Monday, September 16, 2024



Well, I'm here today. It's hotter than heck out again and I'm feeling bad for all the kids in WNY because we don't have any air in our schools. BRUTAL!

Yesterday was a year that Billy Miller left us and there were a lot of tributes on socials. I didn't know or I would have definitely mentioned it in the Sunday Surgery. Such a loss. 


Sonny goes to the Gallery to tell Ava he wants to postpone the custody case. She's like NOPE! He tells her she doesn't even have a lawyer, Scotty is gone. "Who is going to represent you"?? RIC WALKS OUT! AHAHAHAHA. Ric tells Sonny that he plans on using Kristina's disaster of a life to show Sonny is an unfit parent. They argue, banter. Ava loves it. Sonny thinks the upset about Kristina getting more attention is Ric still mad their mother kept Sonny and got rid of Ric. Sonny had the worse childhood though so he says it wasn't that great. YOU HAVE TO WATCH these scenes on You Tube. Maurice, Maura and Rick are just on fire. 

Cody goes into Lulu's room. Dante is there. He wants to meet Lulu. What a swank room she has! Even has a little sitting room in it LOL . Dante Waxes Poetic about meeting Lulu and their early life. He loves Sam but he doesn't forget how he felt about Lulu. Goes on and on about LULU. Strong, feisty... smart. 

Danny runs into GH and needs to find Dante to tell him that Jason is going to Africa to find Lucky. Elizabeth is all, what ??

Tracey and Sasha are outside the boathouse cleaning up the lunch. Well, Sasha is. Tracey is just being snotty. It's a dumb talk about 'boundaries' and Sasha not having any and she's an employee. Says that Sasha is a good cook and shouldn't be content to 'make Cody happy" or some weird stuff. 

Kristina goes into Molly's office and asks her if she turned her in for Cate's murder. Molly said she did tell the police her whereabouts were unaccounted for. Molly says it's about helping their mother anyway. She's going to be charged and Krissy doesn't even care. They argue. Kristina is throwing a pitty party. Molly tells her to confess. Molly finds out Alexis is at the station because Dex calls her. She is going there because Alexis has no lawyer. Asks Krissy again if she killed Cates. Kristina says no. Molly says it doesn't matter because their mom things she did and is going to protect her. 

Krissy texts Dante for help. 

Alexis is at the PCPD and wants a phone call. Mac gives her the phone. SAM walks in. NOT KELLY MONACO tho.. it's Lindsey Hartely. Um..WELP! Oh, people are saying that these scenes were taped the day of Irene's funeral. WHICH IS DUMB but..okay. Whatever. Alexis gets interviewed by Bennett. She says she's representing herself. She says she saw the gun in the GRASS at her house (moon was out) and wanted to get rid of it because of her grandkids and --threw it off the bridge. Pffffffft. Um, okay? Ok, so it all comes down to Bennett getting Alexis to say she drove to the bridge and then straight back home. She says no one else took her car. BUT They have that car on video AT THE Qs! (That's when Kristina took it!!) 

Liz calls Sam to come into GH To get Danny. Danny tells her that Jason went to Somalia and is getting Lucky. Liz sends him to Bobbie's Diner to get BLTs. Sam is all mad Jason went off and didn't tell them. Danny overhears Sam saying some things and thinks she said he's not coming back alive. 


Alexis says she was the only one driving her car. Bennett tells her that car was seen parked in the Q driveway the night Cates was shot. BLOOP! 


  1. Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Sonny: Sonny! Give Ava her daughter back! It's like Avery is being held hostage!

    Ava, Sonny, and Ric: FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D About time Sonny and Ric have a scene together!

    Molly's office:

    Molly and Krissy: Krissy!!! Molly is right!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Krissy go to your mother and tell her you didn't kill JohnJag!

    Police station:

    Alexis and Temp Sam: Lindsey Hartley! That is unexpected! Why can't we just keep her?

    Alexis and Bennett: Bennett wins the line of the day.

    Bennett: Yeah probably shouldn't. I'm hungry.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah good idea not to tell him what you ate Alexis. I'm sure you will hear his stomach growling soon. ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Dante and comatose Lulu: He is putting lotion on her hand awwwwww! :) Dante you are so sweet!!! Who is in that bed anyway? A dummy? Or an actual person? :) Well at least it's not a broom with blonde hair like they did when Laura was in a comatose state. ROFL!

    Dante, coma Lulu, and Cowboy Cody: Oh hello Cowboy Cody! Yes yes meet Lulu. :) Wait Dante misses Lulu being feisty, strong, and smart? Foreshadowing!!!! :D

    Cowboy Cody and coma Lulu: Awwwww good. I'm glad they "met" :) I'm sure she will have a lot of questions for him about Dante.

    Danny Cheeto and Liz: I'm glad Jason told him where he is going. I'm glad he educated himself on where his dad is and how Africa is.. Good boy! :)

    Danny Cheeto, Liz, and Temp Sam: Love when Sam is in mother cub mode. :) Oh oh he shouldn't of overheard what Sam said though YIKES! Love that Danny Cheeto is positive.

    Dante and Krissy: Yeah Krissy calm down or you could have a panic attack.

    Q boathouse:

    Tracy and Sasha: Sasha are you sure Tracy just wants to be friends with cowboy Cody? Or does she really want him as her bed buddy? ROFL!

  2. ---still odd Jake is just gone....
    -----we all know Sonny won't go to jail and Ric is gonna lose the custody case but not sure like Karen said HOW does Sonny get off????? unless Brennan or Brick finds a scapegoat
    -----so no Laura or Anna -------guess no one is running PC and they are pitiful leaders who just leave to do personal things!!!
    -----I DO like Detective Bennett----- and yes Maura, MB and RH are amazing together....please Ava don't fall in love with Ric!
    ----didn't understand why Kristina contacted Dante this time - not Michael.

    1. "Mufasa says, please Ava don't fall in love with Ric!"

      Hahahaha. Today I wondered if something was going to happen between them. :)

  3. and because of Billy Miller's mom's post - I DO think Frank might be punishing KM for whatever she did and now that her post was 'I WILL be telling the truth" I think she has finished filming her scenes....
    Lindsey fill-in was the same time frame as the funeral when she subbed.

  4. remember when Sonny shot Cates and we thought it odd so blatant and then others commented that the blood was weirdly spread???? Sonny COULD get out of this if it turns out someone else shot him first - and then Sonny did shoot but Cates was dead???? Maybe Brennan knows who did it? or funny if Selina did it.....
    just a thought - I think it's going to have a twist....

    1. Yeah! That is the only way Sonny could get out of this!!



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...