Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Box Car Days


Ah... I had a good ol' nostalgia-fest this week with LL2. Early days of their relationship were magic and I for one am enjoying reliving them. I'm sure there will be plenty of time for revisiting the 'bad' LL2 years but for now, I'm happy. 
If you know the Box Car reference, then sit next to me!! *Sing "Box Car Days" to Wang Chung's Dance Hall Days 

We only had 3 days this week so I'm hoping to get through it quickly!! Grab something and let's GO GO. 

Friday, October 4, 2024



HAPPY FRIDAY!! Here's a flashback for you! Old School Liz and Lucky. 


Ric tries to talk through who might have changed the lab results and it's dawning on Ava that it is probably Portia. She tries to steer Ric to tell GH it was 'probably a mistake' and not sue them or anything. He's thinking she's protecting someone. They didn't kiss. BUMMER. 

Ava goes in to see Portia and is like: Um, I know you changed those results! Then she says they have to protect Trina from knowing because Ric will find out. Portia needs her help. Portia finally admits she did it. Ava says good! keep protecting Trina. Portia thinks Brad already suspects her. Ava says they'll work together to keep Heather in jail. 

Trina sees Gio playing his violin and gives him a dollar. He talks about playing outside and how awesome it is. (He's outside of Bobbie's). She says they are rebooking the Art Gallery opening thing and wants him to play. He says NOPE, Ava pushed Uncle Sonny's daughter out the window and no way. Trina says: OK, welp, you'll never play there again! She goes inside Bobbie's. Joss comes along and gets Gio to go in and talk to Trina. Joss says not to end their friendship over Ava or Sonny. They decide to agree to disagree and he will play the opening. 

Lucky doesn't shower, doesn't go see Aiden but he goes to see...Sonny. :EYEROLL: Lucky says Luke wouldn't be proud of him because he left in the first place. He's also afraid to go see his son. Sonny tells him he has to show up and worry about everything later. Also reminds Lucky that Aiden is in school at this hour (which I forgot) LOL. Good scene. 

Carly and Joss are doing their nails and then Lucas visits. Carly is overjoyed. I LOVE this NULUCAS!! WOW... I didn't know him from before and if we couldn't have RC, I'll take him. Carly says he's back and has a job. He wrote to Michael and Willow and they are ready to let him come be an uncle to Wiley. Doesn't want to see Brad though because he's 'ethically challenged" LOL Then he asks about Sonny. They also talk about Ava and Krissy, then he goes to GH to get his ID. 

At GH, Terry gets him filled in. THEN he goes to see BRAD in the lab!! He tells him they are only going to talk about WORK and nothing else. He doesn't want him in his life EVER. 

Lucky comes into Isaiah's room and he's on the crutches. They talk about Port Charles and the people Isaiah has met. 

Carly goes to see Sonny and they talk about Lucas thinking they are getting back together. She also wants to know how they are protecting Alexis from going to jail. 

Book and Chase are going to get busy in the bedroom but the school calls and Violet is being sent home. She hit a boy in class.  Garth said her dad was a drunk. Then she slugged him and he threw grape juice on her. They think Violet really misses Finn and they will have to help her through this. 


Sonny says if they don't find the gun to clear Alexis, he's turning himself in

Ava finds out that Ric filed an emergency motion to get Heather released from jail and he thinks it's going to work

Isaiah says he's never doing surgery again. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Tigers Won so, YES! GH Today


I have no idea about the baseball stuff happening but I guess since the Tigers won yesterday, we are on today!! 

Lucky and Liz have a flashback to when they first met. He kids her about caffine and says "at least you're not smoking" or something like that. Yes, I got goosebumps. They are getting BLTs like the old days and sitting and talking. He tells her about his time at the camp. Then they turn to talk about Aidan. She says he doesn't know him. He's going to go see him after going to the hospital for more tests. He says he likes the sign she painted. He could tell she did it. 

Curtis and Marshall. Curtis wonders why he lied about his work gig with Wynton Marsalis. Marshall says he's not taking it. He wants to be around his son. He has to run the Savoy. N'neka is in grad school. (News to us and Curtis!!) Marshall says he was a terrible dad and has to make it up to him. He decides to go. 

Dante brings Portia donuts for the staff to say thank you for Lulu's care. Then Portia runs right into Brad. He says he taking over a shift. She says he's going to screw up eventually. He says he owes it to Britt to be good. She says: OH! You used the dead friend card with Terry to get a job here! THEN she flashes back to changing the lab results!! She yells at Brad again. He  walks away and Trina comes around the corner: You ok mom? 

Jason is in talking to Lulu about staying strong. Dante walks in. Gives Jason a look. Says thank you. Jason leaves and runs into Sam who also thanks him. "You were just being you and I'm grateful"  Then....Lucky and Liz come around the corner.  Sam goes in to see Lulu and Dante. Liz rushes to hug Jason. 

Molly goes in to see Alexis. Tells her not to do stupid things to keep Sonny out of jail. Alexis says they have to find that gun to prove her innocence. Molly gets frustrated about Kristina and leaves. 

Ric is in to see Heather. He says he cobalt levels didn't change. She says she knows that's what made her a killer. She doesn't care about the settlement, she wants to see Ace. He leaves. 

Alexis and Heather talk in the cell. Yada yada. Heather wants Alexis to believe in her. THIS IS THE HARMONY STORY AGAIN! LOL 

Ava and Trina are in The Gallery. Ava talks about her upcoming trial. Wants Trina to run the Gallery. Trina says no, she's back to college. Ava's happy for her. She'll always be there for Tri if she needs her.  She leaves and Ric comes in and tells Ava that he can maybe get her statement thrown out. Then they talk about Heather. He says she deserves another chance just like the two of them have had. Ric gets the independent lab results. BOTH say the cobalt levels are lower. Oh no, Brad is going to get blamed! 


Lucky thanks Elizabeth

Dante tells Sam she is all he needs (bloop!) 

Alexis tells Heather to get more testing done. 

SAD news: Ron Hale of GH and Ryan's Hope fame has passed away. He played Roger on RH and Mike Corbin (1) on GH. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

No New Show Tues/Wed .... Thursday??


Remember that baseball is on which means GH is NOT on. It might be on Thursday depending on how the games go. 
Don't ask me, not a baseball person!! 

Question is: Has Anna showered yet? 

Sunday Surgery: Box Car Days

  Ah... I had a good ol' nostalgia-fest this week with LL2. Early days of their relationship were magic and I for one am enjoying relivi...