Monday, July 31, 2023

Tony Soprano Mention


Drew "saves" Cyrus from the Book guy in jail. Cyrus starts clutching his chest and Drew slams the guy's head on the table and he's out. Oh he's not tho...he gets up and has a shiv. Drew NINJA fights him LOL!! omg. Then the guards come in to take him to isolation. Cyrus still is having a heart attack. Drew talks them into letting him help Cyrus. 

Anna and Sonny have dinner on the Metro terrace. She doesn't think it was WSB trying to kill her but somehow a rouge person. She did admire Sonny sometimes, getting away with what he did. Oh brother. She even mentions Tony Soprano. They talk about the shooting. He's wondering if it wasn't Victor that outted her to the newspapers. 

Tracey and Greg arguing in the elevator. Monica calls Tracey to cancel her lunch. At least Monica is mentioned. They decide to have dinner together. Tracey literally has on a winter coat. He tells her a funny story. She laughs. He mentions having another dinner. She actually smiles. 

Molly has Alexis come visit her now. GEESH. Alexis hugs the horse. They talk about Molly's childhood. OH! Did you know Molly can't have a baby? LOL.. yeah. There ARE OPTIONS THO! (She lists all the options). Says Krissy might be the best choice. Alexis isn't so sure. She lists the pros and cons. Alexis says Kristina being the bio mom isn't a great idea. 

Krissy and Michael argue about whether or not they should be nice to Nina. Then they talk about her LGBTQIA shelter and the permits and codes. She needs his help. "You're the smartest person I know" LOL OMG REALLY? He says yes. 

Felicia and Lucy talking in the lobby of the Metro about Martin and also Sasha's breakdown. Lucy figures out that Marty probably didn't want to lose his 50K a month in alimony and that's why he doesn't want to marry her. Martin comes in. Asks how their girls' trip went. Felicia says they went to Llanview to the spa. She leaves. Lucy talks about how expensive his mother's retirement home is. Then he says his 3rd ex wife is a vulture. 


Anna tells Sonny to stay away from Pikeman

Gregory is having a tremor and leaves Tracey quickly 
Tracey calls Alexis to ask her if Greg is ok health wise. 

Cyrus starts going into the light 


  1. ----I thought Book and Cyrus were in on something cause it looked fake but I dunno however there HAS to be a reason we are seeing Drew/Cyrus/Book.
    ------each day is worse for me with nu Molly......
    ------I didn't like Monica mention - for me anyway I don't like never seeing her or never talking about her but she was gonna have lunch with Tracy?
    ------Sonny + Anna = yes please.........but do new writers not remember Anna told Sonny that VAL told her to tell him in the business venture 'don't trust anyone who says they are the new contact - do nothing' wouldn't VAL know who is behind Pikeman - I thought Anna knew it was Pikeman..
    -----on the terrace in the open seemed stupid ------ snipers???? and I will throw out the name Cassandra Pierce.......
    -----Felicia and Lucy were on my nerves - guess it's just me....
    ------I agree with others - sad that we had LEXI as Kristina and she wasn't given airtime much but now we see Molly and Krissy daily.............and do the writers NOT remember Lexi when she walked in the house and saw her DADDY alive? and she likes Nina?
    -----I'm just hot and grouchy today............

  2. mufasa...I'm with you. NuNuMolly and her Amy voice irritate me more each day. Never mind her lack of ability to get pregnant.
    Anna/Sonny on the terrace: sometimes it was daytime with some trees and water in the background behind Sonny; sometimes it was night with big buildings behind him. Jeez.
    If they kill Cyrus I will be beyond angry.
    Could it be that the temp writers actually watched the show and read about what the viewers wanted? In some cases I think it's possible.
    I like Tracy and Gregory.

  3. Nu nu Molly whines like Portia. Didn't we just have Curtis walking toward the light? Karen's live tweeting is so much better than the show

    1. Original Mollie whined too. I choose Mollie#2 if we are voting.

    2. Agree Linda. I can't take the whining!

    3. "Linda says, I choose Mollie#2 if we are voting."

      Well, if we can't get the OG Molly then Molly #2 is fine with me.

    4. Linda I agree with you Molly #2

  4. Tolly's home:

    NuMolly and Alexis: Make it stop! Make it stop!!!!!!!!! If it's not the fake childhood talk, it's the baby talk! I don't want to hear childhood talk with this new recast! UGH!

    Michael's office:

    Michael and Krissy: Michael is the smartest person you know?! But Krissy you were just chastising him about Nina! Make up your damn mind!!!


    Gregory and Tracy: Tracy wins the lines of the day.

    Tracy: Oh I'm so sorry Emily Post. No Monica I wasn't aware that you were a doctor.


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and Sonny: I like their scenes. Their laughter felt real. :) Anna doesn't want help from V.C. OR Sonny! That's my strong Anna! :)

    Metrocourt Lobby:

    Felicia and Lucy: Uh Lucy? You and Felicia already figured out that the reason Marty don't want to marry you is because of Marty getting alimony from ex wife number 3! Come on Scrub writers pay attention!

    Felicia, Lucy, and Marty: Felicia and Lucy stop acting like you are feeling guilty! ROFL!

    The jail library:

    Bookman and Cyrus: Oh oh Cyrus getting a heart attack!

    Bookman, Cyrus, and Drew: Drew turned into Ryan Lavery from AMC! :) At first I thought Cyrus was faking a heart attack, but no he looks really pale. :( I don't want him to die!!!! OH OH THE LIGHT! Don't go to the light Cyrus!


  6. Michael suddenly had on a shirt that fits! I guess he changed shirts while talking to Kristina.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...