I won't be here today for the show. Sorry but I have an appointment then a student so YET AGAIN real life interferes with my GH life!!
Things to think about and I'd love to hear your opinions:
What about the Gladys story? I actually think this could be a goodie. I would really like Cam to develop a gambling problem (a lot of youngin's play the cards/slots etc) but Gladys was a decent choice. My problem with it is you know Sonny will bail her right out along with Sasha. I still see SUCH potential with Selina Wu, Brad and some other Wus that could be brought in!
Are you sick of Curtis? I mean, I like the man but damn... days on end of the same ol. He is missing something and I'm not sure what it is. More of an edge? All I know is that Taggert really surprised me and made me like that character even more.
I think we all want the Willow Marrow-Misery to end. It seems to be crawling along. Who do you think will be a match? Most put their money on Liesl.
It's been a nice few days/weeks of very little Carly/Drew/Nina/Sonny on and I really noticed a difference. Letting the stories unfold about Esme and Trina without them is so nice.
Jake and Rocco should be SORA'd to 16. Just do it. Not having any of the kids on is so weird.
And...that's about it!! Also: What do you think will happen with all of the Victor "Save the World" stuff? I think it will come out around the 60th because of the Ice Princess connection. Again, it's been WAY LONG in the making. phew.
HAVE GREAT DAY! I hope the show is a good one and they finally open that shed. I'd le for there to be a note saying "Look Behind You" LOL OH! When will the pool set reopen!!?