Friday, July 7, 2023

Nailed It

 Lucy and Maxie argue about who leaked the information. Then Brook says 'It was ME"...She says she wanted to be proactive and look at everything so she could do a social media account about it. Lucy lays into her for going into a private account. Brook also says she has the zip drive at home. Lucy freaks out BADLY--says GO GET IT! 
Maxie and Lucy talk. Then Felicia comes in to talk to Lucy about Marty's stuff she found. Maxie leaves. 

Tracey wants to offer Marty a "challenge"...a business challenge. She wants him to run ELQ because Valentin is gone and Ned is "where ever" . OH, Valentin gave him power of attorney when he's gone, that's why she wants him to do it. AND she wants a favor. She wants him to talk her to the GH Fundraiser that the Q's put on. He says yes. 

Brook rushes in when Marty leaves "We have a problem" she says. Oh! Then Finn and Violet come in. Tracy talks to him about Liz. UGH really?

Molly invited Alexis, Krissy and Sam to the nail spa and brought champagne. Molly is acting like nothing is wrong. She says she wants to live and concentrate on the 'important things'. They say she's not concentrating on what's bothering her. FINALLY after Kristina bugs her she blurts out she can never have kids and TJ can. She leaves then comes back and apologizes. Sam suggests a surrogacy or adoption. Molly says she can't think of that yet. 

TJ is at The Savoy, worried about Molly and talks to Marshall and Curtis. Neither one knows about Molly not being able to get pregnant. They are sad for the couple. TJ isn't sure what to do about Molly. OMG Curtis: give her time to process. :eyeroll: TJ says Molly didn't go to work today and she's not acting like herself. Marshall leaves. 

Finn is reading a book about Worms in the Human Body, eating a sandwhich and Liz walks in (break room) They are making small talk. MORE Small talk. Thank god TERRY comes in and Finn leaves. Then Terry and Liz talk about Liz and Finn. GGEEESH


  1. Thank God that Tracy came back for a while. Otherwise, there wouldn't be anything keeping my attention right now.

  2. PLEASE have Sasha save the day before she goes off again - I am afraid people won't believe her but I LOVED that SHE saw the transaction...
    ----Finn and Liz belong at a sock hop trying to dance - ugh - they are professionals and acting like 13 year olds for the 4th-8th time in YEARS -
    -----still confused that MARTY gets 50,000 a month - why - and is it Jackson ----- cause rewrite history again maybe> Marty clearly said a few times when he arrived that HE needed money for his 3 ex wives and he needed to care for his mother and he didn't want Cyrus to do it.....where is the mother by the way
    ------clearly they are filling time except for Tracy, Marty storyline that could be great.

    1. "Mufasa says, but I LOVED that SHE saw the transaction..."

      Me too!!!! Soapy goodness! :) I wonder if Sasha will say something, and yeah if they will believe her.

  3. Oh crap! My comments disappeared!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I looked up Finn's book (I'm a retired museum person with parasitology experience). I suspect, as a professional, Finn would only be reading it to talk a patient out of reading it. Kinda sus.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...