Monday, September 23, 2024

REAL Monday Surgery


So today, I saw my dentist at 9 and then went to the oral surgeon at 11 and here I am to let you know I won't be blogging today. My tooth implant lasted 27 years which is remarkable but now--it's out. OUCH. 

So enjoy the show today-- hope it's not all filler. 




  1. ---- I will begin
    ----what in the world??????? Stephen Lars is released from prison and moved to some town and won't come back cause of Heather???? Then Terry says he's a good doctor--
    WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? If he DID return, that would involved Heather and Olivia and Liz and he WOULD be another doctor - but just outta the blue???
    -----HOW did Robert and Felicia not mention - or even Brennan - mention someone called "English" is with Sidwell????? That was a POINTLESS conversation. AND NO ONE MENTIONED Laura and Kevin AGAIN. Plus where IS Frisco now??????
    -----who runs the police department when Anna is gone?
    -----Gio and Brook Lynn's convo about his mother - NOOOOOO please Gio cannot be Brook Lynn's son...
    -------Molly and Dex? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Curtis and TJ = pointless convo except it was adding 'fuel to the fire' of Dex and Molly. I also remember Molly and TJ talking and making up but today TJ says they never talk.....
    -----Even Trinia didn't believe Portia's reasons for Heather still have cobalt in her blood and yep, Terry said "Brad has been here for a month' ------I thought at that point Portia would light up---------------I HATE PORTIA - so today's proof that she changed the levels means in a year or two, she will be gone!!!!!!!!
    -------Liz doesn't even MENTION to Terry that the other test results were TOTALLY opposite than GH results?
    ----I like Carly and Brennan.

    What is happening, my friends? I'm dying here.
    Filler day but ODD things happened...

  2. Robert's office:

    Robert and Felicia: They are having dinner in his office?! Does he have to work? Why isn't Robert having dinner with Diane? Are they still together?

    Robert, Felicia, and Brennan: Brennan tells them Anna and Jason have made contact with the person holding Lucky. Yeah, but Brennan it's so boring! No excitement! :)

    The hospital:

    Terri and Liz: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Steven Lars is free?!!?!! Out of jail?!!?!?! :0 YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you writers!! What a wonderful surprise!!! So he lives in Sedona and doesn't want to come back to Port Chuckles. Oh I bet he will! :)

    Portia and Terri: Uh geez Portia why are you so upset that Brad is working at the hospital? He has been working there a month! Didn't you see him at work? In the halls? In the lunch room? Weird scene.


    Carly and Joss: Joss repeating herself about Sonny. Same ol conversation. The Greenies don't want to hear it.

    Carly, Joss, and Brennan: Brennan walks in and smiles and so does Carly! *Giggle* Joss wins the line of the day.

    Joss: And I thought you said he was a friend.


    Carly and Brennan: Ooooo they a flirtin. He says he don't care what people think of him. That he saw Robert and Felicia. He wants a burger. :) The Greenies like him. :)


    Curtis and TJ: TJ don't know where Molly is. Oh oh that's not good that he don't know where she is. He don't want to lose Molly. Curtis talks about when he got shot and was paralyzed he pushed everyone away. It was a really good scene.

    Brown dog bar:

    Molly calling TJ and leaving a message.

    Molly: Hi it's me.

    I'm glad she didn't say It's me. It's Molly. ROFL! That would have been a stupid line.

    Molly and Dex: Damn another scene with them? Are they going to have a one night stand or something? I don't want Mex! Say no to Mex!

    Q mansion:

    Brooky and Gio: Brooky baking brownies for Little V! Awwwwwwww. :) Gio and his ma's Italian cookies. Hmmmm. Is Brooky Gio's bio Ma?

    Cafe Cheri:

    Portia and Trina: Yes Trina! The whole thing with Heather's test is too good to be true. Listen to your instincts!

    Portia flashback: AH HA! SHE DID IT!!!! Cobalt 300! DAMN!!!! If Brad gets blamed I will be so mad at Portia and I won't forgive her!!!!

    1. Oops forgot to mention, Frisco not head of WSB anymore! Well, WHERE IS HE!?!?!?! :( What's he doing now?!

  3. Those that saw it today...How did Tristian look? Did he seem as frail as he last appearance? I was concerned for him! He is my favorite all time GH actor and character - OldSchoolGHfan

    1. He looked much stronger today!!

    2. His voice was stronger today too. My favorite character too!

    3. I love him, too!!! He did look better but don't forget he is 78 and probably the oldest person on the show. When I met him a few years ago he looked great.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yes was a "filler day". Very good. Hope you are not too uncomfortable. Dental surgery no fun.
    A bar that doesn't do cocktails? Is that real?
    There was some different kind of camera work and soundtrack today I thought.
    Did they really bring Brad back for this? Jeez. Portia is dreadful.

    1. "zazu says Did they really bring Brad back for this?"

      Oh I hope not!

  6. I would love to see the show revisit what made Heather into the maniac she evolved into over the years. The show has really never done justice to the relationship between Heather and her son, Steven Lars. Her giving up him for adoption on the black market set in motion a train wreck that basically ruined her life. Anyone who watches the show today that didn't watch in the late 70s probably can't comprehend how this was one of the driving dominate plots for years. Alley Mills has the chops to revisit a story about mental illness. Lately, it seems the show's been writing her as if she's had a WTF moment recognizing she's in her late 70s and that her whole life has been wasted on revenge.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...