Monday, September 30, 2024

HOME Again


I wasn't going to watch AGAIN but I'm here because I'm sick and well, I've slept enough today. Can't get much worse!!! 

Carly is visiting Lulu's bedside and Brennan walks in. He says everyone is safe. 

Lucky is at the hospital. Portia and Terry are relieved to see him. Portia examines him and takes blood. They'll know if he's a match soon

Carly tells Jason and Lucky that they can't reach Kevin and Laura. Weather, Africa...yada yada He tells her about the drone rescue and she yells: THAT WAS ME!! I DID THAT! I went to BRENNAN AND I KNEW ABOUT THEM...AND.. Oh, brother :Eyeroll:  

Lucky is cleared to go see Lulu. He flashes back to when she was a baby and he was younger and talking to her. GAH

Anna has Jason kiss flashbacks. Felicia arrives. Anna didn't even get to change her damn clothes. Fe wants all the dirt on the caper. She mentions Jason was so amazing. Also that Holly is home. Anna talks about that night almost dying. Felicia says: that has to be a comfort like he was suck a comfort to ROBIN. HAHAHAHA 

NEW AIDAN I knew he couldn't be THAT TALL!! KNEW IT!! Liz tells him Lucky is home. He LOOKS more like Lucky but he seems like he's about 20 in real life LOL. I guess he's only 14? I'll have to look him up on IMDB at some point. Terry comes in later and tells Liz that Lucky is being tested. Liz says she knows Lucky is only home to save Lulu. Doesn't have any expectations. 

Holly visits Mac at Maxie's, she's looking for Robert. He's not home, he's not at the office. Mac takes James to school and Holly makes herself coffee. She calls someone about the diamonds. Then Mac gets back home. He tells her he has  son and asks about Ethan. He also says Robert is happy and has a good life. Tells her all she does is swoop in and cause chaos and leaves. She gets all pouty and is like: WELL!! GOODBYE! 

Curtis and Nina are on at the office. He's all in a suit. He got distribution for Crimson in Australia. She says things about Drew and he gives her the side eye. She says she's Drew's campaign wife. HE's like, girl, how you have the time? (BTW, this part of the show does NOT fit in with the rest of the show) Curtis gets a random phone call telling him Marshall is going to tour with Winton Marsalis.  Oh, okay? 


Holly goes to knock on Robert's door and stops herself

Carly can tell that something "ELSE" happened on that mission (smelling Anna? LOL)

Lucky is a match for Lulu and his liver is healthy

Lucky and Liz come face to face at Bobbie's. 

NO NEW GH UNTIL THURSDAY... unless Baseball runs over and then it will be FRIDAY


  1. 'Anna appears cleansed and refreshed from her shower'. Isn't that how her scene should have started? No, same cell clothes.
    I can almost smell Lucky.
    On a FB GH page they came up with "Holly Gobadly", a perfect nickname for her.
    NuAidan is an adult. Time to recast Cam. He'll probably be 30.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The hospital:

    Terry, Portia and Lucky: Damn! Terry is acting like Lucky is a rockstar and that she is a huge fan of his! ROFL!

    Portia and Lucky: I'm glad Lucky is finally in Port Chuckles! Geez! Took like what a month?

    Carly and Lulu: Ohhhhh! I see Lulu's blonde hair!!! :)

    Carly and Brennan: Oh Brennan just Carly out on a date! Well I guess you will have to wait until Lulu wakes up.

    Lucky and Lulu: Dammit! The flashbacks made me cry!!!! GAH! Damn you writers pulling at my heartstrings! Now cut that out!

    Carly, Jason, and Lucky:

    Lucky: You haven't changed a bit.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it! Yeah someone has to contact Kevlar to tell them Lucky is there! I mean when Lucky and them were on the plane, I was thinking isn't anybody going to contact Kevlar?!

    Carly and Jason: Carly wins the line of the day!

    Carly: That was me! You know I know a guy.


    Carly: What else happened on the mission? I know you.

    "Karen: (smelling Anna? LOL)"

    Hahahahaha. I'm sure she does smell her on him. :) You win Karen hahahaha!

    Portia and Terry: Geez Portia was looking all serious I thought Lucky wasn't a match. Whew glad he is!

    Anna's home: Damn flashback! I turned my head so I didn't see it.

    Anna and Felicia: Felicia you should have been there instead of Jason!! Yes Felicia you tell her that Jason and Robin were close and they were a couple and lovers! :) That they loved each other deeply! So no Jason and Anna!!

    Liz's home:

    Liz and RecastAidan: Damn! RecastAidan has a deep voice. He hit puberty! ROFL! Great scene. He loves his mother very much. Liz says don't make me cry, well he sure made me cry!!!

    Liz and Terry: Geez Terry is gushing over rockstar Lucky. Terry do you have a crush on him? ROFL! Love the talk of the past!!! :) Great scene!

    Maxie's home:

    Holly and James: James is adorable!!!!! :D

    Holly and Mac: Talk of the past!!! :) Yeah Mac is right Holly don't interrupt Robert's life! Leave him alone!!

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Brennan: New bromance? :D

    Outside Robert's office: Oh changed your mind Holly? What Mac said got to you huh? Good!

    Curtis's office: Is it his office?

    Nina and Curtis: Man Curtis looks foine!!! Yowza. HELLO! :) Now take your shirt off Curtis! :) I love that Curtis is worried about Nina. Wait Mr. Hat man going on tour? Huh?!


    Liz and Lucky: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! My L&L 2 heart exploded!

    Greenies: Hmmm. Who is this hot specimen?

    1. I thought new Aiden was good. Maybe a little older than he should be, but I've given up caring about that. (All the boys look similar to me, Rocco, Aiden, Danny.) That bit about him being proud to be his mother's son, gah! I got all teary eyed.
      Spewed my coffee about Carly smelling Anna on Jason! HAHAHAHAHAH!
      I couldn't watch the kiss again either. My stomach is too delicate.

      And I'm with you Sonya. L&L2 "heart exploding!"

    2. Julie H says, I thought new Aiden was good. Maybe a little older than he should be,

      Yeah like 20 ROFL!

      (All the boys look similar to me, Rocco, Aiden, Danny.)

      Well, they are family! *Giggle*

      That bit about him being proud to be his mother's son, gah! I got all teary eyed.

      The best scene!!!! :)

      Spewed my coffee about Carly smelling Anna on Jason! HAHAHAHAHAH!

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! She has a good nose to smell. :)

      I couldn't watch the kiss again either. My stomach is too delicate.

      Yeah my stomach is too delicate too!

      And I'm with you Sonya. L&L2 "heart exploding!"


    3. Oops. Anyway yes my L&L 2 heart! :)

  4. The flashbacks of young Lucky and Lulu made me cry too.

  5. They really SORA's Aiden. Yikes Is he older than Jake now? lol

    1. Yeah how old is Aiden now? 25? ROFL!

    2. There was no need to make him this old. Kinda disappointed.

    3. He's still in school. He can't be that old.


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