Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Some Points To Ponder....


I won't be here today for the show. Sorry but I have an appointment then a student so YET AGAIN real life interferes with my GH life!! 

Things to think about and I'd love to hear your opinions: 

What about the Gladys story? I actually think this could be a goodie. I would really like Cam to develop a gambling problem (a lot of youngin's play the cards/slots etc) but Gladys was a decent choice. My problem with it is you know Sonny will bail her right out along with Sasha. I still see SUCH potential with Selina Wu, Brad and some other Wus that could be brought in! 

Are you sick of Curtis? I mean, I like the man but damn... days on end of the same ol. He is missing something and I'm not sure what it is. More of an edge? All I know is that Taggert really surprised me and made me like that character even more. 

I think we all want the Willow Marrow-Misery to end. It seems to be crawling along. Who do you think will be a match? Most put their money on Liesl. 

It's been a nice few days/weeks of very little Carly/Drew/Nina/Sonny on and I really noticed a difference. Letting the stories unfold about Esme and Trina without them is so nice. 

Jake and Rocco should be SORA'd to 16. Just do it. Not having any of the kids on is so weird. 

And...that's about it!! Also: What do you think will happen with all of the Victor "Save the World" stuff? I think it will come out around the 60th because of the Ice Princess connection. Again, it's been WAY LONG in the making. phew. 

HAVE  GREAT DAY! I hope the show is a good one and they finally open that shed. I'd le for there to be a note saying "Look Behind You" LOL  OH! When will the pool set reopen!!? 


  1. Good points! The only good thing about Mildew is Wiley - such a professional, adorable boy.!

  2. I would be interested in the Gladys story but days go by and I forget abou it so I don't care......
    -----wonder if the preview are right and TODAY is the day Nik's body is gone?
    now that sweeps is finishing I think they will return to Millow and I am tired of it.....an Liesel being a match......and Nina turning in Drew and Carly for insider trading - I still think Sonny won't forgive Nina for taking away Donna's mother...
    ---I want Vanna back and Lucy/Martin etc........let's go back to them....
    ----I think they would be filming the nurses ball starting next week since it's April and they film 6-8 weeks ahead?
    -----it was a great month of sweeps --------well the last 2 weeks!!!

  3. "I still see SUCH potential with Selina Wu, Brad and some other Wus that could be brought in!"

    I do too!!! Bring on more Wu's!!!

    "Are you sick of Curtis? I mean, I like the man but damn... days on end of the same ol.

    He needs to stop yelling at people!!! Oh yes and get a dna test, and just take his shirt off more. If he wants to yell at people he needs to yell at people with no shirt on. :D"

    "Jake and Rocco should be SORA'd to 16. Just do it."

    Hahaha. And in a couple of years Ohsaka Walnut and Ace will be 16 too. :)

    "I'd le for there to be a note saying "Look Behind You" LOL"


    "When will the pool set reopen!!?"

    Probably in the summer!! :)

  4. We need some new stories for sure. Give us some good hospital stories with Terri, Liz, and more TJ Please! We have not had any scenes with Willow and TJ, and I liked that friendship a lot.

    Side note: Becky looked absolutely stunning yesterday. She is an ageless wonder!

  5. Selina Wu...Wasn't Wu the last name of Jade, one of the Asian characters they introduced during the Asian Quarter storyline way back? Details like this always baffle me why they don't capitalize on it. Same with Epiphany Johnson. Laura's best friend was Claudia Johnson (was it Johnson or Johnston?). It realize Johnson is a common name. It would have been great however if there would have been a tie to Claudia, maybe her sister.

    1. Diana, if I remember right there were some Wus in the Asian story. One reason I was so happy so see Selina was the reach back to that story line.

  6. ----I KNEW IT! Dante will open that shed and the body gonna be gone!!! WOOHOO!
    ----I really liked Curtis today----and Trina was nice to him ---- but Curtis was very calm and practical..........now JORDAN???? not so much being nicey-nice to Portia...
    ------Nina = yuck....but Leisel and Scott were so good------but Scott didn't tell it correctly - when Liz found out Esme wasn't the hook she insisted on letting Esme go.......then Esme and Nik fought and she jumped.....

    1. Totally agree about Scott not telling Dr. O the proper story. No wonder she cracks Liz across the face. I was hollering at the TV and Scott, lol! I sounded like an idiot! :)

    2. Scott definitely sounded like an idiot there. He had no right to say anything, let alone throw Liz under the bus by not telling the whole story. Anyone overhearing that scene would never hire him as a lawyer again.

  7. I STILL think Mason has Nicholas ---- not gonna be happy if the writers AGAIN change the story and Vic-Tah has him.

  8. Mildew home: Man!!!! Chad Duell sounds like he has a bad cold. He don't sound very good.

    Mildew and Wiley: Oh oh Wiley has got the half heart necklace!!! Is that a bad omen or a good one? :)

    Michael and Sasha: Talking about Willow. Talking about the wedding. Michael talking about dancing with Willow at the wedding.

    Willow and Sasha: Willow wants Sasha to get rid of the half heart necklace. Sasha won't defend Nina, and Willow doesn't want people to take sides. I guess you can call this Willow talking on her death table. :)

    Trina and Joss's dorm room:

    Trina and Curtis: Great scene, but Trina don't want a DNA test! Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    The hospital:

    Portia and Jordan: Portia telling Jordan she was right. Portia all teary eyed. Nothing exciting here.

    Finchy, Liz, and Scotty: Finchy calling Scotty, and there Liz and Scotty are! :) Scotty is so good to Liz awwwwwwww. :)

    Dr. O and Nina: Dr. O wants to see Heather!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh boy! :) Dr. O also tells her that she had herself tested for Willow, and Nina is so excited with glee! :)

    Balbrecht and Nina: Dr. O explained why she got tested.. To help Willow and to get her revenge on Carly! Scotty wins the line of the day. Scotty had to tell Dr. O all about Nik and keeping Vampira at the tower and Liz helped.

    Scotty: That's my girl.


    Finchy and Liz: They are way too close together and I thought they were going to kiss, but they didn't! Whew. :)

    Balbrecht, Nina, Liz, and Finchy: Ooooo Dr. O is furious with Liz!!!!! What will Dr. O do? Slap her?


    Jolt: They keep talking! Too much talking and not enough moving Nik!

    Jolt and Dante: Dante and the cops show up! Okay time to do a search for a clue to find where Nik is hiding!!! :) Dante goes to the Tac room and calls Ava to go over there!

    The tac room:

    Jolt and Dante: Dante asks if Ava has a key to that room with a lock! Ava says she doesn't have a key! A cop gives Dante a crowbar! OH HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! We have to wait tomorrow for the conclusion of, IS THERE A DEAD BODY IN THE CLOSET! :D Too bad it didn't say on screen, to be continued.. :)

    1. If there wwas a dead body in there they would have smelled it.

    2. Di, I had been thinking that if Nik's dead body was in the tack room everyone would be able to tell by the smell. As a country girl who smelled her good share of road kill growing up, I can tell you that dead bodies stink bad.

    3. As someone who's been in a building where they discovered a body after a few days of complaints from other tenants, I can tell you that they would be smellng him before they even walked into the stable.

    4. "Di says, If there wwas a dead body in there they would have smelled it."

      Hahaha. Good point!!! :)

      "As someone who's been in a building where they discovered a body after a few days of complaints from other tenants, I can tell you that they would be smellng him before they even walked into the stable."

      What?! You never told me that! When did this happen? Did you see the body?!

    5. Wow, Di, I hope that wasn't your building.

    6. No. It wasn't mine. Someone just called me in and asked what they should do. I knew right away what it was so we called the police.

      Not that one. I didn't know the occupant so I didn't need to identify her, or see her.

    7. Yowser Di, now that's a story! Glad you didn't need to see it.

      We so know that Nik's body will disappear.
      I appreciated Sasha being supportive of Willow and not being pushy about Neener.
      Chad definitely has a cold. He sounded awful!
      I'm loving Dr. O but I hope she doesn't hurt Liz too much, lol! Scottie left out some important details!
      Neener's facial expressions were something else during the Scot/Dr. O exchange. Insert an eyeroll here, lol!
      Considering the way Curtis has been running all over town hollering/questioning/pouting at folks, I appreciated his restraint with Trina. :)

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. "Di says, No. It wasn't mine. Someone just called me in and asked what they should do. I knew right away what it was so we called the police. Not that one. I didn't know the occupant so I didn't need to identify her, or see her."

      Whew! Okay good. That poor person! The poor family! :(

      "Julie H says, Chad definitely has a cold. He sounded awful!"

      Colds suck! :(

      "Considering the way Curtis has been running all over town hollering/questioning/pouting at folks, I appreciated his restraint with Trina. :)"

      Haha yeah. There was no reason to be upset with Trina. Although, come on Trina! Get a damn DNA test!!

    10. sonya said: "What?! You never told me that! "

      *** lol I can't tell you everything.

    11. "Di says, lol I can't tell you everything."

      ROFL! Yes you can! :D

    12. No. Honest. I've signed the Official Secrets Act.

    13. "Di says, No. Honest. I've signed the Official Secrets Act."

      Oh I thought you were joking.. The official secrets act? Geez did this person who died a secret agent or something?

    14. No. Just a poor lady who died.

  9. Curtis is getting on my nerves...he was way too pushy with Trina. He does not understand boundaries and he is acting like a child! That poor girl needs to process everything and wants to know if he is her father. It would be wrong for him to forgive Portia but not Jordan, but that is how it seems to be going. :(

    1. really? I thought he wasn't at all - just if you decide to take the DNA test let me know - that seemed sweet

    2. I agree, mufasa. He was anything but pushy.

  10. Are they writing this assuming that us viewers all know that there will be no body behind that padlock? It sure seems like it the way Ava and TAF(ToddAustinFranco) are acting so very casual about the whole thing. Shouldn't they have raced right down to where the stench would be if Nik was still there? No, just stood around chatting until the cops knocked.
    I thought Curtis was nice and less annoying with Trina. Who wouldn't want two dads like them?

    1. "Zazu says TAF(ToddAustinFranco)"

      TAF!!!! Hahahaha I love it!!!! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...