Monday, February 6, 2017

Pink Gift Bag Bra Holder

This is Aiden, btw...

Friz are in the afterglow. Liz wants to get to work, Franco is all shy about letting people know they are together. She says she wants people to know. Same convo as last 2 times. Aiden runs in and says Grandma dropped them off. He sees Franco in bed. Asks if he's hurt. Then goes to get Waffles. 

Carly runs into Finn and he flashbacks to when they talk about Sonny getting drugs for him (the cure).  He's all crampy--needs Vicodin. Only has 5 left.  Later, he takes some and Brad catches him. brad is trying to get his money when LUCAS walks up behind him! BRUCAS SCENE! 

Felicia goes to see Nell to help her redecorate.  She asks about her past..and about her boyfriend that sent the flowers. When Nell goes into the bedroom, Felicia snoops and finds Nell's lacy bra in a pink bag.  Carly ends up calling her and telling her to get to Sonny's-- she notices the bag turned over. 

Jason goes to Sonny's..Sam has to go to the safe!  Danny's "asleep' upstairs. Geesh, GH certainly doesn't pay anything to have the kids on.  Sam doesn't want to go, she wants to stay at Sonny's. 

Hayden wants Michael to help her with the 'hospital transition".  She has to get the hospital's budget balanced.  She got Michael on the board.  Hayden says the only way to save it is to cut staff across the board, including nurses. 

Curtis follows Julian, Julian goes to see Olivia at a..Chinese Medicine shop. He can't see them in there though, blinds are drawn. She tells Jules that she wants to make him suffer for "murdering" her so long ago. (He did, I saw it). She also wants to buy GH to build Condos. 
Curtis calls Jason to get down there! 
They sit in the car and wait. 

Much later, Carly invites Nelle over to Sonny's to do some foundation stuff with her. Sonny's not happy. He thinks Diane should do it. Carly says no.  Nelle goes upstairs and is going to leave her bra (the lacy one Flea found) in there. 


  1. I didn't watch back then, when Oliva J was on before, I know she is the same actress, I guess Julian is a different actor, because he had "surgery" to alter his appearance. I don't understand if she wants to kill him why she doesn't just kill him. I also don't know whether or not he knows she was behind his car bombing. I think this story is sooo convoluted, I don't think I can follow all of it . . .

    I also can't believe they have 2 Olivias, that is sooo confusing. It seems like Julian will be calling her "Liv," but we all know her as Olivia Jerome. She is sooo cray-cray, maybe she can be Cray Olivia and the other one can just be Olivia? . . .

    1. I Wanna know why it's so important for OJ to have condos built there.

  2. Wait.

    Is Olivia Jerome Brad's mother/adopted mother? That's the assumption I made when she looked at a photo of her son and his husband (they didn't show the photo).

    1. Julian is Lucas father, making Lucas Olivia's nephew.

  3. Nevermind...I was barely watching so didn't make sense of it all. I guess she was actually talking about seeing Julian's son Lucas and Brad through the hospital surveillance lol. I guess it would be a hoot if Olivia did turn out to be Brad's adopted mother. That would be like keeping it all in the family lol...

  4. general info on an old actor...Brandon Barash will be on tonight's episode of Timeless.

  5. I follow Michael Fairman on Facebook and the whole Liv vs. Olivia can be put to rest. Tonja Walker is already done at GH. She airs til mid-March.

  6. Nelle's apartment: I love that Felicia is there to snoop!!!! :)

    Sonny's home:

    Paint, Wall, and Sonny: I love that Paint is sticking to her guns!!!! Yes!!!! Don't give in!!!! Yeah why CAN'T she stay at Sonny's!!! It's safe there!!!! Oh Sonny wants to make her western omelet! She is all giddy cus he remembered! ROFL! I remember back then when they had sex and her cupcakes were practically spilling out from the sheets! ROFL! And then for a reward a western omelet! ROFL!

    Herb store:

    Julian and Olivia Jerome: I love that Olivia Jerome turned the music on! And that she won't let Julian shut it off hahahaha! She is one smart cookie! And she has become a hacker! Hahahahaha!

    Outside store/Curtis's car: Hahahahahha. They can't hear anything except music! I guess Brock's stuff sucks! ROFL!

    Liz's home: BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Hey look I'm a torchered artist. Narcissistic and insecurities they kind of come with the territory.

    ROFL! Oh oh! Aidan shows up! Well, it's good that BobTod looks hurt, cus it would be kind of hard to explain to Aidan what is going on.

    The hospital:

    Carly, Hammy, RayRay, Bobbie, and Michael: Carly RayRay bashing and the look on Carly's face when she realized RayFinn are a couple hahahaha! Michael on the hospital board? Cool!

    Bobbie: That girl can spread gossip faster than anybody since,

    Amy Vining!!! Say it Bobbie! Say it!!!! :)

    Bobbie: Must be something about that name.

    Hahahahaha! Yes!!!! Hahahahahha!

    Brad and Hammy:

    Chant: Blackmail! Blackmail! Blackmail!

    Oh oh hi Lucas!!!!! :)

    Brucas: Love it!!!! Yes Lucas he was blackmailing Hammy!!!!! Speaking of Hammy,

    Hammy: Skulking around hiding poppin pills in his mouth! And with no water too!!!! WOW he is talented!!!

  7. I follow Michael Fairman on Facebook and the whole Liv vs. Olivia can be put to rest. Tonja Walker is already done at GH. She airs til mid-March.

  8. I'm glad that Liv will not be around for much longer. I liked Bobbie's nod to Amy Vining. I'm always happy to see Lucas.

  9. Michelle Latta said...

    I follow Michael Fairman on Facebook and the whole Liv vs. Olivia can be put to rest. Tonja Walker is already done at GH. She airs til mid-March

    ** I read that earlier tonight on Soapcentral. Apparently though it's open ended, so she could return in the future, though. As much as I love Tonja, I REALLY hope we get SOME sort of actual answers as to why she's so fixated on GH, since it makes no sense at all. But, this being Olivia, that does kinda go with the territory. This whole storyline has been bugging me a bit lately due to a giant hole, that makes zero sense: When Julian returned, he was taking orders from Bill Eckert at the time (I REFUSE to believe that it was "actually" Luke, in my headcanon at least), and ONLY him. Now we're being told though, that it's been Olivia running things, but from China, for all this time.

    sonya said...

    Herb store:

    Julian and Olivia Jerome: I love that Olivia Jerome turned the music on! And that she won't let Julian shut it off hahahaha! She is one smart cookie! And she has become a hacker! Hahahahaha!

    ** Nah, I'd just call her paranoid.

    Liz's home:

    ROFL! Oh oh! Aidan shows up! Well, it's good that BobTod looks hurt, cus it would be kind of hard to explain to Aidan what is going on.

    ** It took me a few secs to realize that was him. It wasn't until the closed captions kicked in, until I did. (I turned them on, since I knew Paint would be on today) It looked like he was reverse SORASed.


    Bobbie: That girl can spread gossip faster than anybody since,

    Amy Vining!!! Say it Bobbie! Say it!!!! :)

    Bobbie: Must be something about that name.

    ** BEST line in the show today for me, hands down! :)

    Oh oh hi Lucas!!!!! :)

    Brucas: Love it!!!! Yes Lucas he was blackmailing Hammy!!!!!

    ** I REALLY hope we'll be seeing more of them, especially since Brad is now blackmailing Finn.

    Except for the stuff with Sonny (but that's a given with Sonny) and Paint (She must have got lost looking for whatever room Danny was in, since going upstairs before Carly and Nelle showed up. I wonder if she'll see Nelle in Sonny's bedroom?


  10. Who cares if there are two Olivias?!? Have none of you been in a workplace, school class, or social setting where there are two or more people with the same name? Having characters with the same name is realistic.
    There are two Michaels...use to be three. There were two Barbara Jeans, three Lucas, two Jakes, two Steves, two Alans, two Christinas, two Ricks, two Toms

  11. Cray Olivia is gone already? Then I guess she came back just to rehab the character of Julian so he can be reunited with Alexis?

  12. Maybe Olivia had the music on because the guy who gave the new equipment to Sonny is working for her, too. He was so hostile to Curtis. This stuff with Nelle is getting really stupid. The only good part is Bobbie and Felicia. And the nod to the old Amy was great. Nice to see Lucas back. I think Olivia is working for someone else of course, since she really would have no interest in getting GH sold.

  13. Herb store:

    Julian and Liv: Actually that is really nice music. :)

    Curtis's car:

    Jason and Curtis: I love that they are working together. :) But it's really dumb that they got all this equipment and it's not working! ROFL! It can't even listen through music! Jason thinks Julian has only one sister! Hahahah try again Jason! And I figured they would think that the blonde that they see is Ava!

    Sonny's home:

    Nelle: Oh! Nelle wants to play find the bra game!!! :)

    Carly and Sonny: Oh yes Carly! Go and make the wuv and then you can find the bra!!! When you find it, you win a prize!!!! :) Oh nuts they can't make the wuv now!!! Jason is here!!!

    Sonny and Jason: ROFL! Poor Jason doesn't know if he should tell Sonny the little of what he found or not! Hahahahha! Oh now Jason leaves and now he is all alone! Carly come back and make the wuv and then your prize is a bra!!!! ROFL!

    The hospital: Can the first nurse that gets fired is Amy? Great scene with Liz and RayRay!!! And it's great seeing Felix!!!!! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Michael and Nelle: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Lante and Alexis: Lulu you had your chance, but you blew it!!!! Damn Alexis it sucks you are not a lawyer!!! GAH!


    Nina and Maxie: Love Maxie's hair! Stay out of it Maxie! It's between Lulu and V.C.! And I love that Maxie was quiet and didn't know what to say when Nina was talking about how Lulu hurt Charlie when she told her that she is her mother! Oh hi Charlie!!! :) Oh of course Maxie calls Lulu about Charlie being there! It will blow up in your face Maxie!

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