Friday, February 3, 2017

Sponsor, My Sponsor

Franco wants to take their relationship public ..Liz says ok. He's worried how people will react She says she can take whatever the dish out.  Boring. Sorry if you're a Friz fan. 

Joss still looking for more photos. 

Bobbie called Felicia yesterday as the one to take a look into Nelle's background. She shows up to the Metro and Nelle is delivered flowers.  Felicia goes fishing on Nelle and gives her info. She tells Nelle how 'bad' Bobbie is. LOL and Nelle is eating it up.  Felicia then says that she's an interior decorator and wants to do Nelle's apt for free. Nelle says SURE! 

Alexis sees Olivia J and wonders what's going on. She doesn't know Olivia. That was way before. BUT! Get this!! Olivia is Alexis' sponsor from AA! Oh my gosh, how hysterical.  Alexis has opened up to her about her life. 

Sonny and Jason and Curtis mobular crap is SO BORING!!!!!! so boring!!!!! 

Ok, I had to go at 2:37 because I'm just too tired for this. I'll finish it later. 


  1. Mobular guy is being played by Stephen A Smith. What is funny about that is that Stephen A. Smith is a sports reporter. Love his diversity.

  2. I knew he was the ESPN guy, he's been on once or twice before

  3. Friz scenes were great, especially their love scene! The rest of the show was boring.

    1. I agree!
      I did just die when I saw that Olivia J is Alexis sponsor! ROFL!

    2. I agree!
      I did just die when I saw that Olivia J is Alexis sponsor! ROFL!

  4. I loved the Friz stuff, and the Alexis and Olivia stuff. That really was a GREAT way to get them together. Although, she wasn't at that AA meeting that Alexis went to. I am also a bit surprised that Olivia has gone out in public yet, too. Sure as she said yesterday, there aren't that many people still around that would know her from back then, but there most definitely are several, if not more than enough that would instantly recognize her. Unlike how Julian, at least had surgery to change his appearance.


  5. Great show today!!!!!

    Sonny's home: BRICK! YAY! Brick is funny! He don't like Curtis! ROFL! Cool stuff Brick brought. Sonny wins the ine of the day.. When Brick records Carly has got a crush on Brick, Sonny says,

    Sonny: In your dreams.


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nelle and Felicia: Okay at first I was thinking what the hell?! Why is Felicia Bobbie bashing! This isn't like her!!!! It really bugged me and I wasn't very happy!

    Michael and Joss: Boy Joss is really nosy. Go ahead girly read the note.. :) OH! Nelle sent the flowers to herself! ROFL!

    The park:

    Bobbie and Felicia: The writers tricked me hahahaha! Oh you writers! :) So Felicia is the one who Bobbie called. Cool!

    Liz's home: Friz sex YAY! What is the name of that music? I loved how the scene was. It kept going black and then showing them again.. Nice touch. Uh BobTodd? Like I said before, Liz is VERY fertile! :) I'm surprised she didn't get pregnant by Jason when he was Jake!

    Q home: If you get pictures of Michael when he was a little boy, you will see him with red hair Joss! :)

    Alexis's home: Olivia Jerome is Alexis's sponsor!!!!! My jaw dropped! I did not see that one coming!!! THAT IS PERFECT! HAHAHAHAHA! LOVE IT! And that flashback was great! Wait shouldn't Alexis know what Olivia looks like? I mean she was married to Julian. :)

    1. Haha Sonya I was thinking the same thing about the pictures! I wonder whatever became of Dylan Cash. Think I'll go check out imdb.

    2. Haha Sonya I was thinking the same thing about the pictures! I wonder whatever became of Dylan Cash. Think I'll go check out imdb.

  6. I guessed it was Felicia!! That was great! Excellent idea to have Liv with Alexis. Hated Friz-Liz is just too lovely to be with that freak. Couldn't watch it. Curtis is so cool!

    1. Loved the Bobbie Nelle scenes! Nelles eyes when Felicia was talking about Bobbie, haha loved it!

    2. Loved the Bobbie Nelle scenes! Nelles eyes when Felicia was talking about Bobbie, haha loved it!

  7. LSV422 said...
    I guessed it was Felicia!! That was great! Hated Friz-Liz is just too lovely to be with that freak. Couldn't watch it. Curtis is so cool!

    I FF'd through the Friz stuff. Quite frankley it makes me nausious to see Liz with that freak. And you can say he's redeemed all you like. He still acts like he's got major maturity issues at a minimum. Why would a smart sexy woman like Liz be attracted to him.

    It was great to see Felicia again. I hope they have her on more often. We don't need new actresses when we have talented GH actors who aren't being used. I want her back as mayor!!

  8. "Michelle Latta said...Haha Sonya I was thinking the same thing about the pictures!"

    Great minds think alike! :)

    "I wonder whatever became of Dylan Cash. Think I'll go check out imdb."

    I just love his name! :)

  9. sonya said...

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Michael and Joss: Boy Joss is really nosy. Go ahead girly read the note.. :) OH! Nelle sent the flowers to herself! ROFL!

    ** The more and more I see this version of Joss, the less I like her. Maybe it's just me, but she's WAY too whiny for me. Especially in comparison to how she was portrayed previously.

    The park:

    ** For some reason the way the description of the episode (and the bit on Wed's that started it), made it sound like this was someone from Bobbie's past that wasn't currently on the canvas at all, to me at least. Then it coming RIGHT after it was announced that Nora would be coming to GH soon, I thought they would end up saying she was a friend from Bobbie's past, and that's who they meant. But, then when Felicia started in with the bashing, I knew it was her they meant.

    Alexis's home: Olivia Jerome is Alexis's sponsor!!!!! My jaw dropped! I did not see that one coming!!! THAT IS PERFECT! HAHAHAHAHA! LOVE IT! And that flashback was great! Wait shouldn't Alexis know what Olivia looks like? I mean she was married to Julian. :)

    ** I didn't either, but it was a LOT of fun, and should definitely be interesting to see what happens! You're right though, I would THINK Alexis would know what Olivia looks like, also. That bit didn't make much sense. Also, Olivia wasn't in that AA meeting that Alexis went to. Not to mention, there are still several people in PC that do know what she looks like. Even though, like she said to Julian that "hardly anyone here would know who I am", there are still more than enough people that she could easily run into, that know her.

    Di said...

    It was great to see Felicia again. I hope they have her on more often. We don't need new actresses when we have talented GH actors who aren't being used. I want her back as mayor!!

    ** It really was! I really wish they would use her, Mac, and get Robert back, much more often! It was starting to sound like that's what they were going to do the last time Robert came back to check in on Julian's trial, when Anna was off on her own. Or, it might have been when he came back when Robin and Patrick left. When Mac and Robert were having a drink, and Mac was trying to get him to make PC his home, again. It sounded a LOT, like that was the direction things were going. But, then it was just dropped. Though, that's the way most everything goes with Jelly. I really wish they would sort out the whole mayoral mess too, other than the fact that Jelly had nothing to do with writing her being cheated out of office, (which is not a valid reason), I have no idea why they've never rectified that. Especially since Anna knows that Felicia actually won!



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...