Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Little Buzz

Sorry, I had a meeting yesterday at 2...came home with a migraine which was obviously weather related..


Laura has a nightmare while sleeping with Kevin.  She dreamed that she shot Valentin before he could shoot Nikolas.

Anna's trying to find the file on Ivan/Val.  Griffin comes in. Exposition.  She feels like she led Val on. She also has a migraine. 

JaSam are at Dr. Kelly' has irregular heartbeat. She said it's just something to keep an eye on. 

Curtis goes to the art gallery to talk to Ava. Tells her he's a private eye. BUT he's only there to buy art. He came in because "he has an inheritance" . He talks art with Ava. She thinks he really DOES know his art and is going to buy something. Oh, they sizzle.  He thinks Jason is off track about the blonde lady. 

Sonny has the ESPN guy doing stuff because he thinks Jason isn't telling him the whole truth. (to protect him from going after Julian I guess).  He sees a blonde walking into the shop.  Sonny's going to think the blonde was Ava...? He heard Julian say "I'm tired of living in fear of my own sister". So, Sonny leaves the house and goes to Ava's gallery because? He's gonna kill her. *SIGH*  AGAIN he's going to kill her. 
Good Gravy. 

Maxie called Lulu to Crimson while Charlotte was alone in Nina's office.  The kid hates her. LOL that little girl plays such a great brat. She screams "Shut up" to Lulu. Nina comes back and Chalotte tells her to get rid of Lulu.  After Lulu leaves, Nina figures out Maxie told her Charlotte was there and she FIRES HER!! 

Jordan is talking to Dante about going to Baltimore to find Buzz...and Buzz walks through the door!! 
Ironically, Sonny breaks house arrest when Buzz' statement is going to save him


  1. Sonny's home: No Sonny! It's not Ava! That poor bra!!!! It feels so lonely! When is Carly going to go make the wuv to Sonny so she can see the bra?!

    Crimson: I knew the plan would blow up in Maxie's face! Lulu you should not have went to see Charlotte!!!!! Maxie what is that look you gave Nina for?!!?! It's not Nina's fault!

    Charlie: SHUT UP!

    That little girl is precious. :) It's good that Nina told her not to do that. It was a great scene between Nina and Charlie! Awwww. :)

    Nina: You are going to be so much better than me.

    Oh that made me tear up! :(

    Doc's home: Oh oh Laura and her nightmare.. Hmmm premonition?! I don't want V.C. to die!!!!! :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Laura and Lulu's table: Oh Lulu whining again.. Lulu is so stubborn! Like mother like daughter. :) Laura will take care of it? RA RO! NOOOO DON'T KILL V.C.!

    Anna and Griffy's table: Migraines!!!! I had one today! :( Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: I don't have to be polite to you, you're my ex husband.


    Ava's art gallery:

    Curtis and Ava:

    "Karen says Oh, they sizzle."

    Oh yeah! :) I was thinking they should have a one night stand. I'm sure it's been awhile for both of them! :)

    Police station/Jordan's office: Oh hi Patrick Swayze's brother! I mean Buzz.. Hmmm a letter.. From Curtis maybe? :)

    The hospital/Dr. Lee's office:

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzz.

    Dr. Lee: I was thinking Dr. Lee should be paired with Seth Baker.. :) I mean when he gets out of jail. What do you think? :)

  2. I was thinking that Dr. Lee is so smokin' hot, WHY is she on only once a year? PLEASE give her a storyline, that would be fun!

    Where oh where is Valerie, has she been relegated to the storage closet? It's a shame, she's a REALLY good actress, and a Spencer, they should give her some story also . . .

  3. AntJoan and LSV422:

    For some reason, my response to a few things you both said yesterday didn't go through all the way, and for some unknown reason, my browser decided not to post it. :(

    At least, everything I wrote didn't get deleted. So I'm gonna just try again, but in here. As far as anything to do with today's show, I'll put that in a different post.

    AntJoan said..

    Cray Olivia is gone already? Then I guess she came back just to rehab the character of Julian so he can be reunited with Alexis?

    ** Nope, she's just through taping for now. She will still be airing until mid March. And whenever her last air date is, it will be open ended, so she'll be able to return again, in the future.

    LSV422 said...

    Maybe Olivia had the music on because the guy who gave the new equipment to Sonny is working for her, too. He was so hostile to Curtis. This stuff with Nelle is getting really stupid. The only good part is Bobbie and Felicia. And the nod to the old Amy was great. Nice to see Lucas back. I think Olivia is working for someone else of course, since she really would have no interest in getting GH sold.

    ** That's possible. I just think more than likely it's basic paranoia/being careful. I'd imagine that having to live away and out of sight/hide for nearly 30 years, one would learn to become VERY careful and figure out how to do whatever they possibly can, to not be found out. That said, it wouldn't bother me one bit, if we never see "Brick" again, at all. His treatment of Curtis, definitely did not endear himself to me, at all. It's entirely possible that Olivia could be working for someone else, as her need to have GH makes absolutely zero sense, at all. (Unless she wants it for Helena's secret underground lab, to try to bring Duke back to life, like Helena did with Stavros 2.0!) I just hope we at least get a decent reason, though I'm not keeping my hopes up.

    ** I'm 100% with you on the whole Nelle, mess. The ONLY redeemable thing about the storyline at all has been bringing Bobbie Felecia to the forefront again. That at least has made me VERY happy. Since Sam has seemed to gotten lost when she went upstairs to check on Danny, and has yet to come back down, I was kind of hoping she would have walked in on Nelle, when she was putting the bra in Sonny's room, though. Even though I'm not a Sam fan, that could have been interesting, had she at least seen her, though.

    ** The nod to Amy Vinning, and Bobbie's joke about the name, was great. She could be frustrating at times, but I still liked her, even though I seem to be in the minority here, with that opinion. Unlike this new Amy, Amy Vinning had a heart and actually cared about others. The new one doesn't, she only cares for herself. Which I absolutely can't stand. She's closer to a living cartoon, than a human being. :(


  4. sonya said...

    Sonny's home: No Sonny! It's not Ava!

    ** Sonny really has the patience of a toddler anymore, it seems. When he wants something, he wants it NOW. Nevermind the fact that maybe Jason has a GOOD reason for not telling him everything yet.

    Crimson: I knew the plan would blow up in Maxie's face! Lulu you should not have went to see Charlotte!!!!! Maxie what is that look you gave Nina for?!!?! It's not Nina's fault!

    ** Yeah, so did I. Despite the fact that Maxie thought her heart was in the right place, that was about the worst possible way she could have done things.

    That little girl is precious. :) It's good that Nina told her not to do that. It was a great scene between Nina and Charlie! Awwww. :)

    Nina: You are going to be so much better than me.

    Oh that made me tear up! :(

    ** Same here, it's SO obvious Nina really loves and cares for her. And while I do feel bad for Lulu because the way Charlotte was conceived was extremely unfair to her, I think Nina's description of Lulu's actions was spot on. Lulu keeps saying how she loves Charlotte because she is her biological daughter, so that means she should be with her. Nina is right, Lulu has never once taken Charlotte's feelings into consideration. She has acted like Charlotte was her toy, and she wanted it back.

    Doc's home: Oh oh Laura and her nightmare.. Hmmm premonition?! I don't want V.C. to die!!!!! :(

    ** I REALLY hope that's not what's going to happen. But it wouldn't surprise me, as it seems NOBODY hardly sticks around for very long anymore. Any of the really good, and talented actors that come in, by the time they start to find their niche, they have to go. :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Laura and Lulu's table: Oh Lulu whining again.. Lulu is so stubborn! Like mother like daughter. :) Laura will take care of it? RA RO! NOOOO DON'T KILL V.C.!

    ** It was nice that Lulu FINALLY admitted that she screwed up, for once. Though, I HATE the whiner that the character has been turned into. I'm gonna be VERY mad if Laura does this!

    Anna and Griffy's table: Migraines!!!! I had one today! :( Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: I don't have to be polite to you, you're my ex husband.


    ** Now if only we could just SEE Robert, instead of Anna only talking to him on the phone! Tristan is only onscreen maybe 2 or 3 days every few months. So that is definitely NOT why they haven't used him more.

    Curtis and Ava:

    "Karen says Oh, they sizzle."

    Oh yeah! :) I was thinking they should have a one night stand. I'm sure it's been awhile for both of them! :)

    ** LOL! They definitely do have some chem. :) I didn't see that coming, actually. Which is kinda surprising, as Ava has chem with nearly everyone she comes in contact with!

    Police station/Jordan's office: Oh hi Patrick Swayze's brother! I mean Buzz.. Hmmm a letter.. From Curtis maybe? :)

    ** Yep, that was definitely from Curtis, he just ran out of Jordan's office before she was able to thank him.

    AntJoan said...

    I was thinking that Dr. Lee is so smokin' hot, WHY is she on only once a year? PLEASE give her a storyline, that would be fun!

    ** LOL! It seem like it's not even been THAT often. To me it's seemed like once every couple years!

    Where oh where is Valerie, has she been relegated to the storage closet? It's a shame, she's a REALLY good actress, and a Spencer, they should give her some story also . . .

    ** Since she was knocked down to "recurring" maybe she's with Epiphany, where ever they decided that was where she should be.


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Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...