Thursday, February 9, 2017

Curtis and Jordan sparing again in the police office. He says he can't be "just friends" and walks out...and then Maddox is standing there. 

Alexis and Sam at the lakehouse. Alexis is going to tell the girls (Molly/Krissy) the whole truth.  They come in ready to celebrate. Bring champagne and cider. They chatter, not letting Alexis talk. Finally she tells them she's an alcoholic.  Krissy gets a little angry. Alexis explains her drinking history.  Kristina refuses to tell Alexis she forgives her. She thinks all the stuff she did was selfish. Broke up her and Parker. She storms out. Sam tells Alexis to call her sponsor. 

Jason and Julian at GH. Olivia J walks out of the elevator right past Jason. Then Olivia and Jules talk in a room about him killing people and her getting GH.  She finally tells Julian she hates him because he killed the 'only man she ever loved' (Duke) Which is ancient history and she's deluded. 

Carly comes home to find Dante looking for Sonny. Jason arrives and figures out that Sonny is at Ava's. 

"Cops can't help ya one can help ya now" says Sonny to Ava.  She thinks he's taking about her switching his meds, so she starts saying she didn't mean for it to 'get that far' and HE says" THE BOMB. Meaning she stops herself.  He yells at her, gets her gun from her purse and points it. Yada yada, usually Sonny crap and Jason walks in. 

Later, Curtis and Hayden meet up in Jake's by accident. They talk about Jordan. Remember when they used to be friends? they were you know.


  1. I get ABC from Boston here and the weather was on all through GH. Luckily I was home when it started so I switched to another channel. Although we're under an advisory here we didn't lose the show. Our station runs info underneath the show. They don't interview people in the street in the middle of a program and drag everything out to make a whole show. I think this station has to decide whether it's a basic tv station or the weather network. (That's my beef for today. I get annoyed when I don't get my previews. lol)

    Krissy was once again before immature and selfish. It's always all about her. I don't care if I ever see her.

    I'm hoping this back and forth with Jordan is gong to end soon and that she brings Curtis back to the PCPD.


  3. Jordan's office:

    Curtis and Jordan: Yeah Curtis! You tell her!!!! WOOT WOOT! :)

    Maddox and Jordan:

    Maddox: We need to break up!

    Me: YEAH! YOU SURE DO!!!!

    Maddox Jr: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Alexis's home:

    Krissy: She cared more about alcohol than her own daughters.

    Uh duh! Yeah. That is well known about alcoholics! That is nothing new! Geez Krissy I haven't seen you in a long time and you are STILL annoying!!!! And bringing up Molly and TJ at that hotel, makes no sense! So shut up!

    Sonny's home:

    Dante wins the line of the day.

    Dante: I hope you're hiring at the hotel.

    ROFL! You really want to work at a hotel Dante? :)As what? A dishwasher? :) Hmmm or a security guard! That would be better.

    The hospital: This is hysterical!!! Olivia Jerome comes out of the elevator and she isn't wearing any sunglasses!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHHA! Someone could recognize her! :) She is right out in the open! HAHAHHAHAHAHA!

    The floating rib:

    RayRay and Curtis: Awwwww! :) They haven't been in a scene in forever! This was a treat! :)

    Ava's art gallery: Great acting but damn Sonny! You haven't learned your lesson at all!!!! Stop jumping to conclusions! You have no proof it was her!!!! And uh, IT WASN'T HER!!!!

    Sidenote: Yesterday with Nina firing Maxie, that is the consequences Maxie!! Your plan blew up in your face badly!

  4. Alexis has the worst daughters on earth.

  5. Di said...

    Krissy was once again before immature and selfish. It's always all about her. I don't care if I ever see her.

    ** I REALLY wanted someone to smack her and shut her up today. Or at the VERY least have Sam and Molly take her to task. I'm thinking that she definitely gets that from Sonny.

    I'm hoping this back and forth with Jordan is gong to end soon and that she brings Curtis back to the PCPD.

    ** That would be great! I honestly don't get the attraction of Andre. IMO, he's been nothing but a whiny and jealous jerk to Jordan.

    sonya said...

    Alexis's home:

    Krissy: She cared more about alcohol than her own daughters.

    Uh duh! Yeah. That is well known about alcoholics! That is nothing new! Geez Krissy I haven't seen you in a long time and you are STILL annoying!!!! And bringing up Molly and TJ at that hotel, makes no sense! So shut up!

    ** Absolutely ANY goodwill that Kristina may have built up with me since her return, totally evaporated after that snit from her today. That was absolutely ridiculous.

    Sonny's home:

    Dante: I hope you're hiring at the hotel.

    ROFL! You really want to work at a hotel Dante? :)As what? A dishwasher? :) Hmmm or a security guard! That would be better.

    ** He couldn't be any worse at it, than he is as being a cop. Sure his heart's in the right place being one, but he just isn't a very good cop.

    The hospital:

    This is hysterical!!! Olivia Jerome comes out of the elevator and she isn't wearing any sunglasses!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHHA! Someone could recognize her! :) She is right out in the open! HAHAHHAHAHAHA!

    ** Which I have said several times since we found out she was Alexis' sponsor. It really is pretty damn ridiculous. Especially since it's being played totally straight. No underlying joke to the audience.

    The floating rib:

    RayRay and Curtis: Awwwww! :) They haven't been in a scene in forever! This was a treat! :)

    ** I had actually forgotten that they were close friends, it's been so long since they've shown it.

    Ava's art gallery: Great acting but damn Sonny! You haven't learned your lesson at all!!!! Stop jumping to conclusions! You have no proof it was her!!!! And uh, IT WASN'T HER!!!!

    ** Sonny has the patience of a toddler, when he wants something, he wants it NOW, and that's all that matters. Nevermind that maybe Jason had a REASON why he didn't bring up Ava's name, when telling him what he found out. Sonny will NEVER learn. One would think that Morgan's death would have actually taught him something, or even Carly's refusal to be with him, if he doesn't stop the killing and violence. His excuse of "Once you're in the mob, you're in for life" is bullshit really, IMO.


  6. 1-what Krissy was actually saying was that she's upset because Alexis is damn alcoholic storyline has left her off the grid and completely dropped her storyline in which we never found out whether she was or wasn't gay. 2. I am very disturbed over the alcoholic storyline for Alexis which could've been brilliant. Having Olivia be her sponsor is a complete discredit to Alcoholics Anonymous, and would really discourage anyone who is suffering from an addiction to reach out… I remember other soaps that have really covered this topic well. It could've been outstanding informative and bring an opportunity for Nancy to act. Also true alcoholics don't just go through detox, go to one meeting and suddenly they our "cured "you have to work the program – you have to go to meetings… I haven't seen Alexis do any of these things! She never even bothered to tell our daughters how many days of sobriety she has so far. What a wasted opportunity!

    1. I didn't preview. What it was supposed to say above was "Alexis' DUMB ALCOHOLIC" Storyline! I am so sorry I don't know how to change it now! Please forgive

  7. Blogger AMC GH said...
    I am very disturbed over the alcoholic storyline for Alexis which could've been brilliant. Having Olivia be her sponsor is a complete discredit to Alcoholics Anonymous, and would really discourage anyone who is suffering from an addiction to reach out…

    ***I agree. First they had someone sabotaging a boy's bipolar meds and now this. I get that some people think having Olivia be her sponsor is funny but I didn't. I'm tired of all the gansters being the only ones on this show that one can depend on.

  8. Casting news: GH is on the hunt for a new recurring role, a female, that would start shooting in early March. The part is described as “27-34, Middle Eastern, Beautiful, courageous & tenacious.” …

  9. Blogger Di said...
    Casting news: GH is on the hunt for a new recurring role, a female, that would start shooting in early March. The part is described as “27-34, Middle Eastern, Beautiful, courageous & tenacious.” …

    Awwww... Not "ugly, scared and withdrawn?"

    I hope it's someone who already has ties to the canvas (unless she's a new doc at GH--I could handle that).

    So over new characters.

  10. I'm really miffed. They want diversity, that's great. But they bring in a Middle eastern actor and get rid of the native of very very few on our tv screens.

  11. Di said...

    Blogger AMC GH said...
    I am very disturbed over the alcoholic storyline for Alexis which could've been brilliant. Having Olivia be her sponsor is a complete discredit to Alcoholics Anonymous, and would really discourage anyone who is suffering from an addiction to reach out…

    ***I agree. First they had someone sabotaging a boy's bipolar meds and now this. I get that some people think having Olivia be her sponsor is funny but I didn't. I'm tired of all the gansters being the only ones on this show that one can depend on.

    ** Having expressed my disgust and frustration with the alcoholism storyline since it first began, and many times after that, I won't go into details again. Since Jelly took over writing duties (and from watching their most recent previous stint on Y&R), I pretty much figured anything at all serious or heavy in nature, wouldn't be. So, the primary way I've still been able to watch this stuff at all without wanting to bash my head against the wall, is to just take what little good stuff there is, relating material-wise. As far as finding Olivia being Alexis' sponsor being funny, I'll say this: Having loved Olivia's original run nearly 30 years ago, and since I've hated this storyline all along, I've decided to just enjoy whatever rogue element Olivia actually being alive will bring to the story. For those people who did watch what went on so long ago, I think will understand that. Since we're going to be stuck with Jelly's writing for another year at least, I'm just trying to do whatever I can to make things for palatable.


  12. Ava's art gallery: Oh Sonny! Go home!!!!! GAH!

    Sonny's home:

    Dante and Carly: Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Sonny and Carly:

    Carly: I can't scream at Brick because he's say something charming, but I can damn sure scream at you.

    Hahahaha what?!!!? And Sonny can't be charming too?! Come on Carly! :) He has the dimples that he can smile and charm the pants off of you! Figuratively and literally. :)

    Sonny: I didn't take revenge tonight because I wanted to come home.

    Oh Sonny! You are such a liar!!! You weren't thinking about Carly! You wanted revenge but Jason stopped you!!!

    Sonny: Isn't that enough?

    Oh oh! There goes that charm!!!!! Oh crap Carly melted.. Well now they can make the wuv and Carly can find the bra!! The poor bra is lonely!!! Probably hungry and needs to pee too.

    Alexis's home: Olivia Jerome is Mary Poppins hahaha. Oh oh Sam don't like her! :)

    The floating rib: Oh boy! A strike? I like Felix's idea!!!! Piffy!!!! Love you!!!! Love angry Piffy! :)

    The hospital:

    Tracy and RayRay: Tracy wins the line of the day!

    Tracy: Oh for Pete's sake! Elizabeth Webber, YOU'RE FIRED!

    BAHAHAHAHAHHAA! Tracy! You should be the one to fire people!!!! Please? You are right, RayRay is all soft!!!!

    RayFinn: Listen to your man and Tracy!!!!

    Felix and Anna: Poor Anna has migraines! I know how that feels. :( She never had them before!!! This must be about this secret that has been hanging over her head and she can't remember. She is TRYING to remember but it gives her migraines instead! This better not be that Robin is V.C.'s daughter! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Anna and Maddox: I like their friendship, and it better not be more!

    The police station/Jordan's office: Come on Jordan! Stop being in denial! Wake up!!!!!!

    I want more Avis! (Curtis and Ava) :)

  13. sonya said...

    Sonny: I didn't take revenge tonight because I wanted to come home.

    Oh Sonny! You are such a liar!!! You weren't thinking about Carly! You wanted revenge but Jason stopped you!!!

    ** Yeah, had Jason been 5 minutes later, they would've had to carry Ava out in a body bag.

    Sonny: Isn't that enough?

    Oh oh! There goes that charm!!!!! Oh crap Carly melted.. Well now they can make the wuv and Carly can find the bra!! The poor bra is lonely!!! Probably hungry and needs to pee too.

    ** ROFL!!

    The floating rib: Oh boy! A strike? I like Felix's idea!!!! Piffy!!!! Love you!!!! Love angry Piffy! :)

    ** We haven't had a strike in around 20 years, IIRC. This could be fun!

    The hospital:

    Tracy and RayRay: Tracy wins the line of the day!

    Tracy: Oh for Pete's sake! Elizabeth Webber, YOU'RE FIRED!

    BAHAHAHAHAHHAA! Tracy! You should be the one to fire people!!!! Please? You are right, RayRay is all soft!!!!

    ** Looking over the list when they briefly showed it, it looked like nearly if not all of their best nurses were on the list. While I get that it's that way for dramatic purposes, it's still an awfully stupid thing to do. With such a reduced staff, you'd think they'd WANT to keep their most capable nurses, to deal with the way things will be.

    Felix and Anna: Poor Anna has migraines! I know how that feels. :( She never had them before!!! This must be about this secret that has been hanging over her head and she can't remember. She is TRYING to remember but it gives her migraines instead! This better not be that Robin is V.C.'s daughter! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    ** Don't even THINK or JOKE about that! I can't even begin to count how many ways that is just beyond wrong!!

    Anna and Maddox: I like their friendship, and it better not be more!

    ** Yeah, that's pretty much the ONLY way that I like him, at this point. He's just come across as a huge jerk, otherwise. They make good friends, but beyond that, they have zero chem.

    I'm surprised you didn't mention Anna and Olivia nearly running into each other, at the end!


    The police station/Jordan's office: Come on Jordan! Stop being in denial! Wake up!!!!!!

  14. "K says Yeah, had Jason been 5 minutes later, they would've had to carry Ava out in a body bag."

    Yeah no kidding!

    "Looking over the list when they briefly showed it, it looked like nearly if not all of their best nurses were on the list. While I get that it's that way for dramatic purposes, it's still an awfully stupid thing to do."

    Yeah half of the nurses staff, looks like all of the nurses staff!!

    "Don't even THINK or JOKE about that! I can't even begin to count how many ways that is just beyond wrong!!"

    I'm not joking! Okay okay I will try not to think about it!

    "I'm surprised you didn't mention Anna and Olivia nearly running into each other, at the end!"

    Oops!!!! Forgot about that!!! And the flashback!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...