Friday, February 24, 2017

Baby Clothes

Sam.."if we get through the night, we'll be ok"... She tries to climb up the ravine. Falls back down

Jason and Curtis breaking into Olivia's giant ass'd above ground crypt.  Grave is empty.

Laura's on.  The British guy put something in her stop her from voting in the GH thing.  She's in the GH parking lot and passes out in the car.

Tracy and Lucy...yabbin about the hospital closing.

Finn and his addiction. yada yada... Finn told Hayden he loves her...she says unless you go to rehab we are done.

Val tells Nina he doesn't want Anna charged. He tells Nina he loves HER and only HER. He doesn't love Anna.

Robin and Anna.  YEAH~~~ Robin tells Anna she's pregnant!! Oh how I love that these 2 grew together on canvas!!

Alexis and OJ meet-- Alexis tells her all about the key Julian gave her and the letter in the safety deposit box.  Olivia is mad-- she wants Alexis to promise that she'll let her come to the bank with her if she wants to read it.


  1. I am sick of: tasteless, odorless drugs snuck into beverages; pregnant women being in danger; babies in danger; so many clueless people just missing OJ sneaking around; and Alexis being dumber than dirt. Oh, yeah, and the whole stooped Nelle storyline.
    Thank you for your attention.

  2. Why couldn't we get an OJ/Lucy scene???

  3. At least we didn't have to see Nell and Michael.

  4. i've been out of the loop for awhile. so, Robin is PG?

    does anyone know who is scheduled to kidnap the baby?

    1. Yes Kimberly McCullough is pregnant in real life and they have written it in.

  5. Nina, Olivia J., "Dead-Helena" or Heather.

    Men never steal babies.

  6. OMG I have to watch now if only for Robin and Anna!! Soooo glad they are writing her pregnancy in!! ❤❤❤❤

  7. LiamAZ said...

    Why couldn't we get an OJ/Lucy scene???

    ** Since Olivia is still supposed to be around until mid-March, (And when she go, it's supposed to be open ended, allowing for her to be able to come back again, and it sounds like there's a very good chance that she will in the future.) so that's still possible. If not this time, but next.

    Michelle Latta said...

    OMG I have to watch now if only for Robin and Anna!! Soooo glad they are writing her pregnancy in!! ❤❤❤❤

    ** Definitely the highlight of today's show! (All in all it wasn't too bad of an episode, at least as far as who's onscreen. :)) I was really happy they wrote her pregnancy in, also! Now to just hope KM's schedule will let her be able to be around more often! Especially with Anna's PV diagnosis now.


  8. The hospital:


    Lucy and Tracy: I don't like how Lucy was!!! She says she is devastated over the hospital? BULL!!! She is not devastated!!! She don't look it!!! I don't like that! Writers!!! GRRRRRR!

    Anna's room: I can't believe that she has been arrested! She can't go to the police station or to jail! She is sick!!!!! GAH!

    Anna and V.C.: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Anna and Robin: ROBIN IS PREGNANT YAY!!!!!! Oh oh! I hope Patrick gets a HIV test! Emma is going to have a little brother or sister!!!! YAY!

    Outside Anna's room:

    Cop and Robin: Oh come on!! Another advertisement but this time it's about the blood cancer. The cop didn't even ask any questions!! Robin just decided to tell the cop all about it!!! *shakes head* It would have been more realistic if the cop asked questions!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Valenina's table: HA! Take THAT Nina!!!! Love how V.C. put her in her place. That's what you get for trying to put Anna in jail! But now she has to think about things.

    Nina's thought bubble: Wonder what we should have for dinner? Should I still be married to Valentin or not? Is he a good man? Damn I'm horny.

    Laura's table:

    Alexis and Laura: Awwww love that Alexis wants to make amends to her. :)

    Laura and Olivia Jerome's man: Forgot his name. OH BOY! He put something in her coffee!!! :) Interesting scene!

    Parking garage: WOW!!!!! :) Damn too bad Luke isn't around anymore!!! He could save his angel. :)

    Below the bridge: This is so stupid!!! So she tries to climb up!?!?! Give me a break! And the baby is okay?! I'm bored.

    The crypt:

    Curtis and Jason: Curtis is so squeamish!!!! HAHAHAHAHHA! Curtis wins the line of the day!

    Curtis: Man you ever read Stephen King? It don't end well for people. I'm probably going to die first.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Curtis! :) Relax man! She ain't dead! :)

    Hammy's hotel room: Great RayFinn scene!!! Love how worried she is and wants to help him! Awww Hammy I know you love her, but you love your drugs more at the moment! GET HELP!!!! Even GuGu wants you to get help!!!!! Hammy alone shooting up crying! :'( Great scene!

  9. sonya said...Below the bridge: This is so stupid!!! So she tries to climb up!?!?! Give me a break!

    *** That was my thoughts exactly. She was lying on dry ground so it must have been at the edge of the bridge. She should have walked out, not try to climb a freaking abutment while nine months pregnant.

    Sam: Oh I love you little scout. I'll keep you safe. Just give me a minute to start a fist fight with a psycho at the edge of this bridge first, and then try to climb it.

  10. I WUV Curtis 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘

  11. So wonderful to see Robin and Anna, and to have the KM pregnancy written in. Finola really needs to win an Emmy. I like Curtis and Jason as a team-actually I like Curtis with anyone. Yesterday's show I agree was pretty good.

    1. I like Jason and Curtis too, better than Sonny and Jason....that bromance is history.

  12. "Di said...That was my thoughts exactly. She was lying on dry ground so it must have been at the edge of the bridge. She should have walked out, not try to climb a freaking abutment while nine months pregnant."

    Yeah it was so idiotic!!! Yes she should have walked out or yelled out for help!

    "Sam: Oh I love you little scout. I'll keep you safe. Just give me a minute to start a fist fight with a psycho at the edge of this bridge first, and then try to climb it."


  13. So I finally watched and I loved Robin and Anna scenes. ❤❤
    Loved vulnerable Finn, Haha!
    Liking Val and Anna...yikes?

  14. sonya said...


    Lucy and Tracy: I don't like how Lucy was!!! She says she is devastated over the hospital? BULL!!! She is not devastated!!! She don't look it!!! I don't like that! Writers!!! GRRRRRR!

    ** Yeah, that was REALLY weird. Even as sneaky and what not that she can still be at times, when it comes to GH that was VERY "unLucy-like" so to speak.

    Outside Anna's room:

    Cop and Robin: Oh come on!! Another advertisement but this time it's about the blood cancer. The cop didn't even ask any questions!! Robin just decided to tell the cop all about it!!! *shakes head* It would have been more realistic if the cop asked questions!

    ** As important of a cause as it is, and I do applaud GH for bringing it up, they DEFINITELY could have done that better. It was kind of painful to watch (pun not intended) it came across like Kim was just reading off a cue card or piece of paper just out of shot of the camera, word for word. I'm not complaining that the information was there. Cancer of any type is an important issue that is very close to my heart. It just would have been nice if they had taken the extra 10 minute effort to make Kim's dialog sound more relaxed and "natural" so to speak, is all.

    Nina's thought bubble: Wonder what we should have for dinner? Should I still be married to Valentin or not? Is he a good man? Damn I'm horny.

    ** Priorities! :)

    Laura and Olivia Jerome's man: Forgot his name. OH BOY! He put something in her coffee!!! :) Interesting scene!

    ** His name is Rudge. The ONLY reason I can remember that now, is due to my having to search around when he first showed up, to try and remember where I knew him from before, and it was driving me nuts, until I found out. Since then, his character's name has been stuck in my head.

    Below the bridge: This is so stupid!!! So she tries to climb up!?!?! Give me a break! And the baby is okay?! I'm bored.

    ** Stupid is putting it mildly. I'd have to say it's ridiculous at the very least. Now watch, she'll end up delivering the baby just fine, with absolutely no problems at all. Yet if someone else pregnant on a soap even goes NEAR stairs, they miscarry!

    Michelle Latta said...

    I like Jason and Curtis too, better than Sonny and Jason....that bromance is history.

    ** YES YES YES YES!! They really are great together. I really hope they find some way to keep them together for this sort of stuff. Now that Jason is actually able to think for himself again, Sonny really doesn't like that! Unfortunately, at this point Jason will probably NEVER get his Q memories back, even though it was really starting to look like he might, for awhile there when BM took over. I just wish they'd get him out of Sonny's orbit completely. It's obvious that he's regained his ability to feel emotions, not to mention morals, and he definitely doesn't like how Sonny does stuff/what Sonny does anymore. They just really need to figure out a way to have him totally break away from Sonny and Sonny's crap.



She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...