Friday, September 27, 2024



So, I've calmed a 10th of a degree and I need to explain myself. It wasn't the KISS ITSELF that had me all riled up. That was bad yes, but I do think on Jason's part it was due to the fact someone was coming. (Not sure how that works but...whatever). Anna's part though? Her panicked desperation looking for another pick for his lock wasn't an "act". Her 'We are going to die here" wasn't an act. His saying "Calm down" and telling her to stop was right in there. ANNA DEVANE. Upset enough that St. Jaysus of the Morgan is 'helping her through it'. 


SHE leaned in for a kiss. He was going for it. He looked back, probably heard something and kissed her-- because, it is a distraction? I don't know BUT THE WHOLE SCENE WAS WRONG. 

Watch here:  KISSY UCKY 

This show was on FIRE 3 weeks ago. I was praising it to high heaven. This Lucky comeback is just killin' me. Great actors are all just fumbling around for days in a room playing cards. One room was decorated more nicely but still, it's been a snoozer. They should have absolutely done the Lucky rescue in a 2-3 day arc with nothing else on but maybe Lulu's Coma Bed Visitations. 

That's just my take. You know me, I'm passionate about this show and when I go off the rails, I go off the rails. 

BTW, I should have taped myself during those scenes. I was yelling NO NO NO NO... and my hubs came out of the kitchen and was like: WHAT? YOU OK? He thought something happened in the world that was huge news. 

No, just me...having a bad soap day!!! 


  1. LOL I felt all of these things that you felt and yes, my husband saw me crying and angry all at the same time. When I get too angry, tears come out and that's what my husband walked in on. He was like your soap? I was like Yessss!!!!!! balls LOL

    1. I was gasping too LOL... soaps. Look what they do to us!

  2. That KISS: YUCK

    Michael E Knight's acting with Nancy Lee Grahn is superb. Haven't seen him acting like that since Tad.

    1. 100% and I put that on twitter. They were amazing for sure

  3. Totally appreciate that you went off the rails. So did I. I was yelling, shrieking you name it. Again Saint Jaysus to the rescue, I'm still queasy from all of this. Absolutely agree about the endless JJ rescue. Move it along already and I may never play poker again.

    Big fat yes to how great Nancy and Michael were. I was really liking him with Molly, too. I'm pretty much done with Krissie but the actress is great.

    Hang in there Wubs because I can't live without ya!

  4. We ALL screamed and went off the rails. There was one stupid person on social media who told me I needed to get a life - cause they LOVED Jason and Anna. WTH?
    ----After reading all the posts, it DOES seem that Jason heard the guards coming, etc etc and that is why he kissed her BUT BUT Karen is ALL OVER THIS _
    Anna is a freakin WSB agent who was a bad-ass girl and now she cries MORE THAN ANYONE ON THE SHOW!

  5. I am thinking they are dragging out the Lucky rescue because Genie Francis is on vacation. She needs to be there for the transplant. If you think about it, Sam and Dante are gross too. He is living with a women who dated and lost a baby with his father. Hopefully, the kiss is a diversion by Jason.

    1. The fact Sam and Dante share not one - but two - siblings has been off putting to me, too.

  6. Lucas recast by a Van Hansis from ATWT. Why not get the original back-we loved him?

  7. Anna was the epitome of a strong, brave confident spy woman. In the past few years all of those traits have gone. She whines and cries and begs others for favors.
    Today...the three stooges. Anna/Jason/Lucky are standing in a pathetic ring of fire when lo and behold there's Holly in a big old car backing up to a completely open wall that they didn't even see. I was OMGing so loud!
    Didn't listen to one filler word of Felicia and Elizabeth's conversation.
    Robert looking and sounding awful again. Out of sequence taping.
    Lucky's return has bee so done on GH. These writers have no creativity left.
    Maybe Lucas' return will be hope for more Brad.

    1. "Zazu says, Robert looking and sounding awful again."

      In the beginning of the scene he sounded and looked great!

    2. Crazy. Scenes all over the place. #theydontcare

    3. "zazu says, Crazy. Scenes all over the place. #theydontcare"

      Yeah some scenes don't make any sense!!! It's all a hot mess. Like when Michael and Ned were arguing over ELQ! HUH?! And then Drew and Ned were arguing about ELQ. Huh?! It felt like they took out a lot of scenes!

  8. Yeah I read that. Interesting. I wonder what happened with Ryan Carnes. Well with today's GH I'll put it here?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Sonny: They have to act like they are a couple. Sonny needs to talk to Marty, and Carly don't give a crap. She is on her phone. Hahahaha!

    Natalia and Lucy: Lucy sees Carly and Sonny together and gossips. Hey! Lucy wore that dress before.

    Sonny and Marty: They talk about Alexis and wants him to get her out. Nothing exciting there.

    Sonny and Carly: Carly is trying to get a hold of Brennan. She can't. She thinks Anna and Jason are in trouble! She needs to go!

    Natalia aka giggle Mouse and Sonny: She wants to know what is going on with him and Carly. Oh yes it's very complicated. Diane shows up!

    Sonny and Diane: Diane is upset with him and wonders where Carly is and to stick with the plan! *Facepalm*

    Diane and Robert: Ooooo they have a date!!! Tristan Rogers looks and sounds really good! :) Anyway Diane isn't very impressed with Brennan. ROFL!

    Marty and Lucy: Lucy wonders why Marty hasn't contacted her. Marty doesn't want anything to do with her. ROFL! Geez Lucy I thought you and Scotty were together. Do you want Marty back? I'm confused.

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Casha and Tracy: Cowboy Cody wins the line of the day.

    Cowboy Cody: Are you okay?

    ROFL! Tracy is trying to apologize but geez Cowboy Cody keeps talking! :) Relax Cowboy Cody! Tracy finally apologizes and thinks they are a cute couple awwww. :)

    Brennan's WSB office:

    Brennan and Carly: Carly is so worried. They look at the satellite image of the compound. His men in a plane threw a bomb! That was so cool!!!! But then Brennan talked about how they are in illegal airspace and Jason and them don't know and shouldn't know. They could be shot down!! Oh come on!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait they are all safe YAY! :D Oh a Carly and Brennan hug. Love the hug. Love how he touches the back of her head! :)


    Jason and Anna: UGH! They reshowed the kiss again, but I covered my eyes this time. Yeah I don't understand with Anna yesterday cried and got really upset over not being able to get the handcuffs off of Jason. That was odd.

    Jason, Anna, and the bad guys: Jason and Anna fought the bad guys. and Anna screamed, AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Which made me laugh. But the bad guys were stronger.

    Jason, Anna, and Lucky: Sidwell Cookie got knocked out! I guess he won't taste well anymore. Lucky says you go without me! WHAT THE HELL?! Who wrote that stupid line. They came to get you Lucky!!!! To bring you to Port Chuckles to help with Lulu! You know this! *Facepalm*

    Jason, Anna, Lucky, and Holly: See?! That should have been right from the beginning with Holly and the car!

    The plane: Jason, Anna, and Lucky can all relax. Lulu is on dialysis?!?! HUH?!

    The hospital:

    Liz and Felicia: They talk about Lucky and the past, and about Aidan and Lucky. Felicia talks about Frisco and her past. It was a great scene actually. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 15th 2012* Carly brings little Joss to the hospital.

    1. Wait a minute. I thought Lily's liver was the problem. Dialysis is for failing kidneys not livers, or am I in lala land.

  9. That kiss was GROSS! It was sooooo wrong! First Willow and Drew and now this?! Please make it stop!



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...