Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Chopped Liver


I chose this photo because I loved it, nothing more! 

I am so disappointed in this show. It was on fire for awhile and now it's like they threw some interns in and it's just a dull mess. No, I'm not going to mince words. The Lucky return is a slow-moving sloggy retread of a story and the editing on the rest of the show made me tear my hair out. 
Rough week for Wubsy! 

Be prepared and grab some grub and coffee we go go ! 

YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE:  I'll say it again this week: The one great, awesome perfect thing on the show right now is Ric's return. Damn, talk about hitting the ground and soaping things up!! WOW. EVERY scene he's in just gets better. When he and Sonny were arguing this week, Sonny was more animated than I've seen him in a year. With Heather? EVEN THE HIP story got a bit interesting!! He listened to her and you could see his compassion meet with money greed. Then in 1/2 show flat, he finds out the tests are different between labs.  The Elizabeth scenes at Bobbie's were also gold. MORE PLEASE. 

IN A CAGE:  Yada yada...gun..yada yada Car at The Quartermaines and, Alexis is in jail with no bail. The judge was like: GET THEE TO PENTONVILLE. Kristina screamed and cried but was stopped from "Confession".  Showing Alexis getting her booking done was kind of redundant since she's been in there before. BUT!! Can you guess who her roomie is?? Can you?? Welp, HEATHER WEBBER, that's who. Now we can hear them go over and over her hip case. :eyeroll:

SAM REDUX:  So this is where the freaky taping and editing comes in. Sam visits Alexis at the PCPD and everyone says that this was taped THE DAY OF THE FUNERAL. Sure enough, Sam2 has on her funeral outfit. Then she goes and talks to Dante in the hall so that had to have been taped that time too. Court room scenes? Same. The kicker is Sam says she's going to dive for the gun that was lost. Now, it's a river not even the lake so one would THINK it might be safe but... I think this is how she's going to go "missing:. Or drown. OR? Who knows. Will Kelly return for those scenes? Will they be done 'off camera' and we don't even see her go in?? MESS. This is a mess 

SPEAKING OF WONKY EDITING: If you saw Friday's show you probably thought you hit your head and missed something. We enter the Q kitchen with Ned and Michael screaming about finding Valentin and ELQ!! I'm also convinced these were taped when Wally was on set for the dialect coach scenes and inserted. First of all, it was amazingly out of place and secondly, Lois is talking in her weird accent and Ned notices. I'm still stunned they put that scene in there like that with no lead up, especially when we haven't heard about Valentin in months. 

GIO DIO: In the same scene, Gio comes in and tells Ned to 'lay off' of Lois' accent. I mean HE doesn't have one, right??? They then talk about how mean Ned is and how great Sonny can be. Come on now, if something is happening with this kid just do it. He's such a goodie goodie and just wanders around with his damn violin. Did Eddie Maine father him with a groupie? Is it a Dante/Brook secret? Is he Sonny's 99th kid? JUST TELL US. Or...let him go back to Bensonhurst. We don't care. 

JORDAN AND ISAIAH: NICE going on this one. She's taken an interest, he's taken an interest and she brought him a burger. Hell, she even chased Cyrus away from his bedside! He's an organ surgeon so get him out and ready to cut open Lulu. 

CASINO ROYALE-FLOPALE. (you know what I'm saying):  OOFFF. What is happening? Lucky's return has been SO fragmented it's ridiculous. This should have been a fluid, exciting return. If you were going to go with the tired old "captive" route at LEAST make it fast and furious. I've seen so many card games I may as well be in Vegas. Cripes. Yes, Holly is back. Yes, the Sidwell guy is good but damn!! Burton played those scene so stoic I was falling asleep. The whole vibe was cheap and I know they try hard but come can do better. Now they are all trapsing off to the "Compound,. where I think Lucky is going to have escaped using his handy pocket knife. 

LUCKY and ELIZABETH: Didn't this happen with Jason once? Visions of Liz? I don't know--so many captives, so many scenes. I think Drew was remembering Scout at one point. Anyway, in THIS cell, Lucky and Liz finally "meet" while she tends to his wounds. If you're a LL2 fan it was nice to see Becky and JJ together again. I loved early LL2 and then it just got written into a toxic mess when he wanted on/off the show. So am I invested? Meh. 

WEEPER WILLOW:  This whole story would have been SO much better if Drew had tried to pressure Willow more or she was just a little uncomfortable around him due to his creepy nature. Instead, she's uncomfortable around him due to her libido. Since the chem between these 2 are in the negative numbers, it sure doesn't work one damn bit. The whole Yoga on the docks and him coming out bathed in oil just made me laugh. Either get them caught doing it or-- I don't know let Mr. Drew go to Washington. 


Lois: "The Boathouse is still a crime scene" was the biggest tip that is was all filmed wonky. They've had a full family brunch out there, discussions in the boat house, Felicia and Mac making out and Willow doing yoga. Drew even dragged a paddleboard across it!! :HOWLING: I don't get it. I just... don't GET IT. 

Trina was on with Stella at the Surf Shop and Stella is dragging her back to PCU. Good scenes. Trina was also supposed to have dinner with Portia. Scenes were cut. 

Curtis was made head of Aurora by Drew and poor Michael thought it was going to be him. Sad face. 

Day one: Drew is going to quit his campaign because he's down 4% in the polls. Next day Nina is by his side telling him he's up by 7%!! WOW!! Overnight success! Again...editing. 

Kevin and Laura are MIA and it's not like anyone is even saying "GEE, where are they"?? LOL 

PREDICTIONS: Brad will take the fall or did indeed change Heather's results to avenge Britt's death. Portia goes in all frantic to ask Terry why he was hired. She could use him as a cover up or be off the hook all together. 

Curtis will be great at CEO of Aurora and get more airtime? Maybe? 

The gang will go back to the compound and Anna and Jason will find out that Lucky escaped before they got there. OR they'll all sit in a jail cell together for weeks. 

SPOILER PIC OF ALEXIS AND MARTY: Oh, by the way, MARTIN lost his accent!! He visited the same dialect coach as Lois!! LOL.. I got used to that accent. No beard, no fun. 

MY TAKE: Sloppy, sloppy. After the amazing funeral/murder arc I was expecting SO MUCH MORE, Especially with the Lucky return. I really hate they did another "captive" scene and the tired gambling stuff. Burton in the white tux? *sigh*.  By the way, I don't think they are going for an Anna/Jason romance. I think it's strictly business. At least I hope so. 

When I love this show, I tell you....when I don't, I tell you. I can't sugar coat it!! What did you think?? 
Have a good Sunday! Cheers


  1. Thanks for taking your time to do this Karen. Agreed that the show is horrible. I only watched to Liz and Lucky scene. They still have terrific chemistry together. No hopes that the writers can do anything decent, AND Jonathon Jackson probably won't be on here too long I don't imagine.

    1. Jonathan Jackson said he signed a long-term contract, so I think he's sticking around.

  2. Thanks for the great surgery. We were in agreement on most points. Loved the Mr. Drew goes to Washington line. lol, We need Lucky to escape now and Lulu to wake up and have her surgery. I don't want any more weeping willow scenes . ...or knotty pine scenes either. I confess to wanting Sam at the bottom of that river and no trips down to Nixon Falls either. ( and finding the gun and having Alexis released would be perfect. I'd like the govt. judge and the govt DA to be blindsided by that too. Here's hoping we get a well edited show this week and not a "oops I found another unwatched scene" farce.

    thanks again.

  3. Thanks for another great SS!
    The editing is horrendous leading to a dreadful lack of continuity.
    When a popular character returns either do it with a big surprise or just have them walk in the door. These long drawn out returns are zzzzzz. The perfect example is Ric. His return has been done so well.
    I don't think Brad returned to avenge Heather. It's all Portia.
    Heather and Alexis could be funny even though Alexis being held on nothing is ridiculous.
    Did they decide to "kill" Sam before or after they decided to resurrect Lulu? It is a long awakening.
    Happy Autumn everyone!

    1. I want Portia to be caught out. She shouldn't be in charge of anything after doctoring someone's results.

  4. -we all agree for sure!
    -----at least that time Jason came back, he fell through the roof! this Lucky thing is horrible - I don't even care about him anymore...
    ----and I'm gonna be mad when Anna in her evening gown and heels start hurting or killing people and then running.......and Jason's white dinner jacket will probably not be dirty cause no way Sidwell gives them new clothes to wear.
    -----he DOES have potential but we need to know more him ESPECIALLY does he know who Holly really is???
    -----yes editing is pitiful (which I point out on social media as often as possible for Frank V to see....LOL
    -----NOT even acknowledging Laura and Kevin for WEEKS have been gone has pushed me over the edge - are we supposed to believe NOT ONE TIME would Laura to see if Lulu is still alive?????????????? I SCREAM THIS.....sorry
    ------I also can't believe grown people writing didn't have the discussion of 'ah, do you all think fans WILL like Drew and Willow?" #theydonotcare..........and we all know Nina is gonna marry Drew (still waitin on that opponent to show up)
    ------no accent = ruins the characters....
    ------I wish that Portia, Kristina, Drew, Willow and Michael would go for a three hour tour on the Haunted Star and be gone for years.....
    GH is a mess.....

    1. lol Love the idea of that 3 hour tour but ith our luck, Mufasa, it would land on Cassadine island.

  5. I agree with everything that you said! So disappointed with this hodge podge mess. It could be so much better. And I do not like the plan to kill of Sam or possibly pairing Anna with Jason. And PLEASE stop the Willow/Drew disgusting mess. ICK!!!

  6. About the recent loss of accents in Lois and Martin. Even if the change was requested by the actors, isn't that what acting is all about? Those little touches matter.

  7. Ric’s return has been so exceptional and Lucky’s so pathetic. I can’t stand to even watch Kristina. I find the character and the actress unlikable. Same goes for Drew.

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