Friday, September 20, 2024



So, Michael and Ned are arguing about Valentin and it's really weird. Where is he? They have to find him to get ELQ straightened out. Then LOIS says "the boathouse is still a crime scene". I feel like I hit my head and missed an entire show.  Michael says they have to find Valentin. Willow offers to take him out to 'get his mind off things'

Lois tells Ned he has to let go of his hate for Sonny (I don't know how we got there but we did). He's like NOPE! Then GIO walks into the kitchen. Ned says he doesn't like Lois' new accent Inon-accent) and Gio says "that's harsh" and gets in his face. Ned says he knows, the truth is harsh. He leaves the kitchen. Gio and Lois talk about the punk rock show they went to -- and she says Sonny took her to her first one. Gio doesn't know why everyone hates Sonny. He's always been nice to Gio. 

Curtis and Portia are in The Savoy.  Run into Drew and Nina. It's interesting because Portia WAS going to dinner with Trina last I heard. 

Oh# Nina says Drew is UP in the polls.  He was JUST down in the polls and was going to quit!! WTF. Anyway, she thinks he needs to stop working at Aurora and focus on the election. 

Drew talks to Curtis. He wants him to be CEO of Aurora while he's on the voter trail.  Why not Michael asks Curtis. Drew says he has other stuff to do. 

Michael and Willow walk into The Savoy. Willow sees Drew.  She gets upset and goes to leave. Drew stops her.  He says nothing is going on between them and she shouldn't leave. 

Lucky is being dragged into a cell by 2 guys. He imagines Liz is tending to his wounds.  She says he's run away his whole life from his family and he's right up to the edge of his grave.  They talk about why he left, he says he's a coward. Had to go help people. She says come home. 

Sid and Jason play cards, Jason loses. He thinks he cheated, pulls a card from the woman they are sitting next to. He and Sid do a 'playoff" game. Jason wins. 

Holly catches Anna stealing the phone. They banter, yada yada. Anna tells her she's doing what she's doing "for Luke".  Tells her about Lulu. Holly says they'll never get into the compound. Anna says it needs to be an inside job. Some skulky guy is listening.  Anna puts the phone back and tells Jason to keep playing and they may be getting an invite into the camp. Then they PLAY ANOTHER GAME and Sid has to bet some bracelet because he's out of cash. Jason wins. Holly tells Sidwell to invite Anna and Jason back to the camp to get her bracelet back. 

Lucky wakes up, tries to break out with a knife he has

Sid invites Jason and Anna back to the camp but he knows who they are and they will pay! 

MONDAY: No follow up to the Africa stuff.  Unbelievable. 


  1. ----I will repeat - high school students could do better editing - BEYOND ridiulous that 'it's a crime scenes after SOOOO much going on at the boat house.
    -----THEN Drew YESTERDAY was down 4 points and quitting - next day up 7 points....-EDITING
    -----Wonder at what point will the writers realize we ALL hate Willow and Drew? BOTH of them? Willow is NOT in high school - she wasn't even gonna tell HER HUSBAND she was leaving 2 minutes after arriving? Maybe Drew and Willow can have an affair and LEAVE PC.
    ------SO Jason and Anna are glamming it up while NO ONE knows where Laura and Kevin are? I JUST CANNOT -----
    -----At least Ned and Michael acknowledged Valentin is the major stockholder but who the hell runs ELQ? Seriously? and Drew choose Curtis over Michael?
    -----Does Sidwell KNOW HOlly's real name, etc. and how did the guy know who Jason and Anna were? next step is Anna running out of the compound in that dress..and Jason CARRYING Lucky...sigh.
    -----Not a Friday show - but more and more I think the writers are laughing at us.

  2. Yes, Lois says "the boathouse is still a crime scene". The place where Sasha laid out a lovely lunch and where Willow was doing her DrewYoga. So bad.
    My soapy idea is for Michael to find out about Willow and man slime and he quickly kills him. With Sonny as a witness. Anything to make man slime, maybe that's what's growing on his face, go away.
    Holly and Anna look nice together.
    Lucky at the end is how I feel after watching GH sometimes.
    Preview shows that Portia will blame Brad for Heather's blood work snafu. What a surprise.

  3. Wow! This show today was so confusing and so bad! I got lost. I was bored!

    Q mansion:

    Michael, Ned, and Robot Lois: Okay what?! I felt like I missed an episode. I'm so confused!!! Stop talking like that Robot Lois!!! *Facepalm* Robot Lois wins the line of the day.

    Robot Lois: Like the fact that the boathouse is still a crime scene.

    WHAT?! BAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHA! Come on writers. That is a dumb line. Did the writers forget that Willow was doing yoga and the Scorpio family had brunch? Or did different writers write this? Or was this out of order?

    Ned and Robot Lois: YES! You tell her Ned!!!!! Be yourself Lois! Uh why is robot Lois defending Sonny? I'm so confused! Oh shut up Gio! All Ned means is that Lois should just be herself!

    Robot Lois and Gio: Make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the scene got better when Lois's accent came out!! :)

    The Savoy:

    Purtis: Wait I thought Portia was going to be with Trina? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Nina: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Nina and Portia: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Willow and Neka: What?! Willow can't tell Michael she is leaving herself?!?!! UGH! *Facepalm*

    Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Oh goodie. He convinced her to stay. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Africa Jail: Whatever this place is called. Come on! Enough of Lucky in turmoil!! *Facepalm* OH! Lucky sees Liz! YAY! Scene just got better! Oh wait though he left Port Chuckles because his wife died!! Come on writers! Don't rewrite history!

    Africa gambling hall: UGH! I'm so bored!!!!! Zzzzzzzzzzz. Why can't Holly and Anna work together? Oh they end up working together! YAY! Still bored with the gambling scenes. Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into the time machine to go to September 18th 2007* Lulu finds out about Logan and Maxie!

  4. The editing on the show is amateurish. ABC/Disney, Frank Valentini, and the entire production crew should be embarrassed.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...