Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Toronto Triage!!

What a fun weekend I had!! My brother drove me to Toronto and we spent time at the Eaton Center and looked around for celebs at the Toronto Film Fest. No luck there, but there was a ton of people and big cameras around!! My brother saw the back of Ben Affleck's head (he thinks) at the opening of "The Town". That was as close as it got.

I got to the Falconeri Event about 10 minutes ahead of time after taking the wrong way off the subway. Whoops. The hotel was very nice--and the ballroom was all decorated in "Falconeri" gear. Fans had tables decorated with trains (for the "Lante Express"), Yankee logos, Italian food, Lante cupcakes--the works!! Lisa, Dom and Ronnie had spent all day at the baseball game with a family from the Children's Wish of Canada and 10 lucky fans. We learned about the charity and watched a touching DVD about the program.

The organizers came  up with a signature Falconeri Martini which looked yummy. The three stars had their fill of those, sushi and other goodies while talking with us. I wish I would have gotten the recipe for the cocktail-- I'll have to try to find it!

Then the REAL fun began.  Some eye opening questions/converations took place for about an hour. We learned that Dante goes to Ireland with Lulu to find Lucky. Dante has a major connection to The Balkan. I said how great their dialects were during the show--and Lisa was telling how often she's asked to play an Italian from  NYC or NJ.   Since she's from Michigan, she has no real  accent "in real life'. Of course, Dom is from Toronto so he isn't doing the accent, but Ronnie, he's the real Brooklyn deal! They told us that Dom's Mom had cooked them all dinner on Friday evening. I have to say I'm very old-fashioned when it comes to my TV Shows...especially soaps. I really like to think everyone that I see that is family on my tube gets along outside the show. We know they don't always do...but these three were just so comfortable with each other and obviously really great friends. It was so nice to see.

There was an auction for the chairty and items like a signed script  from Michele Val Jean (The Sonny shoots Dante eppy) went for as much as $550!! The three actors even did a quick improv from the show, with Ronnie doing the part of  "Sonny"!!  heh. The most interesting item of the night was the "sock' Dom wore during his infamous Lante sex-scene. I believe the final on-line bid was $580!! Posters,  photos and DVDs were all auctioned off for the cause.

At around 10:45, finally got to hand Dominic a sharpie and he and Lisa both signed 5x7 pics I had made for them from their Alberta enocounters at MOCA and FCW. Ronnie, who was the only one not to have met Alberta yet, got his photo taken with her--as you can see above!! I also met some really great people I've tweeted with. It's always SO AWESOME to meet tweeps and Wubbers in person!!! Kudos to the stars that stayed that late to meet every person and sign things, they had a long, long day. Thanks too to the coordinators--Terry, Heather, Mary and others --this was GH's first EVER event in Canada!! Oh, and a shout out to the bartender guy from the hotel...he was fantastic :) Another hell to the great TVWatercooler Gang!

I've gotten some new scoops up....Robin's going to be taken by Lisa-- Mac goes on the hunt...and guess who else Dante has a connection with??


  1. I would have loved to have been there, but I wasn't willing to drive the 250 miles from southern MI to Toronto by myself. I'm glad you had a great time. Now, about that Falconeri Martini - you said it looked yummy, but you made no mention of how it or any of the other goodies tasted. Is there a reason for that? Please tell!

  2. OK, to continue a conversation from your prior post, I REMEMBER NIK AND SARAH together, but no one else seems to. Am I the only one? I'm SURE I didn't imagine this!

  3. I know that Lucky and Sarah were together, but I can't remember her and Nik...I wonder if Sarah comes back, will they talk about the Lucky/Sarah tryst. That was the cause of Liz/Jason first kiss!!

  4. I remember, shortly after S & B broke up (breaking my own heart), Nik and Sarah kissing under a tree with a song playing, something like "Me Loving You Loving Me." DOES ANYONE ELSE REMEMBER THIS? (I hope I'm not going crazy . . .)

  5. Oh, yes..NIk and Sarah WERE together1!! They had a whole storyline.
    Shirlee, we should have talked about the trip!! I wish I would have known you could have driven..or met us!
    I didn't taste the drink, I had Vodka/Soda... I had some sushi, it was really good. The cupcakes were too.

  6. Yes, I remember that Sarah and Nick did go out. I remember it being ackward. And poor Liz, all crushing on Lucky and both he and Nick only had eyes for Sarah.

  7. In my opinion you are mistaken. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM, we will talk.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...