Friday, September 17, 2010

Sonny and Claire Share the Showmance...

Getting ready for CLAIRE!!

Well, Claire just about jumped on Sonny after dinner! LOL... if she gets PG I will just die. Although maybe Dr. Kelly will be on again. Who likes this couple?? I think there are a few out there. I like DSalem... but I wish she'd go with Ronnie or Steven Lars.

AHAHHAAHAHA. Lucky can't even keep up his cover for ONE damn day.  Might have worked if he didn't go WITH "Siobhan"-- who knows Ronan so well. Write a decent storyline DAMN IT. Siobhan doesn't believe he's not really Ronan anyway. What the hell.

Dante is talking about someone he got involved with "while on the job"... WONDER WHO THAT CAN BE? Sonny and he talking about "the one that got away".  It has to have some meaning, eh?

Jason/Brenda-- Brenda's all over the fact that Sonny never mentioned him seeing her. Jason just stands there.  I loved when Brenda/Carly were on the phone. Now,  I do love Laura Wright, but Sarah Brown and Vanny? Priceless.

CarJax angst...they are so predictable...such the same stuff.

Scrubs and this "plan"...hmmm. Ok.  I do wish Steven had more to do than this. "House" type cases. He hasn't even had a real romance yet (I'm not counting Lisa)...why not he and Monica?? Just sayin'.  She did have an affair with his father after all.
Lisa overheard Maxie/Patrick talking a bout 'the plan'..whoops, the jig is UP!! Now, Robin will  be dumped in some hole and we get to see Stone's ghostie.


  1. So are they planning on going with a Dante/Brenda past romance thing? Or just a connection with what's been mentioned in spoilers? Major ick factor if they're going the romance route. And what about all that business that Dante spouted to Lulu about never having been in love before her? Should have known Guza would screw that up.

    Ugh. Hate where this is going already. Is it over yet???

  2. I bet The WOMAN WAS BRENDA & The JOB was 'The Balkin". I saw this coming a mile away.

  3. Did some research...Dante is 30, Sonny 47, and Brenda 42...a romance between Dante and Brenda isn't realistic (when did that stop Guza? lol) and how long has he been a cop anyway? He'd need a lot of experience before they sent him off on assignment like that wouldn't he? So if we ignore the ICK factor (thanks anon #1), we still have the logic of the age of this so called child...surely no more than 10...I'd so much rather any child (if there is one) would be Jax's and Brenda was pregnant when she left last time. Li'l Janie Jax would be a great addition to the growing harem on GH, plus wouldn't it just frost Carley's cookies???? hahahahaha


  5. Someone asked about Julia Barrett:She was the older half sister of Brenda (they shared the same father, Harlan Barrett, now deceased). She dated Jerry Jacks before Brenda met Jax (any idea which Jerry that could have been?) and she was played by Crystal Carson. Last seen 1998. That's all I could find...anyone else?

  6. Just for the age question...Brenda is about 35. She was 18 1993 when she began dating Sonny. So when she returned in 2002 she was about 28. Sonny was about 30 when they started dating. Add 8 years and Brenda is about 35. Sonny on the other hand is much more older in his late 40's.

  7. I was speaking of the actors' real ages, not the characters. According to Wikipedia, Dominic is 30, Maurice is 47, and Vanny is for the characters? heaven only knows with Guza's playing with history. We all know his history isn't the same as the real world, lolol...

  8. It is not the age thing that bothers me.It is the disgusting idea that Lulu is going to get screwed over yet again.

  9. Jonathan Jackson is hitting his mark in every scene. Give us more, more, more. He is such a fantastic actor, and finally he has a storyline he can run with.

    Sonny and Claire make me barf.

    Carly is rocking it with the jealous ego-maniac who thinks Jason has to be there for her kids even when she isn't. What gaul this bitch has. Isn't it about time someone rubbed her face in it?

  10. Kinda liked how they continued with the Dante and Sonny showed vulnerability and the workings of Dante seeing his father in a different light, and having something in common. Was tired of hearing the same-old same-old speech about Sonny and the mob coming from him.

    The Brenda and Jason scenes were good today.

    Why don't people learn? If you are planning to set someone up, don't talk about it in public. Pointing my finger at you, Patrick, Maxie and Steve. If Lisa has been stalking you, don't talk about your plans where she can HEAR!! And, you're supposed to be a neurosurgeon.

    Intrigued with Lucky's story. Now that Dante knows Spinelli is looking into the Balkin, I hope he figures out that Lucky could help with the whole protecting Brenda. He's on the inside track. But, that will be too easy. Instead, we'll have to endure Lulu being in danger during her involvement in Ireland as per usual. Again? Really? Why are the women of GH thrown into storylines only to play the damsels in distress?

  11. Forgot to ask. Yesterday you mentioned hints about a BIG twist, were those hints continued in today's show?

    Hopeful that it doesn't have to do with Dante walking away from the police so he and Sonny can be on good terms?
    Or is Suzanne somehow behind the constant failure in security for Brenda?
    Just curious

  12. Anon 1: Don't forget Sonny slept with Sam & Alexis, and Ric also slept with them both so Dante/Brenda isn't that bad after all. At least they look good together. I don't think Brenda will threaten Lante, they are a popular couple. Although I love seeing JJ on my screen, I am yearning for the emotional scenes when he finds out Aiden is his!

  13. why can't the balkan be jerry jax. he had plastic surgery before why not again. that would explain why he wants to scar brenda, for breaking jax heart. everyone knows brenda is the love of jax life.

  14. I hope the Balkin, kills sonny and jason off, cause Franco failed to do it. All jason does i blink, stare, blink, and wear ugly black shirts. Or at least make them vanish for good.

  15. and Jason blink, blink, stare, stare, you call that acting. Anyone can do that.

  16. Sorry to correct you, Karen, but Monica was married to Jeff and having an affair w/ Rick. My first GH triangle: Jeff/Moncia/Rick.

  17. For the life of me I've never quite understood why viewers get so upset about Jason's emotional disconnect? He's been like this for the better part of 15 years now ever since he woke up from the accident. I, for one applaud the writers staying true to atleast this part of his character. Too many times have we been subjected to some sort of miracle that will miraculously change the person back to who they were prior to said incident. He's brain damaged! Blinking and staring may be the only emotional connection he can muster with people he doesn't particularly like all that much. Nothing new. He's done it from the beginning.

    I do, however, understand the frustration in lack of growth and constant regression of his character. A lot of that has to do with the fact he associates himself with people who themselves are stagnant in character growth also.

    Maybe, you've got a point. Instead of the repetitive blink and stare as you've put it, it's time his character has some sort of recall of memories as Jason Quartermaine. Might lead to change? How about memories of him and Alan? That could be a good lead into him claiming Jake. And, perhaps leaving the mob altogether. Work at ELQ???

    I hope I didn't step on any toes, because I do respect your opinion on the issue. Just thought I could put forth some reasoning behind his acting that way. And, also why SB plays him like that.

  18. Since when does Lulu care about her borthers anyway? She complaines that their choices in women suck, bitches them out, calls them sluts, etc. But that's about it. In a crises? She's too busy 100% with the man of the month

  19. Jason has emotion, and Steve plays it effortlessly. It's picked and chosen for him for some reason

  20. Re Jason,Watchintele rohanda I agree with You, Jason has brain damage and part of it is his emotion ability, this is how Steve Burton portrays it.. I think Steve Burton does amazing amazing job doing it because even when Jason can't show emotions he does show it..

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House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...