Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Today's GH: Epiphany's Tribute Episode repeat


No new show today due to the 4th celebration but if you want to watch, it will be the Epiphany tribute. It's a good one and I'm glad they chose it for today. 

I'm also going to include this YouTube clip I found last night. LOOK at how long the scenes were!! How deep the dialog! I was just floored. The shooting schedule allowed for this type of show. Not the jump-hop-skip of today: 
Nikolas finds out that he's Stefan's Biological Son 

Have a fun and safe holiday. May the humidity, smokey fire-air and rain bypass you!! 


  1. Who was the producer of GH in 1999? That is a REALLY GOOD segment with Nicholas and Lucky. Some MAJOR dialog and super character development. I am very sad that Tyler Christopher has a substance problem; great actor and wish he could come back.

    1. Genie is/ was always such a powerhouse. Jonathon Jackson is so missed too.

    2. I consider the era of 1993-2003 to be the true golden era of "GH."

    3. JJ by far is one of the best for me on GH. So golden with Lucky, Liz, Nicholas and Emily.

  2. The producer in 1999 was Wendy Riche.

  3. Okay I watched the repeat.. I'll copy and paste my comments I said at the time and I'll make new comments.

    "NO!!!! This is wrong!!! The writers made a huge mistake. There was no reason to kill her off! They should have just let Piffy stay at Johns Hopkins and live her life as a doctor.. NO REASON FOR THIS!!! I will not forgive the writers for this.. Unless they do something wonderful, Like for example, having Holly tell Robert that Ethan is his son. Then I will forgive them. These pictures on here, is giving me chills!!

    Portia's home:

    Portia, Curtis, and Mr. Hat man: No Mr. Hat man! This is not your fault!!! What you did for her was a good thing!!! Don't blame yourself! I was thinking that Piffy helped someone in the accident and a car hit her.

    The cabin:

    Felicia, Anna, and Emma: EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is beautiful and looks so grown up!!!!!! :)

    Outside the hospital:

    Laura and Robert: Awwww Robert is sad. :( I want to give him a hug!

    Laura, Robert, and Diane: After Diane left, yes Laura Robert has a smile on his face whenever he is with Diane. They need to date. :) Riane needs to LIVE! :)

    The roof:

    Milo and Sonny: MILOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *BEARHUGS MILO* Awww Milo is sad. :( I love their hug!

    Inside the hospital:

    Bobbie, Carly, and death on a stick Willow: Oh goodie look at that. Willow on her death bed is going to a funeral. Your funeral is going to be soon too Willow. You shouldn't even be at a funeral! Oy!

    Curtis, Mr. Hat man, and Sonny: Hmmm Mr. Hat man and Sonny shaking hands. Very odd.. Oh and I love Curtis wearing those glasses. :)

    Mr. Hat man and Milo: Shaking hands too!!!! :D

    Curtis and Mr. Hat man: Hahahahaha. Yes Milo IS Piffy's ex boyfriend. The look on Mr. Hat man's face. :) Priceless. :)

    The locker rooms:

    Felix and Brad: Awwwwwwwww. :(

    The funeral: NO NO NO NO! I refuse to talk about this, except to say oh so a car didn't hit her, it was smoke inhalation.

    Rooftop: Oooooo Brad and Felix holding hands. Are they going to end up being a couple? Love the fireworks that Dr. O did. Awesome.

    Liz on the phone with Monica: Is that Monica's voice? Great letter. She made me cry a little.

    "Karen says Elizabeth and tells her she got a letter from Epiphany about the board hearing and to recommend her to be head nurse!"

    She did? I didn't hear that. WOW! :)

    The song: OH DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The damn song done me in. I didn't cry buckets at all until the damn song.. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :'( "

    New comments:

    Felix and Brad: Gee they never started a relationship. Hell, they don't even show them!!

    The funeral: Yeah I still don't like that they killed Piffy off.

    Bobbie: BOBBIE!!!!!!!!!! :(

    The song at the end: Yeah I did not feel like crying! I put it on mute then decided to shut the tv off.

    Riane: Haha "Riane needs to live." :) Sure once Robert wakes up and stops being an idiot! :)

  4. The saddest part of the episode was watching Jackie Zeman grieve her friend---- I never read if the family had a service for her???


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