Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Nelle is crying in the park, talking to her baby rattle. Michael comes up and tries to talk with her about the guy she's dating. "He might be married".  She says that's how she wants it. Then she goes to pick up the photos from Sonny's that Carly was working on.  (see below)

Bobbie comes with Carly to Sonny's house. He's being handcuffed. Sonny says he's being transported to GH for some 'tests'. We know he's going to meet up with Jason. 
Carly and Bobbie talk about the past and Carly's adoptive parents. They laugh about Carly 'ruining Bobbie's life" so long ago. 
So, Nelle comes in and reacts to Carly talking about Frank Benson, Carly's adoptive father. Her eyes get really big. Bobbie sees her reaction.  Nelle looks at a photo of Carly as a baby and she's holding the rattle that Nelle has.
Bobbie compares Nelle to a cat. 

Julian has his PT. Sam comes out and yells at him. Sonny shows up and asks Griff if he can wait in Jason's room. "Jason is afaid of hospitals". DERP. Oh, they are making up a convo for Julian to "Overhear" in the hallway. Jason says "I'm done investigating the bombing". (Fake)  They are trying to make Julian think they are in a fight and Jason's not working with him anymore. 

Nina is bitching at Anna at Anna's house. "You're obsessed with Valentin"...NO! Anna says, "he's obsessed with ME"! Neener Neener. Nina makes Anna feel guilty when she sees Val's old grotesque photo on her computer. Says Anna is shallow and a bad person. Anna cries. Nina leaves.

Lulu is metting Val in the bar to talk about custody arrangements  Valentin says he is not giving joint custody and he won't go to therapy.  I bet he won't go because of his past, btw. Lulu flips out and yells--yada yada..You'll never win this fight!!
Great...a custody battle.

Yeah, said no one ever. 


  1. The Chandler Mansion:

    Nina and Anna: Great scene!!!! :) Oh you just know that Nina was going to see V.C.'s old picture on the laptop! The laptop was open! And she kept getting near it! So obvious!

    Anna: OH! V.C.'s file gets deleted right then and there!! Hahahahaha!

    The park: Nelle and the rattle. Come on writers! Let the audience in on what is going on! You don't have to let Carly and Bobbie in on it, just let the audience in!!!!!

    Michael and Nelle: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sonny's home:

    Carly and Bobbie: Great scene!!!! Love when they talk about the past! Bobbie wins the line of the day!

    Bobbie: Well, you were angry you know, I should have recognized you by your Spencer temper.

    ROFL! That fiery Spencer temper!!!! :) Oh here is Nelle.. Oh oh! Carly talking about Frank Benson is making Nelle wanna hurl something at Carly! Nelle's head is about to implode!!! What's the matta Nelle? Is Frank Benson your papa? Or grandpapa? Love that Bobbie is watching her. :) Does Nelle have the Spencer temper?

    Bobbie: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Glad she wants to know everything about Nelle! THANK YOU! :)

    The floating rib:

    Lulu and V.C.: Is Lulu manipulating him? Well Lulu you can't be surprised that V.C. changed his mind!!!

    V.C. and Nina: Another great scene!!!! So glad James Patrick Stuart is on GH! I thought V.C. was going to stutter right then and there. Too bad he didn't. I really want to hear him stutter. Such a real human thing.

    V.C.: That's unfortunate.

    Oh crap! When he said that it made me cry! :'(

    The hospital:

    Jason's room: Oh come on!!! Sam, Sonny, and Jason are really bad actors! I can't believe Julian believed that horrible scene!!!!

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The park part 2: Nelle talking to her father? COME ON WRITERS!!!!! LET US IN!!!!!

  2. I can't stand Nina, and today I wanted to throw something at my TV when she was berating Anna. (But I decided not to take it out on my TV.) I wish Anna hadn't shown such vulnerability with Nina.

  3. I didn't watch yet, but someone said Anna was crying. She was crying with VC and now with Nina? What the hell is she crying about????

  4. YES Paul! I so agree!! Anna was melting!! WHY? Geesh, it seems lame that all this is going on because she spurned the hunchback Ivan back when.

    Ant's like she's so ashamed of not liking Ivan back then. Very weird

  5. Karen - it just seemed like such an extreme reaction from Anna, right? Seems like they want to redeem Valentin so quickly. I will never forgive him for killing Nik! Now if TPTB give Tyler what he wants and Nik comes back, we'll see ;-)

  6. Anna is crying because these writers want to make her weak and vunerable. They can't stand the strong women on this show. First Alexis and now Anna. Tracy will probably leave bawling like a baby.

  7. sonya said...

    Anna: OH! V.C.'s file gets deleted right then and there!! Hahahahaha!

    ** Looking at VC's "grades" in his WSB file, what I REALLY wanna know, is how the hell he got an A in "Tactical Driving", in the condition he was in back then.?

    ROFL! That fiery Spencer temper!!!! :) Oh here is Nelle.. Oh oh! Carly talking about Frank Benson is making Nelle wanna hurl something at Carly! Nelle's head is about to implode!!! What's the matta Nelle? Is Frank Benson your papa? Or grandpapa? Love that Bobbie is watching her. :) Does Nelle have the Spencer temper?

    ** What I took from that is that it sounded like Nelle is Frank Benson's biological daughter, from a later marriage, after he left Virginia and Carly.

    Bobbie: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Glad she wants to know everything about Nelle! THANK YOU! :)

    ** I'm wondering if that "friend" Bobbie called at the end, for help on finding info about Nelle, is Nora? Dunno what connection they would have, unless maybe she was a lawyer for her, when she was still working for Ruby. But, I'm not sure if she would have been old enough to be out of law school that far back. I guess we'll find out Friday, as whoever she called is supposed to be on then.

    V.C.: That's unfortunate.

    Oh crap! When he said that it made me cry! :'(

    ** That hit me pretty hard too. As different as the character is, from what he was originally supposed to be, JPS is just knocking it out of the park with it, though.


  8. Paul, your theory makes sense, that Anna is crying because they are trying to redeem VC. Gee. why don't they just have less sociopathic violence on the show, then they won't have to backpedal so much to redeem characters that gain traction!

    Bobbie calling Nora, that makes sense . . .

    K, I also figured that Nelle is Frank Benson's daughter. The hints were obvious, but then, at the end, when she seemed to say she was choosing not to have a relationship with Michael, that meant she could choose TO have one, which means they are not related. Which is strange, since they surely look like siblings to me. . . .

  9. So, I guess if she COULD have a relationship with Michael, then it looks like she is Frank Benson's daughter. But, if she is, why would she have it in for Carly? What would Frank Benson have against Carly? It would make more sense if she is Carly's daughter . . .

  10. "K says Looking at VC's "grades" in his WSB file, what I REALLY wanna know, is how the hell he got an A in "Tactical Driving", in the condition he was in back then.?"

    Good catch!!!! Maybe it was before his scoliosis got worse? But yeah he got a lot of A's! :)

    "What I took from that is that it sounded like Nelle is Frank Benson's biological daughter, from a later marriage, after he left Virginia and Carly."

    Yeah that is what I got out of it too! :)

    "That hit me pretty hard too. As different as the character is, from what he was originally supposed to be, JPS is just knocking it out of the park with it, though."

    Yes he is!!!!! The character has layers!

    "AntJoan said..So, I guess if she COULD have a relationship with Michael, then it looks like she is Frank Benson's daughter."

    But Nelle still wouldn't be able to have a relationship with Michael.. Cus Nelle and Carly are sisters if she is Frank's daughter. Although Michael was adopted, but still! Ewww!

  11. I'm hoping Bobbie is calling Felicia or Mac to investigate Nelle. Her vendetta makes no sense whatsoever. Anna should have kicked Nina out of her house instead of crumbling. I have no sympathy for a killer either. I couldn't even watch the scenario in the hospital - so pathetic. I have to say it is great having Bobbie around more.

  12. Yes, we love Bobbie!! Sonya, if Nelle is Frank Benson's daughter, she and Carly have no blood relation, as Carly was adopted by Frank.

  13. "AntJoan said...Yes, we love Bobbie!! Sonya, if Nelle is Frank Benson's daughter, she and Carly have no blood relation, as Carly was adopted by Frank."

    It doesn't matter that they have no blood relation.. They are still sisters if Nelle is Frank's daughter. Also Michael and Nelle are so boring! And she looks like his mother! Yuck!

  14. JPS is a fantastic actor and is doing a great job with all the changes the writers are making with his character.

    I would love it if VC is still a WSB agent and is working undercover. Bring Tyler back and make it so Nik's death was faked (again, LOL!). VC would be a great love interest for Anna.

  15. I can't see VC and Anna, VC and Nina are good together, I think. I also was fantasizing that VC is WSB agent, so that Nik is still alive. That also might explain why the file disappeared.

  16. I have a different theory on Nell. I still think she's Carly's daughter. I kept hoping a picture of a young Patricia would fall out of the album and Bobbie would finally notice how much Nell looks like her sister, since she apparently forgot. Also, the Joslyn kidney thing being a match.

    I think Carly lied about Frank Benson leaving when she was 3, maybe he was around a bit longer and when Carly became a teen.... he raped her. She had a child, put it up for adoption and Frank found her and raised her.

    Ant Joan said:

    K, I also figured that Nelle is Frank Benson's daughter. The hints were obvious, but then, at the end, when she seemed to say she was choosing not to have a relationship with Michael, that meant she could choose TO have one, which means they are not related. Which is strange, since they surely look like siblings to me. . . .

    Could Nell have possibly meant a relationship with her brother? not romantic? We all have relationships of all kinds, not just romantic. Could that be a red herring? I mean, if she chooses to destroy her Mom's life, she may be thinking that it would destroy her (sibling) relationship to her brother. I get the feeling Nell really likes Michael but not at all romantically. Her not having a sibling and growing close to Michael could be something not at all romantic. My 2 cents.

  17. AntJoan said...

    Bobbie calling Nora, that makes sense . . .

    ** Since they JUST announced her coming and so soon, it makes sense to me. Unless they completely surprise us, which I don't really see happening.

    K, I also figured that Nelle is Frank Benson's daughter. The hints were obvious, but then, at the end, when she seemed to say she was choosing not to have a relationship with Michael, that meant she could choose TO have one, which means they are not related. Which is strange, since they surely look like siblings to me. . . .

    ** I think their looking like siblings is just a coincidence. I really can't see her being Carly's daughter. Carly has said though that Michael was her first child. Though, I suppose they could be going the retcon route, which wouldn't surprise me.

    sonya said...

    Good catch!!!! Maybe it was before his scoliosis got worse? But yeah he got a lot of A's! :)

    ** I don't think so, since the photo they showed would have been is ID photo for his time there, so it stands to reason it was taken when he first started. And in it, it definitely looks like it was bad enough by then that there's no way he could've been able to do it, then.

    But Nelle still wouldn't be able to have a relationship with Michael.. Cus Nelle and Carly are sisters if she is Frank's daughter. Although Michael was adopted, but still! Ewww!

    ** No, Carly was adopted by Frank and Virginia. Remember, Carly's biological father was John Durant. And Michael wasn't adopted. In any event, if Nelle is Frank's daughter, there is still absolutely zero relation to Carly and Michael. And as Carly said, she never even really knew Frank, anyways.

    Wanda Woman said...
    JPS is a fantastic actor and is doing a great job with all the changes the writers are making with his character.

    I would love it if VC is still a WSB agent and is working undercover. Bring Tyler back and make it so Nik's death was faked (again, LOL!). VC would be a great love interest for Anna.

    AntJoan said...

    I can't see VC and Anna, VC and Nina are good together, I think. I also was fantasizing that VC is WSB agent, so that Nik is still alive. That also might explain why the file disappeared.

    ** VC and Nina are perfect together. If they actually decided to go the route of him actually being active WSB, I would totally go for that. It would definitely be unexpected, but you're right, it would explain the disappearing file excellently. Unfortunately though, I doubt that's what they're doing. But, I'd support it completely, if they could pull it off.



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...