Friday, February 17, 2017

Tripped Up

So.. I was supposed to fly to England today but have had the flu so badly it's just not to be. This is so sad in so many ways! I was surprising my nieces for their birthday, going on a great 5 day trip ALONE to have a blast AND...getting out of the country for a bit. 
Oh I'm bitter. Plus, it's so cheap right now compared to after March 31st, it's not even funny.

That's the main reason I've been MIA--illness. I took 2 days off to get well... which obviously didn't work enough. Did you know that steroids can really stop swelling in your nasal passages? Wow-- the 'more aggressive' treatments are certainly awesome. Just too little too late! 

My GH watching was confined to yesterday-- and I did think the strike stuff was cute. I am also intrigued by Anna and Val-- I guess because of the actors involved. 

I wasn't going to do Sunday Surgery for 2 weeks (obviously) but maybe I will just miss this week and pick it up next. 

Have a great Friday. 


  1. Karen, so sorry to hear you were so ill and are missing your vacation. Hope you are feeling much better and can re-schedule soon. I am really liking the dynamics between VC and Anna, and that is probably because the actors are so great. I don't like Maxies's new do - maybe if the bangs were blonde and not dark. And Franco looks horrible with that ponytail. Laura and Tracey are always great to watch. Kiki and Dillon were quite good in their love scenes-very well done. And no Sonny and Carly yesterday!!!

    1. I actually liked the pony tail, his hair was out of his face.
      Liked Killon. Loved when Laura gave Tracy that pan haha!!!

  2. Oh Karen I'm so sorry!! I'd be bitter too, I have a niece who I adore so I get it! I hope you feel better. :(
    As for GH it's annoying in a lot of ways but loved my Frizzell and loved the Val and Anna stuff, mostly cause he stood up Nina LOL!! Anyways, feel better!!

  3. I hope you're feeling better soon, Karen. So sorry about your trip.

  4. Maxie's hair is a visual example of how I feel!
    I swear ...mean but true!

  5. hope you feel better soon, that sucks about your trip. I like Anna and Val together too....lots of chemistry there.

  6. Karen, feel better soon! I think that Maxie's hair looks cute, I think I am in a minority of 1 (I like it much better wavy).

    1. I love everything Maxie (and Kirsten) and feel bad that Kirstens looks are being talked about, even if it's only cause we care. :(

  7. I still don't think Kirsten is well. To thin, pale, dark blush, and her hair....
    She looks ill.

  8. And I do care... I love Maxie...

  9. Sorry about the trip being canceled. :-( Feel better!

  10. Oh no Karen! I'm so sorry you are sick and that you had to cancel your trip. :( Blah!

    February 16th episode.

    Valenina's hotel room: Nina is all sexy at the door thinking her husband is there hahahahahhahaahhaha!

    Nathan and Nina: Nathan that is sweet that you are standing behind your wife, but really, stay out of it. Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: Yeah my husband and we are going to have sex.

    ROFL! Nina your brother does not want to hear it! ROFL! Oh hi Maxie. Oh oh time for Nina to go to the hospital cus she thinks something happened to V.C. and that is why he is in the hospital!

    Liz's home: Friz love! :) And love how Felix and Piffy are overly protective of Liz! Awww!!! :)

    BobTodd's home:

    Killon: Making the wuv! YAY! :) Oh love the song. Never heard of it before. Wonder what the name of it is. Have to look it up. Love that Dillo saw her body and he mouthed the words, wow! :) Oh I see her cupcakes from behind! :)

    The hospital:

    RayFinn: Awwww so sweet to each other. RayRay your man is addicted to drugs! He won't tell you, he is probably in denial.

    Laura and Tracy: Hahahahaha. You don't want to clean the bed pan Tracy?! ROFL!

    Anna's room:

    V.C.: WOW! The concerned look on his face!!!! He SO loves Anna!! :) I love their scenes.

    The floating rib:

    Laura and Tracy: Love their scenes!!!! :)

  11. "Michelle Latta said...I love everything Maxie (and Kirsten) and feel bad that Kirstens looks are being talked about, even if it's only cause we care. :("

    I don't mean anything by it.. I just feel bad for her. :(

    "Kat Tu said...I still don't think Kirsten is well. To thin, pale, dark blush, and her hair....She looks ill."

    Yeah.. :'(

  12. Today's GH:

    The hospital:

    Anna's room: Wow!!! V.C. has no hate in his eyes and no anger! Just worry and concern! I love it!!! :)

    The lobby:

    Paint and Wall: Oh! Paint's baby bump exploded huge! :) Oh the class is cancelled. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Valenina: Oh V.C.! You should have told her why you were in the hospital! She was so scared!

    Hammykins and GriffyKins: What?!!?! Cancer?!!?!! WHAT?!!!?!?! :(

    BobTodd's home:

    Killon: Awwww! :) Oops! BobTodd walks in hahahaha.

    BobTodd and Kiwi:

    BobTodd: You're practically my daughter.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) There was no fear when he said it! :) Bobtodd, Kiwi IS your daughter. :) It don't matter that she isn't your bio daughter. :) And wow great advice Kiwi is giving him!!!! Yes BobTodd tell Liz you got fired!

    Q home: Love the scenes with the Q's and Olivia.. Olivia with her tight hooker dress with her cupcakes practically spilling out. :) Yes! ELQ COULD buy the hospital! Oh maybe that isn't a good idea, but yes Olivia has got a great idea! The Q's could buy the hospital! They are a billionaire aren't they!? :) No Ned don't sell L&B records!!!!!

    Ned: I have other assets too.

    I hope so!!!! Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Yeah! And you aren't afraid to use them.

    ROFL! Tracy notices Olivia's cupcakes too!!! Hahahahahahaha!

    The floating rib:

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Love that Olivia Jerome is watching them.

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis: Pointless stupid holiday.

    Yeah it is for single people. But, get yourself some chocolate and you will be happy! :)

    Alexis and Julian: Oh oh Julian thinks Olivia Jerome is gonna kill him!

    Liz's home:

    Sam and Liz: That is a nice scene.. And of course she had to bum rush out of there as soon as BobTodd shows up. *shakes head*

    Friz: Oh glad he told her the truth!

    Valenina hotel room: Awwww V.C. loves her!!!!!

    Nina: Every time I said those words in the past, it's the start of losing someone I love.

    I can relate Nina!!!! It's so risky saying I love you! Oh! V.C. calls to see if Anna is okay! And again with the concerned love look on his face! I think he either loves both Anna and Nina, or he loves Anna.

  13. Did I miss something....does anyone in PC remember that Jules has TWO sisters, sure Olivia is "dead" but they should know nobody stays dead, which brings me to this, when Sam the PI looked up Olivia Jerome had Jason said something to her or she came up with it on her own?

  14. "Michelle Latta said..which brings me to this, when Sam the PI looked up Olivia Jerome had Jason said something to her or she came up with it on her own?"

    I don't think Jason said anything. Maybe I missed something too. I wondered how Sam came up with Olivia Jerome.

    1. Right, I thought that was weird...but GH LOL!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I like Franco's practical updo, it's very Jon Snow.

  16. Hope you get well soon Karen, it's a shame you had to miss your trip. But, being sick while on a trip almost always sucks. Hope you can rest up and get better!


  17. LSV422 said...

    I am really liking the dynamics between VC and Anna, and that is probably because the actors are so great.

    ** I agree whole heartedly. Finola is definitely one of my favourite soap actors, without a doubt. I've loved her since she first showed up. JPS was fantastic during his time on AMC, so I knew he'd be able to handle anything thrown at him. I was reading an interview with Finola several weeks ago in SiD, evidently she and JPS have been friends for around 30 or so years, and was really happy with the way things were going. She was also quite excited for the future of where this storyline is headed. Having read about their history with each other, and watching them together on screen for a few months, it really shows how comfortable they are with each other, and how good they are together.

    I don't like Maxies's new do - maybe if the bangs were blonde and not dark.

    ** It looked kind of limp to me, definitely didn't work at all for her.

    And Franco looks horrible with that ponytail.

    ** I really hope he does grow it out again, back to how he had it in the late 90s, when he was on OLTL. I've always liked Roger with longer hair. Right now, it's just at that point where it's not long enough, nor is it short enough, to really do that much with it.

    Laura and Tracey are always great to watch.

    ** Absolutely! I'd have loved to see some more of Laura and Kevin together, since we haven't really seen much of them together in awhile. Besides the few minutes in bed with Laura at the beginning of the episode he was in, and that's it.

    And no Sonny and Carly yesterday!!!

    ** Now if they could just keep that up for a few weeks, or more!


  18. Michelle Latta said...

    I love everything Maxie (and Kirsten) and feel bad that Kirstens looks are being talked about, even if it's only cause we care. :(

    ** That's a totally understandable and reasonable way to feel, I've loved her since her time on DAYS, and just hope everything is okay with her.


  19. sonya said...
    Today's GH:

    The hospital:

    Anna's room: Wow!!! V.C. has no hate in his eyes and no anger! Just worry and concern! I love it!!! :)

    ** They really do work great together. But, I really do hope they don't decide to go the romantic route with them. V.C and Nina are PERFECT together. Not to mention, with Vincent Irizarry having left Days now, I would LOVE to see David Hayward to show up with her. (I know we don't need more people/characters, but damn VI and FH had FANTASTIC chem at AMC. Enough to consider him the ONLY other person besides Robert or Duke, that is "right" for Anna).

    The lobby:

    Paint and Wall: Oh! Paint's baby bump exploded huge! :) Oh the class is cancelled. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    ** That was truly frightening, I was just waiting for an alien to push it's way out of her, as she was walking with Jason!

    Hammykins and GriffyKins: What?!!?! Cancer?!!?!! WHAT?!!!?!?! :(

    ** I'm HOPING this will give them a reason to bring Robert back to PC, for her. Since, he went through cancer treatment on Night Shift.

    Q home: Love the scenes with the Q's and Olivia.. Olivia with her tight hooker dress with her cupcakes practically spilling out. :) Yes! ELQ COULD buy the hospital! Oh maybe that isn't a good idea, but yes Olivia has got a great idea! The Q's could buy the hospital! They are a billionaire aren't they!? :) No Ned don't sell L&B records!!!!!

    ** At least at the time of the early to mid 2000s, they were just millionaires. Because I clearly remember around the time when Skye came to PC looking for her birth parents, and was eventually adopted by Alan, it was either said onscreen or was in an article from one of the magazines doing a basic comparisons of the general net worth of the Qs, and the Chandlers from PV. Stating that while the Qs were millionaires, the Chandlers on the other hand were billionaires. The reason this sticks out in my head, was there was a joke made about the Qs being her "poor side of the family", at the time. I dunno how much the Qs have now, though. But, I would think it'd HAVE to be in the billions to be able to buy GH.

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Julian: Oh oh Julian thinks Olivia Jerome is gonna kill him!

    ** I saw it more as a "contingency plan" of sorts, if Olivia DOES kill him. But he's still hoping that doesn't happen. The problem with Olivia is exactly like what it was before, she's such a "wild card" so to speak, it's hard to know precisely what she is going to do. So, he kinda has to make sure he has all options covered, in case it does come to that.


  20. Michelle Latta said...

    Did I miss something....does anyone in PC remember that Jules has TWO sisters, sure Olivia is "dead" but they should know nobody stays dead, which brings me to this, when Sam the PI looked up Olivia Jerome had Jason said something to her or she came up with it on her own?

    ** Nope, she did it on her own. I thought that was kind of odd too, after she had said that all of Julian's other siblings, besides Ava, were all dead. And then after looking Olivia up, she said the picture she found was too blurry to make use of it. (Granted, had she looked around for say 30 seconds, she SHOULD have been able to find a different one.) It's this sort of stuff that always made me wonder why everyone thinks she's dome great PI.


  21. Read in Celebrity Dirty Laundry that "Tad" and "Erica" were available and that it would be great if they came to PC. I disagree, the cast is overloaded now! Tracy is leaving, that is only one small character part vacant(she is not on regularly). The writers aren't using the characters that they have. They should utilize Mac, Felicia, Bobby, Monica, Robert and other legacy characters More. The story line is bogged down now and it needs to be fleshed out not new storylines written. They need to use what they have! Find other ways to use these "old" characters elsewhere, just don't ruin GH with an influx of new stories and characters. Use what stories and actors that you have!

    1. CDL is never to be believed. Wubs and Michael Fairman (follow him on Facebook), those 2 speak the truth.

  22. If the Q's buy the hospital it gives them lots of stories for our underused characters. I'm sick of their soap orphans taking over the show. My son needs a job too. Will they hire him too?

  23. Michelle Latta said...Soap orphans?

    People who've lost their own soaps and are out of work.

  24. Michelle Latta said...

    CDL is never to be believed. Wubs and Michael Fairman (follow him on Facebook), those 2 speak the truth.

    ** I'd add SoapCentral to the list, as they are pretty reliable. My only issue with Fairman these days is while his info is good, his interviews have become close to "puff pieces" these days. No real deep or probing questions, and he rarely ever asks any follow up questions of even the most obvious things. I've found that after finishing reading any interviews he's done for awhile now, I end up coming away more and more frustrated after each one. Stuff that absolutely should have been brought up, that haven't been, things dropped, that shouldn't have been, and that sort of stuff. His news and info are definitely still solid. It's just the interviews that I take issue with, now. For me at least, I think it frustrates me more, because with only 4 soaps left, the media specifically geared towards them has gotten so small in the last several years, we only have a few small outlets left that we can turn to for info/interviews/etc.. Especially since ABC and NBC give the impression they could care less about them. And with CBS, if there wasn't such a large world-wide audience that loves B&B, and if Y&R hadn't been #1 in the ratings for so much and so long, I'd be willing to bet that they'd probably take the same attitude that ABC and NBC have now. (Really, It's only been in the last 3 months that Y&R is actually starting to look and feel like the show I'd watched and loved for 30+ years, prior to the last 10 years of the show, which were an absolute mess.) Even with the massive amount of information (in general) that exists because of the Internet, to me at least, when it comes to soaps, we have less reliable media news/info today, than we did 10 years ago.


  25. Di said...

    Michelle Latta said...Soap orphans?

    People who've lost their own soaps and are out of work.

    ** LOL! I like that. :)

  26. Michelle latta said... Even with the massive amount of information (in general) that exists because of the Internet, to me at least, when it comes to soaps, we have less reliable media news/info today, than we did 10 years ago.

    ***That's true. If you google GH or GH spoilers the first 10 or so results are all CDL. They obviously pay a fee to come up first. And they don't post spoilers. They post their guesses about what might happen or what they want to happen. It's no more accurate than our guesses or wishes here. they wouldn't know a real spoiler if they tripped over it.

    1. That was K. She was replying to my comment about how unreliable CDL is. But you're exactly right. I always smh when I am on say Facebook and someone posts from CDL and freak out cause they are so gullible. Like when Finola left awhile back when she did that movie and CDL posted she was off GH (as in leaving for good) and people were getting their panties in a twist. LOL! CDL is the Enquire of soaps.

  27. I thought the Q's went broke after paying 88 million dollars to Jerry Jacks during the pathogen crisis of 2012 (or did they discover the cure before they paid him off)?

    And you would think Mercy would offer to buy up or affiliate with General Hospital.

    I would really like to see GH get back to its origins--hospital based drama, not this redundant, poorly written mobular crap.

    Do a fan poll of top 10 episodes, add favorite storylines of the actors, do a month of "favorites" with behind the scenes and interviews. Use that material for a month or a few weeks. Then reboot GH as a hospital based drama with Sonny, Jason, Cassadines in the background but use them to flesh out the background. Have Carly go back into nursing. Have Molly and Kristina go through med school (and show the drama that goes with that)let's see Kristina fall for an older doctor. Give Monica a great Chief of Staff story line with a bit of addiction with Lesley slowly gas lighting her in a power grab. Let us see Liz deal with teenage boys (shoot, even do a who's the daddy with Liz all mixed up in her future grandkid's baby momma). How would Griffin deal with working at a medical clinic that was for women's health (including abortion)? There is so much potential that doesn't include Spheres or Balls or Emergency Rooms on the 10th floor.



  29. My father was recently diagnosed with this rare form of cancer. My mouth fell open when I heard Anna's diagnosis. I'm very interested to see if I can learn anything from this storyline.

    1. My father was recently diagnosed with cancer as well. Not this one but still cancer...not sure how I feel about this storyline.

  30. As always Finola and Kimberly are amazing together. Just loving Ned being on. He and Olivia make a good pair. KH, I hope you father's prognosis is much better than Anna's.

    1. I loved kim and Finola scenes :) can't believe Olivia said no. :(

  31. Blogger Di said...

    ***That's true. If you google GH or GH spoilers the first 10 or so results are all CDL. They obviously pay a fee to come up first. And they don't post spoilers. They post their guesses about what might happen or what they want to happen. It's no more accurate than our guesses or wishes here. they wouldn't know a real spoiler if they tripped over it.

    ** I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I don't know why I even bother trying to explain to some people that what they've read/heard is so utterly ridiculous. Or, why X person won't be leaving/coming in the future, etc..(It's probably just because I've always had issues when some bit of misinformation starts getting spread, when I know it's wrong...Or I'm just a masochist that can't help myself.)


    1. Haha K! I totally get your 2nd paragraph! I'm like, really people?!

  32. Michelle Latta said...

    That was K. She was replying to my comment about how unreliable CDL is. But you're exactly right. I always smh when I am on say Facebook and someone posts from CDL and freak out cause they are so gullible. Like when Finola left awhile back when she did that movie and CDL posted she was off GH (as in leaving for good) and people were getting their panties in a twist.

    ** Or something like when Steve Burton left Y&R. I can't even begin to count how many times I read people saying that, since he left, he can now come back to GH. (Without JFP in charge, no way in hell!) Or since ABC has the rights back to AMC and OLTL, they will both be revived, etc...

    LOL! CDL is the Enquire of soaps.

    ** LOL! That is a PERFECT comparison!!


  33. Michelle Latta said...

    Tristan is on y&r I think.

    ** Yeah, but he's only recurring, and even then, it seems to be every few months or so. He did have a few days on last week, and will be on tomorrow for sure. So, really the only thing would prevent him from doing both shows (Like Wally does with GH and DAYS) is the taping schedule, and Jelly actually writing him into the show. As he's said in interviews in the past, he'd gladly do both, as long as the schedule permits. Which I would absolutely LOVE. I adore him, and have since the Ice Princess days. So whenever I get to see Robert on screen (or just Tristan anywhere, it's a good thing to me. :) Though, I'd definitely prefer it be on GH :))

    My father was recently diagnosed with cancer as well. Not this one but still cancer...not sure how I feel about this storyline

    ** That's too bad. My thoughts and well wishes go out to him. My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple months ago. And both my mom and aunt have had it in the past. So, I know exactly what you mean about being unsure about the storyline. Kind of semi-related, though: 20 or so years ago when I first started to be hit with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and was hit really hard at first (After the first couple years, since then, it let up enough that since then I'm just always extremely tired, and no matter how much sleep I get, it's never enough. (hence my odd hours), and it effects the neuromuscular disorder I have, making my muscles hurt even more constantly) and the doctors could not figure out at all what was wrong with me (I actually didn't get the specific CFS diagnosis for several years), one of the tests they ran on me was a bone marrow biopsy. So when Anna was talking to Robin about it today, it made me flinch. (Sorry for the meandering rambling again. I really do hope things work out for your dad.)


    1. I do too! He has surgery March 1st.
      As for Tristan I wish they would do the same as they do for Wally. But if there is this Val&Anna chemistry thing I doubt he'll show up.

  34. Michelle Latta said...

    Haha K! I totally get your 2nd paragraph! I'm like, really people?!

    ** I thought you would. :) Sometimes it can feel like I'm just bashing my head into a brick wall, trying to explain (over and over again) why what they have just said (or asked) is about as likely to happen as Tony Geary coming back full time.

    I do too! He has surgery March 1st.

    ** Hopefully goes well

    As for Tristan I wish they would do the same as they do for Wally. But if there is this Val&Anna chemistry thing I doubt he'll show up.

    ** That's what's so strange. After he did get dropped to reccurring on Y&R, and did the several day stint to come back to PC, partly because Luke asked him to check up on Laura, after Valentin surfaced, and then to check in with Paul on Julian's trial. That scene where he and Mac were having a drink at the Metro Court bar, and Mac was trying to talk Robert into setting roots down back in PC, for when he is between missions. That came from a result of his being taken off contract with Y&R, and him having said he'd love to do both, as long as there are no conflicts. Which is supposed to be what happened, him doing both, like Wally has been. I remember reading at the time, that it was said after that, he'd be back in and out of PC. But, nothing at all came of it. In the last 6 months, he hasn't done many Y&R eps, either. Maybe 15 at most, and none of them was a bunch of stuff. Compared to Wally, where he's on DAYS at least 2 or 3 times a week. So, I have no idea what's going on with that. As far as Anna & Valentin goes, I'd like to see them get their friendship back. (As unless something comes out of left field entirely, I've resigned myself that what we're seeing onscreen with JPS, is essentially a completely different character, than what we were told about him years ago) And the theory that we were kicking around here a week or so ago, about Valentin actually STILL being WSB, but VERY deep cover, is what would be ideal, for me. I really do think he and Nina have great chem, and they do both adore Charlotte. So yeah, I say leave him with Nina. For Anna, if we aren't gonna get Tristan back more than a couple eps every so often, even though I'm in complete agreement that we have WAY too many characters now, I would make one exception: Since Vincent Irizarry has left DAYS (He really did the best that he could with what they gave him to work with over there, it was just a huge mess, none of which being his fault) This would be the PERFECT time to bring David Hayward to PC. Other than Robert and Duke, the ONLY other person that has that level of chem with her has been David, when she `came back from the dead' after being found alive. They just felt right. (And she definitely does NOT take this lightly.



A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...