Friday, July 21, 2023

Swank Jail Vist

THIS Girl is going to play "BETTY" ...Avery's new nanny... 

 Sasha is at GH. The doctor tells Gladys he's doing his part. She's angry because it 'wasn't supposed to be that bad' . Sasha goes in with the doctor. He gives her an injection!! He's taping her and asking her questions. 

Diane is at GH looking for Sasha but runs into Robert.  She tells Robert he can't question Sasha yet. HE says that Maxie called him to just come and watch out for Sasha. "We're on the same team"!! They go see her together. 

Diane tells Gladys to back off then goes into Sasha's room. Tells her to NOT SAY another word!! Tells doctor to turn off the recording device. Diane helps Sasha focus and says she'll help her. 

Curtis is yelling about his legs. The doctor says they'll do more tests, give it time. Curtis and Portia talk about second chances. 

TJ goes out to talk to the surgeon. 

Austin is giving Sonny a mean look at dinner.  Austin tries to talk Sonny into a new nanny. Austin takes a call. Nina is like: You know, Austin is awkward and there's some chem. BUT as a couple????? Hmmmm, dont' see it. ahaha. Sonny gets a call from Gladys that Sasha is in GH. He and Nina leave. 

Carly visits Drew at Pentonville Swank Tank waiting room. They love each other. He loves Scout. HE tells her about Cyrus. She's upset. He says Sonny has people watching out for him in jail. Tells Drew that Curtis got shot. 

Jex is at the pool. They talk about Curtis getting shot and how the bullet was meant for Sonny. "It could have been you" says Joss. (we wish!!) They start kissing but Sonny tells him to get back to work and keep an eye on Austin. 

Joss is at the pool and gets a call and ...she's all "what are you talking about, who is this"?? that's all they show... WEIRD 


TJ tells Portia that the surgeon says Curtis may never walk again and she tells Curtis 

Sonny is suspicious of Gladys

Austin thinks Sonny's "on to them" as Dex listens

Drew confronts Cyrus in the waiting room. 

Sasha is taken away in a wheelchair. She's a blank slate. Just staring. 


  1. NuNanny should have been NuNuMolly.
    Whoever came up with this pseudo psychiatrist should be fired, IMO. Enough already.
    Loved when Curtis told Portia to shut up. He will walk again after we endure months of angst in the Ashford family.

    1. "Zazu says, NuNanny should have been NuNuMolly."

      YES!!!! I agree!!!!!!!!!!

      ."He will walk again after we endure months of angst in the Ashford family."

      YUP! That's the way the soapy goodness crumbles! :)

  2. Some funny one liners today.

    Metrocourt pool:

    Jex: They were starting to make a porn movie when Sonny called!

    Joss alone reading a book: Ooooo nice shot! :) Who the heck called her?! The Tribbles?

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Jolt and Nison: Pawtucket Holtster looks skeered of Sonny! Nina doesn't see Jolt as a couple! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They haven't even eaten lunch and now Nison has to go! The double date is a bust! ROFL!

    Jolt: Oh Ava you are in so much denial! :) But the queen knows how to take care of herself. Come on Ava you like when he touched your thigh!!! :) Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: Sonny doesn't care who I sleep with.


    Airport lounge: I love this set! Now we just need the Brownstone back and the hospital cafeteria back!

    Crew: Can't they have conjugal visits?! Instead of them talking about the same thing over and over let them have conjugal visits!!!

    Drew and Cyrus: Ooooo eye sex. :)

    The hospital:

    TJ and Curtis's doctor: Oh no! :(

    TJ alone:

    TJ: DAMMIT!!!

    :( I just wanted to hug him!

    TJ and Portia: GAH! This scene made me cry!!! :'(

    Curtis alone: He kept pinching his legs and I wanted him to stop!!!! :(

    Portia and Curtis: Awwww. :( Oh sure the doctors say that he will never walk again, which means he will in a few months.

    Monty Q and Gladys: Ooooo Gladys feels bad! I love when Villains have a conscience. :) When Gladys first arrived all she wanted was money and she kept trying to get Brando to work for Sonny! She was so obnoxious! Now she is finally doing soapy things! It's about time! I love the relationship with Gladys and Sasha, but they can't go back to what they had. That's the consequences of Gladys's actions. I will miss their relationship.

    Nison and Gladys: Sonny is SO suspicious of Gladys! *Snicker*

    Monty Q and Sasha: Ooooo Monty Q looks so evil holding that needle!!!! *evil smile*

    Robert and Diane: Ooooo working together!!! YAY! #TeamRiane!

    Sonny and Sasha: Awwwwww. :(

    Diane and Monty Q: LOVE THE SCENE! GO DIANE! :)

    *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 25th 2014* Ric, Alexis, and Molly. Ric is such a suck up to Molly! ROFL! I miss Ric!!!! This scene is very ironic now. Don't worry Alexis, Molly won't get pregnant!!!

  3. YES she shoulda been Molly!!!!
    I just love me some Sonny like I said yesterday---------the way he said "what happened since then GLAD-DESS" and his talking to Austin......
    -------LOVE me some Diane - with the psycho psychiatrist was total domination!!!! I realize Sophia is now on maternity leave but can you stab someone and go to the hospital and then leave the hospital and go to a mental institution in 2 hours? at least at Ferncliff psycho can't be her doctor...
    ------I am thinking outside the box but I think Joss's call is about --------------her dad....I dunno why -------------just don't think it's about Dex or Sonny....Maybe Eden is going on vacay in real life...
    -------can't wait for Ava to tell Sonny the whole story and I STILL think Dex finds either Mason's body or Gordon's (Mason kills him) cause it was supposed to be this week but I guess we are a couple of days behind......and Austin will think Sonny did it and thus Ava tells Sonny....
    ------Portia is just annoying........
    ------still don't understand the Drew/Cyrus thing.....

    1. "Mufasa says, -Portia is just annoying........"

      But she was wearing some awesome shoes. Love her black shoes. :)

      "------still don't understand the Drew/Cyrus thing....."

      Maybe they are gonna fall in wuv and have zex! :)

    2. surely Joss call wasn't about Bobbie?????

    3. "mufasa surely Joss call wasn't about Bobbie?????"

      Oh no!! :( Maybe it is! Maybe the person tried to call Carly, but she shut off her phone so she can visit with Drew! So then the person called Joss! :(

  4. I hope the judge freezes all of Sashas accounts and cards while Sasha is in Ferncliff.

    1. Oooohh! Tracy Anne, I like the way you think. It would serve Gladys right if after sabotaging Sasha by getting her hooked on drugs again she got cut off from the money. What a betrayal of Brando's memory.

    2. Me too. and I want Sonny to have Brick check Sasha's accounts and find out what she's been up to.

  5. technicality----but the Savoy has only steps to get in------wonder if there is a back door for a wheelchair for Curtis cause we all know this gonna last through November....I just hope something stupid doesn't happen like he finds out Trina isn't his daughter and he fakes not walking to get sympathy - he isn't that kind of character but they ruin every character...

  6. I'm not enjoying the Sasha storyline at all. This evilness is not fun.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...