Thursday, February 23, 2017

I'm Gonna Get Off the Junk, Roxie

Finn used the jet to go get illegal pharmaceuticals which he bring to the hotel room.  Griffin tells Hayden he thinks Silas is an addict. 

Curtis and Nina 'Catch Up" at the Metro. Remember when they were friends.  They are just using exposition to let everyone know about Nina's wedding. Yada yada. I guess they needed filler. 

Olivia still has Sam on the bridge. She wants to stash her until she hears from Jules about the hospital. Sam figures out that OJ planted the bomb in Julian's car and killed Morgan. Really basic writing, imo. Just not compelling. Sam fakes a labor pain then they struggle for the gun.Struggle Struggle. Sam punches Olivia. Olivia lunges. Sam falls over the side...slides down the bank. 

Jason and Robin talk in GH-- and she tells him about Anna.  He asks her about Olivia Jerome. She says she hates her mother because of Duke and hates Julian because he killed him. Jason looks worried.  He figures out that Olivia is alive. 

Anna is wobbly. Val comes in "Can I catch you again"?? She said she was told that SHE ordered Valentin's assassination at the WSB but she doesn't remember it at all. She wants him to tell her.  Anna says "I think it was so horrible I blocked it out".  They of course, don't talk about it. He leaves. Robin and Griffin tell her that she can't really return to work as a police person or spy because she can't risk getting hurt with her condition. Anna's pissed. 

Jules is in the bar. A guy from the GH board comes in. Says there's a snag in selling the hospital to Jules' client. He threatens the guy to make sure that the sale goes through. 

NOTE: Nina calls the cops on Anna to report that she broke in to Wyndemere last night. Some cops arrests her. 

Also-- Robin said "OH BROTHER" to Griffin in a weird tone-- and the rumor has it Anna blocked out his birth?? 
Who knows. 


  1. Rumors are that Griffin is Anna and Valentine's son (of which, Anna has blocked from a traumatic event) and that Nelle is the child of A.J. and Julia Barrett (they hooked up in the 90's). We'll see how much turns out to be true.

  2. The hospital/lobby:

    Griffy and RayRay: Awww love that RayRay is worried about Hammystein!

    Anna's room:

    V.C. and Anna:

    Anna: Here is your chance to do it up. And throw it in my face. And destroy me!

    Oh Anna! He isn't going to do that!!!! He wuvs you!

    Robin and Anna: Robin knows you very well!!!! No clothes for you!!! And no soup for you! :) (Seinfeld reference)

    Robin, Griffy, and Anna: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Anna has to retire from the WSB?! :(

    Lobby part 2:

    Robin and Griffy:

    Griffy: Hey sis..

    Robin: Oh brother.

    Ummm huh?!

    "Karen says the rumor has it Anna blocked out his birth?? Who knows."

    I rather have that, then the rumor of Robin being V.C.'s father!

    Robin and Jason: Awwww great scene! I love the sweetness between them. Too bad there was no flashbacks of little Robin and a young Olivia Jerome today.

    Hammystine's hotel room: HAMMYSTINE OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

    GuGu: DADDY!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!! No don't go RayRay! Daddy is here!!!

    The floating rib:

    Hospital board guy and Julian: Oh no! If Olivia Jerome doesn't get the hospital, she will kill Julian! I don't want Julian dead! :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Curtis and Nina: I don't care if they are just using exposition to let everyone know about Nina's wedding! I love their scenes! :) We haven't had a scene with them in a long time!

    The bridge:

    Olivia Jerome and Sam: SAM!!! What are you doing?!!!?! You should not fight with Olivia!!!!!! Think about your baby!!!!! That was really stupid of you to fake pain!!! Oh great now you fell! GAH!

  3. "Zak said...Rumor is Nelle is the child of A.J. and Julia Barrett"

    Ohhh so that would mean Nelle is Michael's half sister. :) So they can't be kissy wissy. :)

  4. Hi, I am afraid if I say this out loud, it will be a curse, but here goes......this week has been GOOD.🤐

  5. So I may be half right, but it bugs me that Nell is the spitting image of young Patricia. And being played by the same actress. She should be Carly's daughter..

  6. Zak said...

    Rumors are that Griffin is Anna and Valentine's son (of which, Anna has blocked from a traumatic event) and that Nelle is the child of A.J. and Julia Barrett (they hooked up in the 90's). We'll see how much turns out to be true.

    ** Ehhh, I can't see either of these being the case. Both are just way too out there.

    sonya said...

    Robin, Griffy, and Anna: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Anna has to retire from the WSB?! :(

    ** Not really retire, but definitely reduce fieldwork. (for now at least, until a little ways later on it's totally forgotten about)

    Griffy: Hey sis..

    Robin: Oh brother.

    Ummm huh?!

    "Karen says the rumor has it Anna blocked out his birth?? Who knows."

    I rather have that, then the rumor of Robin being V.C.'s father!

    ** I really think everyone's been reading MUCH more into this than it was. What I saw there was just Robin talking to Griffin about how much of a father figure Duke was to her, and how she considered him a father. And since Griffin is Duke's biological son, Robin considers Griffin to essentially be her brother, and part of her family. (Anna has thought of Griffin like a son also, since he first showed up also.) Then Robin was just joking about how crazy things can get in the Scorpio family, is all. Nothing really deeper than that. Which is why the other "rumors" and what not doesn't make any sense at all to me.

    Robin and Jason: Awwww great scene! I love the sweetness between them. Too bad there was no flashbacks of little Robin and a young Olivia Jerome today.

    ** I was hoping for more, myself! But, at least the stuff is still out there to see!

    The floating rib:

    Hospital board guy and Julian: Oh no! If Olivia Jerome doesn't get the hospital, she will kill Julian! I don't want Julian dead! :(

    ** Neither do I. I really like what WDV has done with the character. He actually made me care for and sympathize him. But, since we haven't heard ANYTHING about the status of his contract renegotiations, this was all written/shot as if he isn't going to make it. The situation is starting to feel like what we went through with Tyler. I VERY much hope it doesn't end up going that direction.

    The bridge:

    Olivia Jerome and Sam: SAM!!! What are you doing?!!!?! You should not fight with Olivia!!!!!! Think about your baby!!!!! That was really stupid of you to fake pain!!! Oh great now you fell! GAH!

    ** Like I've said frequently in the past, (and I'm certain MANY more times in the future) Sam is an idiot. I've NEVER understood why people love her so much, and thinks she's so great and can do anything, and just about worship the ground she walks on.


    1. Exactly. Never a Sam fan, but it has to do more with KeMo and I'm not sure why haha!!

  7. I agree about Sam, never liked her- boring. Plus the actress always mumbles.

  8. I think she is a good actress, and I like her, the character is OK, don't love her, but she is OK.

  9. I've never been a fan. And the lazy way she has of talking like she has to say something but just can't be bothered, has always put me off. I wouldn't shed a tear if she was gone.

  10. I'm glad to see I'm not alone then. I kinda like KM when she very first appeared on PC. When she was just Kevin's unknown daughter with Rachel Locke. Before PC decided to turn into "Dark Shadows Lite". Though, the way RC handled all of that with GH, made things even more muddier, which she didn't think was even possible. But yeah, when she came to GH, I was disappointed. I've never liked Sam, always thought she was a whiny selfish bitch (except for when it came to her adopted brother, that was the ONLY time I've ever had any respect or appreciation for the character). I've never been able to figure out why she seemed so popular, and was rammed down our throats so heavily during Guza's last reign of terror.



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...