because of the Kristina situation. Not because Johnny had a gun or anything about the Claudia situation or Michael being shot. hmmm. THEN he tells her about Dante-- shooting him when he was an undercover cop. Brenda's like, So Sorry for you!! Ditto about the car bombs. She GETS HIM....see, she really GETS him!!
Sam had a cute face on when she was listening to Jason talk about how much he loved her. He told Spin she was so much better than Brenda, basically. heh. Carly's going to try to fan the jealousy flames when he's in "Rome" but this will remind her not to fall into that fire.
CarJax was a bit strange, but I'll take it. Love the half-porn music!! "My Love Arise" ...hmm, that says somethin'!
NLG just tweeted: @sherrimonavie wee im not on air for at least another month
Interesting... not by choice she's said. Hmmmmmmm.
TODAY's GH is brought to you by the COUCH. Lante, CarJax and JaSam were all on couches. Guess it saves on the bedroom budget.