Friday, September 27, 2024

So- this happened



  1. okay I enjoyed todays show-----I liked the rescue and I KNEW Holly had those diamonds - you can't trust her but wouldn't EVEN a WSB customs person have to check bags and people?
    -------Was that Anna's phone or Sidwell's phone?
    -------I STILL HATE Jason and Anna AS WELL as Sonny and Natalia - gotta admire her walking away BUT it was interesting that she said her baggage 'sometimes makes people go away' cause I STILL think too she knew who Sonny was.
    -----_Carly and Brennan yes
    ------so Laura and Kevin mentioned and Lucky said 'oh good the refugee camp is safe. and never once said 'let's call her and tell her I am on my way home' - nope he calls GH..
    an Liz answers
    ------the picky thing was Felicia and Liz acting like she has NOT been in love one time for the whole time Lucky has been gone: she had Franco and Finn ---that conversation was bizarre.
    -------LOVED Tracy today
    ------at least Lucy acknowledged how great Marty looks except I wish she had mentioned the accent is gone...
    ------previews - sigh - Anna 'it wasn't what I expected' talking about the trip.

    1. Hopefully once JJ & Becky lay eyes on each other the magic will start. Hopefully we will get a good week next week if he's back.

      I am not a huge Hollie fan, I would have much rather had another person in these scenes but that's just my opinion. She's lovely and all, but she shows up and disappears over and over.

      I really liked the old Lucas, he was believable as a Dr. This new dude looks young.

    2. I liked the old Lucas. The actor had a presence that I don't see in any of this guys roles or pics. I'm afraid we're going to be in for another big personality change.

  2. Today's episode was good. The rescue was well done, but I still dislike the overall Sidwell story. It was a bad way to bring Lucky back on the scene. I am absolutely looking forward to a Lucky and Elizabeth reunion, however.

    My understanding is that Ryan Carnes (old Lucas) didn't want a contract because he is focusing on his music now. I loooooove Van Hansis. I have never seen "As The World Turns," but I urge folks to check him out on "EastSiders." It's a comedy-drama series on Netflix and he is excellent in it.

    It definitely seems like they are trying to revive the Spencers/Webbers as a core family. Lucky, Lulu, Lucas. Is a nuValerie coming, too?

    I would like to see Lucas try to connect with Ava, as the last vestige of his biological family.

  3. I forgot to mention Brennan's assistant with the fake accent ---- I felt I was watching Natasha on Rocky and Bullwinkle



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...