Monday, February 13, 2017


The nurses are going on one-- why not me? I'm getting ready for my week off and have way too much to do. 

BUT!! I have a great little show for you to binge if you want some soapy goodness that will make your toes curl!! It's called Dr. Foster and it's on Netflix now. It's a British prime time show (and they show skin lol) that's 5 episodes long. SO soapy..and so good. It even had me guessing and you know I know most soap plots! 

I'm also watching the Young Pope with Jude Law. What a bizarre ride THAT show is! Geesh-- it's very different and I really like it so far.  Law is really amazing.  This is running on HBO. 

And..that's that! I'll write a bit more at the end of the week before I leave for my adventure. 

Have a great Valentine's Day tomorrow


  1. Thanks Karen, I will definitely check out Dr. Foster - I could watch British stuff 24/7. Since there wasn't an entire show yesterday I was wondering what happened when Anna saw Liv in the hospital.

  2. Karen I watched Dr Foster too, enjoyed it. I love most of the British shows.

  3. Today's episode - Franco is still a dangerous jealous psychopath

  4. Could someone please give a recap of today's episode? All we are getting on the West coast is Oroville dam updates. They just keep saying the same stuff over and over again.

  5. LSV422: NOTHING happened when Anna saw Cray Olivia. That is, she NEVER saw her, get this, she went momentarily BLIND from her migraine, and COULDN'T SEE!! (Don't ask . . .) In NYC, we got to see the entire show . . .

  6. friscogh said...
    Today's episode - Franco is still a dangerous jealous psychopath

    *** Yes. He's very controlling. He has an obsession with Liz like his obsession with Jason years ago.

    He also wonders what Liz sees in Griffin. lol Yes, a clean, well turned out, hansome man who doesn't look like a homeless person. I wonder what she sees in him.

    Did anyone else today notice that Hayden said she was having HR send twice as many orderlies today to make up for the lack of nurses. PMSL. Does she even know what a nurse does?

    Amy just gave everyone another reason to hate her. And Hayden can't promise her that she'll never be fired again. She should have been fired ages ago for gossiping about hospital and patient's business.

  7. OK, so I almost finished today's show. So this is STILL the same day? How many weeks has this day been going on? That meant no Valentine's Day :( So when Cray Olivia was being sweet-talked by Julian about being family and getting all gooey-eyed, and then suddenly it looked like she was being "snapped to," like a puppet . . . does this mean she is being manipulated too? So, I guess NO ONE on GH is really bad, they are all BEING MADE to do stuff, like Fluke, like Julian, like Nelle, etc., etc.

  8. Sonny's home: Sonny found the bra! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He just zeroed in on it! Well, he does have a lot of experiences with bras! :)

    Bra: YAY! You found me!!! May I have a glass of water please?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nelle and Michael: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Nelle and Sonny: Nelle is all skeeeeeeeered of mob boss Sonnykins! Yeah keep crying Nelle! :) Oh oh! Now you did it Sonnykins! She is going to steamroll over you and let Carly listen to the audio!!! :)

    Liz's home:

    Friz: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww adorable!!!

    Friz, Griffy, and the green eyed monster:

    Green eyed monster: Go away Griffin! You suck! Go away or I will kick your ass!

    Griffy: Uhhhhhh. Well I gotta go.

    Liz: What the hell was that all about?!

    Green eyed monster: I want you to stay away from that guy! He wants you!!!!

    Liz: No he doesn't!

    Green eyed monster: Oh yes he does!!!! He wants you and Liz Jr!!!

    Police station/interrogation room: Oh WOW! Ava is being set up!!!!!!! :0 Oh Olivia Jerome! Bad sister bad!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Hammy: OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Poor Hammy!!!! :'(

    Amy and RayRay: I like Amy here. :) No gossip! She just wants to help her patients! Awww. :)

  9. "AntJoan said...NOTHING happened when Anna saw Cray Olivia. That is, she NEVER saw her, get this, she went momentarily BLIND from her migraine, and COULDN'T SEE!!"

    Say what?!!?! Anna went blind?!!?! BAHAHAHAHAHA! I gotta see this! :)

  10. I dunno what is going on, but for the second time in the last week, for some unknown reason, my post never made it through, so I'll try this AGAIN. Here is what was meant to be Monday's post. I'll just do today's separately.


    Kat Tu said...

    It's a pretty boring sweeps so far....So missing today isn't a BIG loss.

    ** Except for some bits here and there, all 4 shows are that way for the most part, this year, it would seem. There has been some stuff that has been fun. Otherwise it's been pretty lackluster all around.

    Michelle Latta said...

    I actually got to watch all of gh, shocker. You aren't missing much.

    ** Yeah, same here, there was no preemption at all, for me. I was hoping something might come of the Anna/Olivia stuff that was kinda teased at the end of Friday's show. Or, when we found out the guy who was helping Anna find her pills on the floor, was the other WSB guy that new V.C. back then, that we might get at least something slightly tangible, even though I doubted we would. At least we DID get more Felicia, and that is always a good thing!

    Di said...

    I'm sure ABC will have today's ep up on their website for American viewers to watch.

    ** Since it was available on Hulu, then yeah, it definitely would be up on ABC's site.


  11. Today (Tues)

    Di said...

    Did anyone else today notice that Hayden said she was having HR send twice as many orderlies today to make up for the lack of nurses. PMSL. Does she even know what a nurse does?

    ** The way I interpreted it, was that with no nurses, she was so desperate to get whatever help she possibly could, she was even resorting to get orderlies to do what they could to help out.

    Amy just gave everyone another reason to hate her. And Hayden can't promise her that she'll never be fired again. She should have been fired ages ago for gossiping about hospital and patient's business.

    ** When I think about it, I've never heard ANYONE on (or off of) GH, have anything at all positive to say about Amy.

    AntJoan said...

    OK, so I almost finished today's show. So this is STILL the same day? How many weeks has this day been going on? That meant no Valentine's Day :( So when Cray Olivia was being sweet-talked by Julian about being family and getting all gooey-eyed, and then suddenly it looked like she was being "snapped to," like a puppet . . . does this mean she is being manipulated too? So, I guess NO ONE on GH is really bad, they are all BEING MADE to do stuff, like Fluke, like Julian, like Nelle, etc., etc.

    ** Nah, to me it just looked like she was just "lost in her own thoughts (head)" and just not paying quite as much attention to Julian, is all. She's NEVER really been that "stable" to begin with. With all of the delusions she's always had, the phrase "in her own little world" is a pretty apt description of her state of mind, so to speak. It didn't look at all to me, like she was being controlled or what not by someone else. What I saw was just Olivia being Olivia, is all.

    sonya said...

    Liz: What the hell was that all about?!

    Green eyed monster: I want you to stay away from that guy! He wants you!!!!

    Liz: No he doesn't!

    Green eyed monster: Oh yes he does!!!! He wants you and Liz Jr!!!

    ** This sort of crap going on EVERY time there's another guy in the room with Friz, is starting to really wear thin, and getting really old.

    "AntJoan said...NOTHING happened when Anna saw Cray Olivia. That is, she NEVER saw her, get this, she went momentarily BLIND from her migraine, and COULDN'T SEE!!"

    Say what?!!?! Anna went blind?!!?! BAHAHAHAHAHA! I gotta see this! :)

    ** She didn't quite go blind. But due to the Migraine she was having at the time, her vision got VERY blurry, and her head was hurting so bad, she couldn't see much of anything at all, really. But, for all intents and purposes she was effectively blind.


  12. K, Re Cray Olivia, I wasn't watching when she was on the first time around, so I am not familiar with her character. What you say makes sense, but it DID look like she was softening toward Julian, and then suddenly "came to," maybe she is not being manipulated by someone else, just by her own crazy delusions, like you said . . .

    Anna could not see at all, she was groping around like a blind person, it really did look like she went blind . . . I should have known, when she had the "migraine" at the MetroCourt, that she is dying or something. NO ONE on soaps ever just has a cold or stomachache or sinus infection like the rest of us, they all are fine unless they have a symptom, which always means they are dying. . .

    1. I've had migraines before so bad that I have auras with them, so maybe that is the blinding feeling. Maybe it's the aura?

  13. K said...** When I think about it, I've never heard ANYONE on (or off of) GH, have anything at all positive to say about Amy.

    *** I think the deal with Hayden is the writers way of giving us all the finger. A "we like her so deal with it she's staying." It was the perfect way to get her gone. * weepy face*

  14. Thanks AntJoan for the Anna/Liv answer. I read that Liv is possibly poisoning Anna - she sure gets around! Jordan couldn't be any dumber - never questions anything that doesn't make sense. Julian is Ava's brother and she loves him. Why is Hayden running everything? She has been working there for about a month, isn't an accountant or nursing supervisor. Monica should be there. And yes, Franco is still a creep. Liz should dump him and go for Griffin. Not that I believe in men hitting women but I really wanted Sonny to smack Nelle.

  15. I hope that Sonny wises up and realizes that he "didn't dip his pen in Nelle's inkwell." It's funny how the guys comment on how gorgeous Griffin is, and the gals hardly seem to notice.

  16. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Maddox and Anna: I love that Anna refuses to have Maddox pay for the bill! :) I love Maddox's sweater!

    Maddox: Keep me posted on those headaches.

    Maddox! They are not the run of the mill headaches! Migranes are worse than headaches!!!

    Lante: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Naxie: Maxie looks awful! And her hair is a mess! Kirsten Storms looks so pale and is still looking like she is in pain. :(

    Police station:

    Ava and Scotty: SCOTTY!!!!! :) Scotty was in a diving expedition? Didn't Diane do that once? :) Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: This innocent act is like 3 day old fish. I'm not buying it.


    Ava and Kiwi: Oh Kiwi! BACK THE HELL OFF!!!! Your mother did not put the bomb on that car!!!! GAH!


    Curtis and ??? Hmmmm. He should be having a one night stand with Ava! Oh oh drugs!!!! Foreshadowing? Is Curtis going to do drugs again? :( This lady looks like Valerie!

    The floating rib:

    Maddox and Jordan: Awkward!!!!!!!

    Jordan: Ah ha! Jealous seeing Curtis and that woman together eh? :)

    BobTodd's home: Uh Kiwi you missed a spot of lipstick on that part of your lip. It's distracting.

    Killon: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Wyndemere: Oh boy!!!! Anna Anna Anna!!! Trying to put a bug in the room while you have migraines, does not mix well!!!

    V.C. and Charlie: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    V.C. and Anna: Hmmm V.C. seems very concerned about Anna.. V.C. do you wuv her? :)

    Nina: Poor Nina! Waiting for her hubby, but he is busy being concerned about Anna!

  17. Yeh that lady with Curtis, I was like wth, was like Val looks a lot older! LOL!!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Griffin is a stalker! Who the hell shows up this late to deliver someone's medicine to another person? Psycho...

  20. sonya said...Naxie: Maxie looks awful! And her hair is a mess!

    *** I was wondering if the streely look was in now or did she just get stuck with Franco's hairdresser.

    I certainly hope they don't go the drug route with Curtis!!

    And Valentin doesn't seem to want to see Anna hurt. He's taking her to the hospital.

  21. AntJoan said...

    K, Re Cray Olivia, I wasn't watching when she was on the first time around, so I am not familiar with her character. What you say makes sense, but it DID look like she was softening toward Julian, and then suddenly "came to," maybe she is not being manipulated by someone else, just by her own crazy delusions, like you said . . .

    ** Yeah, I'd be VERY surprised if it was anything more than that. As what I've seen so far up to this point, since her return, fits completely with her just not really paying too much attention to what Julian said, and was more lost in herself.

    Anna could not see at all, she was groping around like a blind person, it really did look like she went blind . . . I should have known, when she had the "migraine" at the MetroCourt, that she is dying or something. NO ONE on soaps ever just has a cold or stomachache or sinus infection like the rest of us, they all are fine unless they have a symptom, which always means they are dying.

    ** I thought it looked like she could see a tiny bit, but it was just extremely blurry, but I could be wrong. That's one thing that does bother me with soaps, also. Nearly everytime someone gets sick, it almost always ends up being life threatening. I've noticed as time has gone on, that seems to end up being the case much more frequently.


  22. Di said...

    K said...** When I think about it, I've never heard ANYONE on (or off of) GH, have anything at all positive to say about Amy.

    *** I think the deal with Hayden is the writers way of giving us all the finger. A "we like her so deal with it she's staying." It was the perfect way to get her gone. * weepy face*

    ** I take it you mean Amy, since what I said was referencing her, and not Hayden. I could see that happening. I could also see it as they just aren't sharp enough to realize that Amy is just a huge albatross, that does nothing but make people cringe.


  23. LSV422 said...

    I read that Liv is possibly poisoning Anna - she sure gets around!

    ** I hadn't thought about that, but with the whole Chinese herbal shop she's in in the Asian Quarter now, that would be a PERFECT place for her to be able to put something like that together.

    Jordan couldn't be any dumber - never questions anything that doesn't make sense.

    ** I know, really ever since she was first introduced, she's always been a very pathetic excuse for a law enforcement official, of ANY type. But, as time has gone on, she's just gotten much worse. I really wish they'd just get Tristan back, and give the job back to Robert. He really was the best person that's ran the PCPD.

    Why is Hayden running everything? She has been working there for about a month, isn't an accountant or nursing supervisor.

    ** She's a financial manager or something of the sort. Basically, her job is to go through all of the hospital's finances, (income and expenditures), and to figure out a way to keep GH open and running. Which does include making any staff cuts. So what she's been doing isn't that out of whack. But, more realistically she probably would not have been trying to do all the other stuff she was when the nurses went on strike. (i.e. the writers took it a bit too far)

    Not that I believe in men hitting women but I really wanted Sonny to smack Nelle.

    ** Me too, in reality I pretty much abhor violence. But damn, I can't stand Nelle one bit, and my opinion of her keeps dropping from there. Like Amy, she serves no useful purpose whatsoever, and has absolutely no redeeming values.


  24. Michelle Latta said...

    Me too! Hate Sonny but hate Nelle worse

    ** Ditto!


  25. sonya said..

    Police station:

    Ava and Scotty: SCOTTY!!!!! :) Scotty was in a diving expedition? Didn't Diane do that once? :) Scotty wins the line of the day.

    ** He's mentioned doing that before, usually saying it was with Serena.


    Curtis and ??? Hmmmm. He should be having a one night stand with Ava! Oh oh drugs!!!! Foreshadowing? Is Curtis going to do drugs again? :( This lady looks like Valerie!

    Michelle Latta said...

    Yeh that lady with Curtis, I was like wth, was like Val looks a lot older! LOL!!

    ** Yeah, that's who I thought it was at first, too. But, when she took out the little bag of coke, I was completely certain it wasn't her, then.

    Di said...

    sonya said...Naxie: Maxie looks awful! And her hair is a mess!

    *** I was wondering if the streely look was in now or did she just get stuck with Franco's hairdresser.

    ** I thought it was really strange, myself. As far as Franco's hair goes, I've always thought Roger looks better with long hair. Unfortunately right now, it's kind of in that middle stage, that you really can't do anything decent with it, until it grows out more.

    I certainly hope they don't go the drug route with Curtis!!

    ** I do too! I'm getting very burnt out on drug/alcohol addiction storylines, In the last couple years all the soaps have done them, repeatedly! :(

    And Valentin doesn't seem to want to see Anna hurt. He's taking her to the hospital.

    ** I really have no clue where they are going with him. It's all been such a huge departure, from the way Helena originally spoke of him.


  26. K, I did mean Amy. Maybe I should have said Hayden's deal with Amy, instead of just the deal with Hayden. Amy's deal was the writers' way of giving us haters the finger. etc.

    And Sonya, maybe Helena hated valentin because he was targeting the Cassadines. He hated them, and her in particular.

  27. Since Anna doesn't remember trying to take out Valentin perhaps it was Dr O in her Anna mask and that's how she got preggos with Nathan.

    Not sure what's up with KS is but the bangs look terrible being dark.

  28. February 13th episode.

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Felicia and Nelle: Love that Felicia is playing Nelle! :)

    Michael and Nelle: No Michael!!! No!!!!! Shoot! I do love the history lesson, but NOT with Nelle! GAH!

    V.C. and Lulu: Lulu are you really surprised that V.C. won't forgive you? If someone hurt's a parent's child they don't forgive!!!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Carly: First they were gonna make the wuv, but then she started thinking about Morgan, but then after talking about him for a bit, on to making the wuv!!! Carly doesn't see the bra!!!! Oh but later Sonny does! Of course he does! He has experience with women and bras! ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Anna and Olivia Jerome: Oh great scene! Really convenient thought that Anna can't see her! :) Love the flashbacks! Anna why are you not yelling out HELP, instead of saying where are my pills?!

    Anna and Brown: I think that's his last name. I don't remember his first name. V.C was on a kill list?!!?! DOH! And Anna put him there!!?!?! YIKES!

  29. Di said...

    K, I did mean Amy. Maybe I should have said Hayden's deal with Amy, instead of just the deal with Hayden. Amy's deal was the writers' way of giving us haters the finger. etc.

    ** That's what I thought you meant, but was just making sure. It's an interesting theory. Though, I'm not sure if Jelly is actually clever enough to be able to do something like that.

    And Sonya, maybe Helena hated valentin because he was targeting the Cassadines. He hated them, and her in particular.

    ** The one time Helena told Luke about Valentin, she didn't hate him. She was AFRAID of him. That was the ONLY time I can ever remember Helena showed any fear at all, going back to Liz Taylor's original portrayal. When she told Luke about him, she called him "The Cassadine all of the other Cassadines were afraid of". Which is why even though I love JPS, and have definitely been enjoying his performance, it's just very hard to try and get a sense of who he is, and what is going on with him and his history with Anna. What we've seen on screen since he first appeared, is completely contradictory to what we've been told in the past.


  30. GHfan said...

    Since Anna doesn't remember trying to take out Valentin perhaps it was Dr O in her Anna mask and that's how she got preggos with Nathan.

    ** Nah, I can't see that having happened. Especially since said mask couldn't have existed that far back in time. When Faison and Dr. O had those masks, it was said that they were VERY new and and classified stuff. IIRC, it was mentioned that they hadn't even been used widely in the field yet, and were still being perfected. Not to mention said mask was of an older Anna.


  31. sonya said...

    February 13th episode.

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Michael and Nelle: No Michael!!! No!!!!! Shoot! I do love the history lesson, but NOT with Nelle! GAH!

    ** I was really just cringing while watching that.

    V.C. and Lulu: Lulu are you really surprised that V.C. won't forgive you? If someone hurt's a parent's child they don't forgive!!!

    ** The way Lulu has been written since JMB left, and ER has taken over, eespecially the last couple of years, has gotten me to the point, where I'm close to the point of throwing up my hands in exasperation of her, and just FFing through her stuff unless Laura, Kevin, Tracy, or VC is in the scene. As it seems every time she opens her mouth, she says exactly the same thing. (Semi related though - The other day when Dante told her that he just got off the phone with Dianne, and she said their court date was set. And she also told him that VC's lawyer had never lost a case in family court. When that got me thinking, I realized that sounded to me a LOT like VC's lawyer could be Nora. Since it definitely fits her, and evidently HBS's stint will just be a short one. So, all the pieces seem to fit together.)

    The hospital:

    Anna and Olivia Jerome: Oh great scene! Really convenient thought that Anna can't see her! :) Love the flashbacks! Anna why are you not yelling out HELP, instead of saying where are my pills?!

    ** I'm VERY glad they've been using a lot more flashbacks as of late. I am surprised though that they haven't shown anything with Julian and Olivia. Since it's already been explained that he has reconstructive surgery, showing the older footage of them, would be okay with the different actors. I also can't wait until Anna and Olivia FINALLY come together again.

    Anna and Brown: I think that's his last name. I don't remember his first name. V.C was on a kill list?!!?! DOH! And Anna put him there!!?!?! YIKES!

    ** His name was Karl Brown. But yeah, this whole storyline with Anna and VC makes no sense at all, so far.



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...